Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Music and Lyrics.
Fay Slimm. said:

Never heard before what determines how you hear music - - thanks for sharing it Andy.

May 21st, 2020 03:23

Music and Lyrics.
Neville said:

What an interesting viewpoint my friend & equally well written πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘β­οΈ

May 21st, 2020 03:01

Music and Lyrics.
orchidee said:

A fine write again Gold. People must be always be happy then - at least when I sing. They thinks it\'s two cats fighting anyway!

May 21st, 2020 01:35

Garden Boundary.

Brian here ~ Thanks for sharing UNCLE ANDY ! Ahhh *Homeward Bound* writen on Widnes (UK) Railway Station (there is a Plaque to prove it ! ) Paul had a great solo career after S & G broke up in 1970 after *Bridge* 50th best song in the 20th C !
Like you we thank GOD we have a GARDEN to relax in & enjoy ! On FRIDAY it will be staked out by SMOKEY - AMEN !

Blessings to You & Yours
Yours Brian & Angela πŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ’™

May 20th, 2020 16:46

Garden Boundary.
mystic flower said:

delightful write

May 20th, 2020 11:25

Garden Boundary.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

May 20th, 2020 01:44

Star Trek Lives.

ANGELA HERE UNCLE ANDY - Gute Nacht ! Thanks for the VIDEO - Powerful voice. Love the CAST in STAR TREK very -memorable ! Thanks for sharing !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love ANGELA und BRIAN πŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ’™πŸ€πŸ§‘

May 19th, 2020 16:44

Star Trek Lives.
Fay Slimm. said:

Enjoyed this posting immensely - the wonderful voice brought back the feeling of space like nothing before. Thanks for sharing it Andy.

May 19th, 2020 03:10

Star Trek Lives.
Neville said:

I can understand where ya coming from and although not a big fan.. I am amazed and impressed that the show has been running for that long... it seems that final frontier is nowhere yet in sight...…


May 19th, 2020 02:33

Star Trek Lives.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.
People go to places they have never gone before, or rather are forced to them, when they hear my singing - the padded cells! Not that they are crazy, but to not hear me. lol.

May 19th, 2020 01:46

Cheating Exercise.
orchidee said:

Doh! And look out for those electric/motorised wheelchairs too. They come straight at you, and don\'t observe 2 metres.
That\'s what I find anyway - the invasion of the demon motorised wheelchairs! Should they be on the road, and not the pavement?
I\'m gonna get one and mow everyone down! lol.

May 18th, 2020 01:39

Stars Shine.
Laura🌻 said:


A beautiful write!
The stars that light up the sky!
They’re all there for us to see and to guide us!

Hope all’s well with your and yours.


May 17th, 2020 15:36

Stars Shine.
Fay Slimm. said:

Stars are such blessings to all on this earth - a lovely Sunday-read Andy and thank you .............

May 17th, 2020 05:39

Stars Shine.
Neville said:

This is not only delightful my friend... it is also quite illuminating...


May 17th, 2020 03:04

Stars Shine.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

May 17th, 2020 02:15

Stars Shine.

GOOD SUNDAY - UNCLE ANDY - ANGELA HERE (Its Sunday & Brian is doing a Full English while I check MPS) Thank you for the Music ! Ahhhhhhhhhh the CELLO most Human if Instruments in shape & tone & texture. I have a Lady Friend who is a Music Tteacher & a Cellist and now we can get together and Play Duets (Her husband is a Pianist) including the one you have featured - very soothing in this time of uncertainty.
A STARRY STARRY NGHT - Always a Blessing reminding us of the vastness of the Universe - and that we are not alone ! We love your assurance that they represent our Love Ones who have *passed over* and that one of them is *Your Beloved Joyce* forever a Star and that one day you will be reunited - together for Eternity - AMEN. Thank you for a Beautiful Poem to start the WEEK. Im not posting today but have posted a NEW FUSION *WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED FROM LOCKDOWN ?* Please add an ODE - Thanks A.

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love ANGELA & BRIAN πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

May 17th, 2020 01:37

Live to Die.
Bragee said:

such soldiers deserve to live forever in my eyes being that I don\'t think I have that type of strength

May 16th, 2020 11:02

Live to Die.

