Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Treasure Hunt.
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

This is a treasure Andy.

I go on a treasure hunt nightly ~ all I have to do is close my eyes.

Ex animo, Alan

September 9th, 2019 05:49

Treasure Hunt.
dusk arising said:

Sounds like a fun day was had.... the best bit of course is meeting up at the watering hole afterwards.
Could equally apply your words to lifes journey.

September 9th, 2019 03:19

Treasure Hunt.
Neville said:

this is a mighty fine poem GF60 and I have interpreted these words in more than the obvious treasure hunt way you intended.... excellent any which way ya look at it...

September 9th, 2019 02:43

Treasure Hunt.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold.

September 9th, 2019 01:43

The Book of Life.
dusk arising said:

Yes indeed the music is sublime.

Online i found this quote, and it is so appropriate for your piece today:-
\"A great deal of literature is only the obvious transformed into the sublime\"

September 8th, 2019 05:38

The Book of Life.
Fay Slimm. said:

A great attitude to have - that book of life I feel sure will be opened chapter by chapter........... one day - - love the number by the way Andy...........

September 8th, 2019 05:28

The Book of Life.
kevin browne said:

And to imagine reading the new chapters in your life. It will have poetry wrutten all over it, There tends to be a ceertain reminding factor of a sudden moment in times appkies the feeling of did I just turn 21 or was it 50. A good book with chapters stamped on your heart...

September 8th, 2019 04:12

The Book of Life.
Clara said:

Oh this is a wonderful way of looking at it...

\'\' We need not close the book,
All we need to do is turn the page \'\'

Great poem. Thank you for sharing!


September 8th, 2019 03:18

The Book of Life.
Neville said:

Don\'t ya just love new chapters and all that they promise... well expressed and nicely crafted Goldfinch60...

September 8th, 2019 02:10

The Book of Life.
Michael Edwards said:

Well said but it gets hard when you realise y
you\'re in the epilogue.

September 8th, 2019 01:48

The Book of Life.
orchidee said:

I can\'t help but see the spiritual \'Book of Life\' in this. Even if only sparks or small flame at times - we are still in it if believers, I believe.
Otherwise I\'ve been in the wrong \'chapter\' since age 3, when I began Sunday School!

September 8th, 2019 01:36

Strong is Quiet.
Christina8 said:

Wonderful words andy....very true words indeed...

September 7th, 2019 14:51

Strong is Quiet.
Suresh said:

and such is true of politeness and patience as well - but none of these are worth sacrificing, and I\'m not willing to change

September 7th, 2019 13:18

Strong is Quiet.
Michael Edwards said:

So true and, yes, that video is really something.

September 7th, 2019 04:38

Strong is Quiet.
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

The strong silent type eh Andy
Very true words

September 7th, 2019 03:43

Strong is Quiet.
Clara said:

Such truth in these words. For sometimes those who shout the loudest, do indeed feel the weakest. Simply overcompensating. Like you said, there\'s strength in silence and quiet resilience. Great piece of work Goldfinch60.


September 7th, 2019 02:40

Strong is Quiet.
Fay Slimm. said:

There are reasons for both yet the quiet are often the strongest inside. A fine verse to ponder on for the weekend and thank you dear Andy.

September 7th, 2019 02:18

Strong is Quiet.
Neville said:

there is much truth pinned to this page sir and these words were simply crying out to be writ... Nice one Goldie...... N

September 7th, 2019 01:41

Strong is Quiet.
dusk arising said:

Strength and steadfastness needs no noise and bluster. In the face of condemnation the truth is still the truth.

September 7th, 2019 01:38

Strong is Quiet.
orchidee said:

A true write Gold.

September 7th, 2019 01:25

Autumn Haiku.
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Must be an autumny sort of day
Grant write Andy

September 6th, 2019 07:14

Autumn Haiku.
Christina8 said:

This is a good one Andy! It\'s definitely autumn here..

September 6th, 2019 06:50

Autumn Haiku.
Neville said:

dont ya just love these, I know I do...

September 6th, 2019 02:50

Autumn Haiku.
dusk arising said:

Great choice of music to associate with the sun arising.

Darker days still have a light to show us and lead us.

September 6th, 2019 02:06

Autumn Haiku.

Good morning UNCLE ANDY - Angela here (7pm FRIDAY !) Love the MUSIC love the AUTUMN HAIKU !

Blessings & Peace to You & Joyce

September 6th, 2019 01:52

Autumn Haiku.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. We\'ve fiddled about with BST. The Autumnal Equinox later this month should give us 12 hours light, and 12 hours dark. Though we shall get 13 hours light and 11 hours dark. Something like that anyway!
A 25 hour day in October - end of BST. Ready for 1066 yet?

September 6th, 2019 01:47

State of Death.
Suresh said:

We only exist as perceived by others, in real time when alive and in memories afterwards.
Both life and afterlife are continuation in the sequence of existence, separated by pauses, we call death.

September 5th, 2019 15:16

State of Death.
Michael Edwards said:

When I had my near death experience late last year I felt as if I was floating on clouds without any cares. When I was resuscitated I recalled the experience as a being something of extreme peace and ever since the idea of death doesn\'t phase me one bit.

September 5th, 2019 14:40

State of Death.
Clara said:

This is a wonderful perspective to take on death. I like the idea of that... Death is the memory of you. Living on in people\'s minds. Rather comforting.


September 5th, 2019 08:39

I Can Listen.
FineB said:

Hi Goldfinch60,

A great write.

The secret to life and longevity is don\'t think age live your life.

My dad is 81 and he thinks he\'s at the prime of his life well he thinks he\'s 21 at times.

Keep writing FineB

September 5th, 2019 04:14

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