Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Zoom Coffee.
dusk arising said:
Smiling Yes.... but this one went clean over my head... Zoom??
March 7th, 2021 03:03
dusk arising said:
Smiling Yes.... but this one went clean over my head... Zoom??
March 7th, 2021 03:03
Never Parted.
Neville said:
this has got the lot dear sir .. true love n jazz .. what more could a guy want ..
March 6th, 2021 16:16
Neville said:
this has got the lot dear sir .. true love n jazz .. what more could a guy want ..
March 6th, 2021 16:16
Never Parted.
FredPeyer said:
Beautiful Andy! I KNOW she is there with you all the time. And yes, you will be \'holding hands again\' (figuratively speaking) one day.
March 6th, 2021 10:38
FredPeyer said:
Beautiful Andy! I KNOW she is there with you all the time. And yes, you will be \'holding hands again\' (figuratively speaking) one day.
March 6th, 2021 10:38
Getting Older.
FredPeyer said:
You said it well Andy, time is a one way street. There is beauty in age, all we have to do is find it!
March 6th, 2021 10:21
FredPeyer said:
You said it well Andy, time is a one way street. There is beauty in age, all we have to do is find it!
March 6th, 2021 10:21
Never Parted.
dusk arising said:
Poetic scenes fill my mind upon reading your post. Not unlike the owl and the pussycat sailing away.... not ridicule at all, far from it.... for we have no earthly concept of that sailing journey awaiting us all...... we can but dream.
March 6th, 2021 05:03
dusk arising said:
Poetic scenes fill my mind upon reading your post. Not unlike the owl and the pussycat sailing away.... not ridicule at all, far from it.... for we have no earthly concept of that sailing journey awaiting us all...... we can but dream.
March 6th, 2021 05:03
AwHec8 said:
I am well aware of the plight of People, especially children, around the world, Of the evil that goes on in this world because of War.
And I do mean But this Poem hit something raw in my mind that freaked me out. Every time I tried to read this Poem I couldn\'t make it through, as it put me right there with these children. So vivid in my mind that all I could do was cry. Tears of sorrow, Tears of Joy for the Heart of this child, the Heart of all these children. Period.
For those who know what I am talking about well then you know why I posted what I did. For those who have never been blown off your feet. knocked off your well being in such a way by mere words, I hope you never are hit like this Poem hit with words of expression so well written it blew my mind. I meant what I said Goldfinch60 Great Write. Don
March 6th, 2021 04:12
AwHec8 said:
I am well aware of the plight of People, especially children, around the world, Of the evil that goes on in this world because of War.
And I do mean But this Poem hit something raw in my mind that freaked me out. Every time I tried to read this Poem I couldn\'t make it through, as it put me right there with these children. So vivid in my mind that all I could do was cry. Tears of sorrow, Tears of Joy for the Heart of this child, the Heart of all these children. Period.
For those who know what I am talking about well then you know why I posted what I did. For those who have never been blown off your feet. knocked off your well being in such a way by mere words, I hope you never are hit like this Poem hit with words of expression so well written it blew my mind. I meant what I said Goldfinch60 Great Write. Don
March 6th, 2021 04:12
Never Parted.
Poetry_Lover said:
Beautifully written sir. I can feel the emotion through the screen.
All the love PL xxx
March 6th, 2021 02:55
Poetry_Lover said:
Beautifully written sir. I can feel the emotion through the screen.
All the love PL xxx
March 6th, 2021 02:55
Words To Moments.
dusk arising said:
Ah yes.Where did it all go and what have i still got besides bricks, mortar and memories to rest with.
Questions I\'m sure we lucky survivors have all asked from time to time.
A timely reminder from you that moments are so very important.
March 5th, 2021 09:07
dusk arising said:
Ah yes.Where did it all go and what have i still got besides bricks, mortar and memories to rest with.
Questions I\'m sure we lucky survivors have all asked from time to time.
A timely reminder from you that moments are so very important.
March 5th, 2021 09:07
Getting Older.
Jerry Reynolds said:
One old dude to another,
You been ripened my brother.
Good read, Andy.
March 5th, 2021 08:51
Jerry Reynolds said:
One old dude to another,
You been ripened my brother.
Good read, Andy.
March 5th, 2021 08:51
Getting Older.
dusk arising said:
So right Andy. I lost my older brother some years ago and a part of me lives on in a way that i am \'living on\' for him.
March 5th, 2021 08:29
dusk arising said:
So right Andy. I lost my older brother some years ago and a part of me lives on in a way that i am \'living on\' for him.
March 5th, 2021 08:29
Getting Older.
Classicmister said:
Andy - Another good write - It reminded me of a line from an amateur production I was in many years ago which went ... \"Age is an awesome thing - It is the one true mirror that reflects the vanity of youth!\"
March 5th, 2021 07:08
Classicmister said:
Andy - Another good write - It reminded me of a line from an amateur production I was in many years ago which went ... \"Age is an awesome thing - It is the one true mirror that reflects the vanity of youth!\"
March 5th, 2021 07:08
Getting Older.