Good Sabbath - Uncle Andy - ANGELA here ! Loved the VIDEO ! *La Puenta sobre Aguas Turbulentes* Our fave song of All Time -. Lovely tribute to the NHS from Jools and Wales ~ AMEN
Enjoyed your Sad Lament. We all HATE COVID 19 - A B & C and we know before the dust settles Millions wil die. We all have to die sometime - BUT Nobody wants to die from COVID 19 - it seems obscene - especially when someone is preferrig to die of CANCER ~ mind numbing. We have lost FRIENDS but (Gracias ser a Dios) no Extended Family - YET !
Lunchtime we will have Lunch in the Garden (Twa Tables) with MAMA & PAPA ~ Mexicana Chilli Con Carne con Rioja Tinta ~ and Manana ~ Roast Chicken plus Trimmings & Chardonay in Brians Mum & Dads Garden ~ No more *Empty Cairs & Empty Tables* AMEN !

Blessings & Peace to YOU & YOURS
Love as always Angela & Brian πŸ§‘πŸ€πŸ’™

May 16th, 2020 05:02

Live to Die.
Neville said:

Sheesh... I am truly lost for words..

May 16th, 2020 04:47

Live to Die.
orchidee said:

A sensitive write Gold. I saw a programme of a narrow escape. A man said \'I don\'t believe my number was called up yet\'.

May 16th, 2020 01:47

Golden Girl.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

lovely write my friend

May 15th, 2020 22:07

Golden Girl.

ANGELA HERE - God Evening Uncle Andy - Remember Im Spanish - Dark Brunnette. Loved todays Poem - We Ladies (30+) just love to be MYSTERIOUS. Love the 30mins of MUSSORGSKI (P A A E) solo Piano. It makes me tingle when I (attempt to) play it ! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Beautiful Ladies. Please check *LET FREEDOM REIGN* Thanks !

Blessings * Peace to You & Yours
Love ANGELA & BRIAN πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

May 15th, 2020 14:11

Golden Girl.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

May 15th, 2020 01:42


GOOD EVENING UNCLE ANDY - ANGELA here. Love the video - very stirring Music and very visual - as it is intended to be !
Pleased my Poem (and your Response) stirred your MUSE. Love the passion & discernment in your excellent Poem. YES Physical Beauty is just Skin Deep and (in my experience) often just Skin Dope ! Brian says he loves me most - when Im divested of my External Glory & when Ive just come out of the Shower (too much information ?). The EYES (as you say) sure are the *Windows of the Soul !*

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

May 14th, 2020 19:00

Michael Edwards said:

The skin is a mere wrapping paper that protects the true gift the lies inside. Nice one Andy and I can listen to Pictures all day long - especially the original piano version.

May 14th, 2020 13:44

orchidee said:

A fine write, and true Gold. Some of the most attractive people outwardly, may turn out to be monsters.
Meanwhile - I was a pretty blue-eyed boy, but I turned up in 1066, and..... you know the rest!

May 14th, 2020 02:13

dusk arising said:

The windows of the soul. Indeed. I have met this lady. She has many forms. My antennae gave me warning. I admired the beauty from afar and wondered at the faulty antennae of their victims. Or was the price worth the glory.

Great observational writing. Unusual to read negative qualities described in your work. The fact that i, your reader, notice this... says something about your character.

May 14th, 2020 01:45

Fay Slimm. said:

Fantastic personification Andy - - the best of talent yet given to toxic \"help\" in order to cope with demands of the public no doubt.......... you told Chet\'s story so well and like you he still lights up my listening time...........

May 13th, 2020 13:16

Neville said:

A magnificent tribute GF60.. some folk truly deserve to be remembered and what better way than in a dedicated poem such as this,


May 13th, 2020 04:02

dusk arising said:

Your writing at it\'s best again here Goldfinch.
An amazing angle you have taken here to adopt the personna of the golden brown smack which entered his veins.
Though i love his ability to play trumpet as if from a cloud afar saluting the theme of the song yet taking it in ownership to somewhere new, it was his singing voice in his later years which captured me. So much living comes through in that voice. He was a handsome man and a star so much living had been done.
In learning more about this man i was astounded to find that he was not a reader of music but was quite capable of taking his place in orchestras and bands, as he did in his early career.
Truly one of the greats. Anyone who does not know his music, play a few of his recordings and you will see how his style becomes a late relaxed evening and seduces your pleasure zones.

OUTSTANDING tribute Goldfinch and a must for my favs.

May 13th, 2020 02:22

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