L. B. Mek said:
yup, a necessary reminder that \'long lived\' is a badge of honour: in honour, of those who went before us - far, far too early..
a good read Andy
March 5th, 2021 05:23
L. B. Mek said:
yup, a necessary reminder that \'long lived\' is a badge of honour: in honour, of those who went before us - far, far too early..
a good read Andy
March 5th, 2021 05:23
Getting Older.
orchidee said:
A good write Gold.
We\'re very old, you and I! Re: 1066, etc. That\'s two of us getting older at least.
March 5th, 2021 02:51
orchidee said:
A good write Gold.
We\'re very old, you and I! Re: 1066, etc. That\'s two of us getting older at least.
March 5th, 2021 02:51
Getting Older.
Poetic Dan said:
You can not hide from reality maybe it\'s because most forgot to enjoy the journey! As they say, you can survive a long life but never live a day!
Thanks for helping start mine of with a thankful vibration and honoured to know a soul that is wearing the age as gold!
Always appreciated
Much peace and respect
March 5th, 2021 02:43
Poetic Dan said:
You can not hide from reality maybe it\'s because most forgot to enjoy the journey! As they say, you can survive a long life but never live a day!
Thanks for helping start mine of with a thankful vibration and honoured to know a soul that is wearing the age as gold!
Always appreciated
Much peace and respect
March 5th, 2021 02:43
L. B. Mek said:
profound and deeply empathetic, I especially admire your choice to become a tannoy for their \'voice\', by assimilating so many direct quotes and a link video to your raw source of inspiration..
brilliantly executed! demonstrating your humble intent, to simply create awareness, as best as you can - what more \'virtuous a purpose\' for poetry or literature: can ever exist
March 4th, 2021 04:39
L. B. Mek said:
profound and deeply empathetic, I especially admire your choice to become a tannoy for their \'voice\', by assimilating so many direct quotes and a link video to your raw source of inspiration..
brilliantly executed! demonstrating your humble intent, to simply create awareness, as best as you can - what more \'virtuous a purpose\' for poetry or literature: can ever exist
March 4th, 2021 04:39
AwHec8 said:
I can\'t put a \"like\" type action on this, OR a my Favorite type action BUT bless this Holy Write it brought my attention to words of wisdom, words that said to me something I want to be part of to HELP OUT! Don
March 3rd, 2021 20:29
AwHec8 said:
I can\'t put a \"like\" type action on this, OR a my Favorite type action BUT bless this Holy Write it brought my attention to words of wisdom, words that said to me something I want to be part of to HELP OUT! Don
March 3rd, 2021 20:29
AwHec8 said:
Again Forgive me Please as Great Write Goldfinch60 as I was out the door ready to bring some help to these children, these People. Ready to get on a plane to help out personally. Don
March 3rd, 2021 20:25
AwHec8 said:
Again Forgive me Please as Great Write Goldfinch60 as I was out the door ready to bring some help to these children, these People. Ready to get on a plane to help out personally. Don
March 3rd, 2021 20:25
AwHec8 said:
Dude surely you have a way for any of us to make a difference, PLEASE. I ask because I don\'t want to make a comment I want to make an action. Period. But an Action that makes a \"Good\" Difference! Don
Oh yeah Great Write as it made me cry too much. But Hey that\'s Life.
March 3rd, 2021 20:22
AwHec8 said:
Dude surely you have a way for any of us to make a difference, PLEASE. I ask because I don\'t want to make a comment I want to make an action. Period. But an Action that makes a \"Good\" Difference! Don
Oh yeah Great Write as it made me cry too much. But Hey that\'s Life.
March 3rd, 2021 20:22
Beauty of Age.
L. B. Mek said:
wonderful, I imagine more so for the person its dedicated to Andy,
hope your friend has a great b\'day
March 2nd, 2021 05:46
L. B. Mek said:
wonderful, I imagine more so for the person its dedicated to Andy,
hope your friend has a great b\'day
March 2nd, 2021 05:46
Beauty of Age.
orchidee said:
A lovely write Gold.
We\'re very beautiful, us two. We\'ve aged - been around since before 1066!
March 2nd, 2021 02:49
orchidee said:
A lovely write Gold.
We\'re very beautiful, us two. We\'ve aged - been around since before 1066!
March 2nd, 2021 02:49
Love Is Forever.
FredPeyer said:
It is amazing how the mind works. We look at something and right away the memories are there reminding us of the time that this something represents. It can be anything, a flower, a sunset, an item such as yours. Beautiful poem, Andy!
March 1st, 2021 15:58
FredPeyer said:
It is amazing how the mind works. We look at something and right away the memories are there reminding us of the time that this something represents. It can be anything, a flower, a sunset, an item such as yours. Beautiful poem, Andy!
March 1st, 2021 15:58
Love Is Forever.
Doggerel Dave said:
I was trying to express what I knew of that feeling, Andy then I realised you had preempted with \"Some things that seem odd become so important in our lives\" to me! Simple little object has much meaning because you add to it the how when and why and only to you can it have that meaning.
March 1st, 2021 07:01
Doggerel Dave said:
I was trying to express what I knew of that feeling, Andy then I realised you had preempted with \"Some things that seem odd become so important in our lives\" to me! Simple little object has much meaning because you add to it the how when and why and only to you can it have that meaning.
March 1st, 2021 07:01
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