Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Lonely? Not I.
Clara said:

Andy, such a comforting poem. For loneliness is sometimes a debilitating emotion that is often overlooked. So, I am pleased you find comfort in music and poetry while your wife is well cared for. Lovely poem.

October 10th, 2019 04:22

Message to My River.
Thoughts In Time said:

Isn’t it amazing how water washes all clean and softens any hardened areas ...I love water it’s my therapy ..I spend many hours in a long hot bath resting meditation breathing just being ..I should have been a mermaid...your river is a beautiful place and how I love to watch the swans in the water in Chelmsford the tranquility takes you to another place ...still waters running deep...wonderful 🌹

October 10th, 2019 02:30

Lonely? Not I.
Thoughts In Time said:

Love will always be a part of us if we know what it is therefore no need to be lonely ...seasons come and go and who’s meant to be will be there by your we accept what is and what will never open up to receive no matter how lonely it can feel at times ...everything happens for a reason..some we might never understand..I’m glad you are back and not lonely 🌹

October 10th, 2019 02:25

Lonely? Not I.
orchidee said:

I\'m glad you are finding a positive way through this. Of course you don\'t forget Joyce any day. I can see how this could have turned turn out with overwhelming sadness, melancholy, etc.

October 10th, 2019 01:45

Lonely? Not I.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. There\'s an \'Elvis\' guy in town - used to be at same church as me. Don\'t look anything like Elvis though, and that\'s not his real name, but always is collecting Elvis\' stuff - memorabilia, etc.

October 10th, 2019 01:43

Lonely? Not I.
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

I can\'t ever remember being alone in my life Andy and your words remind me of that. My friends are horses, dogs (and sometimes people). It\'s good to go out on the Yorkshire moors where there is no one and take one of my beautiful guitars. You\'re never alone with a Fender.

Ex animo, Alan

October 10th, 2019 01:37

The Lady in White.
FredPeyer said:

An elegant poem for an elegant lady. Well done Goldie!

October 9th, 2019 11:43

The Lady in White.
dusk arising said:

Nice to read beauty being appreciated for what it is.

October 9th, 2019 08:10

The Lady in White.
Michael Edwards said:

Elegance and pride - so few even make the effort these days. It amazes how scruffybmost look despite the proliferation of designer clothing. Graceful write Andy.

October 9th, 2019 08:02

The Lady in White.
Thoughts In Time said:

Beautiful pure and clean...🌹

October 9th, 2019 01:55

The Lady in White.
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

.....Never seen you shine so bright....

Ex animo, Alan

October 9th, 2019 01:50

The Lady in White.
orchidee said:

A fine write and song Gold. Good job it wasn\'t me that glided over and started singing! lol.

October 9th, 2019 01:49

To App or Not to App.
dusk arising said:

Dammit a phone is a phone not a life controller! Mines for phone calls, texts (blast them) and if pushed a phot to record something important.... the rest is just a clutter that doesnt do what it says on the tin most of the time.

Rant over! Where\'s that coffee.

October 8th, 2019 05:45

To App or Not to App.
FredPeyer said:

Goldie, a fine write and I am with you. Getting tired of all the apps. Even bought a watch again because I got tired of taking out my phone to see the time. Much faster to just look at your wrist.

October 8th, 2019 03:44

To App or Not to App.
orchidee said:

I know a business that will not accept cheques, in case of fraud - methinks this is understandable I suppose. Bit of Shakespearian there, matching the tone of your poem: \'methinks\'.

October 8th, 2019 02:07

To App or Not to App.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Well yes, a credit card company would not accept cash payment - card or cheque is OK. Doh!
A lot of fiddling about - bank clerk had to debit one account, and credit another account. Meanwhile the queue was getting longer.
A couple of clicks on computer may make life a bit easier and quicker I suppose (pay online as another option), but what about paying by cash still?!

October 8th, 2019 02:06

Walk Together to Eternity.

ANGELA HERE - UNCLE ANDY - fab music for me to go to BED with (its gone midnight getting ready to go home to ESSEX with BIG BEAR !)
Love the POEM very uplifting ! Some of my OLDER PHYSIO clients are in the SAME BOAT as you - having to leave their partners in the care of others. I tell them about my UK Friend Andy and how well & positive you are coping ! Brian & I are so so pleased that You still have Your Blessed Hope that your Beloved Joyce & Yourself will be forever together in Eternity and WHOLE in Body - Mind & Spirit - AMEN !

Blessings & Peace to YOU & JOYCE
Please check MONDAY (x 3) also our new
FUSION - Favourite Month ! Thanks A & B !

October 7th, 2019 07:39

Walk Together to Eternity.
dusk arising said:

Your inner faith and newfound strength from it shine today Andy. Self assured and full of positive love of life energy you are living this wonderful existence we too often seem to take for granted or even bury ourselves uneccessarily beneath burndens of the mind.
TBH i do admire you and hope that when my lil hiccup passes i too will be living in a similar vein.

A really uplifting, energising piece from you today. Thank you, it uplifted me.

October 7th, 2019 05:56

Walk Together to Eternity.
Michael Edwards said:

Best wishes for yesterday and love the recording. Great write about your situation - so well expressed

October 7th, 2019 03:12

Walk Together to Eternity.
Fay Slimm. said:

What a wonderful example of love your poem outlines my friend with joy being the main essence which infuses each day - - your birthday yesterday brought a year\'s events into focus and your positive way of dealing with life as it is now is so admirable dear Andy - thank you for sharing your joyful intentions with us along with Pee Wee Hunt \'s ever popular Rag.

October 7th, 2019 02:49

Walk Together to Eternity.
orchidee said:

Happy Birthday Wishes Gold - good write.

October 7th, 2019 02:39

Walk Together to Eternity.
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

Highest compliments on your birthday Andy and on your wonderful words today. Many more words than usual ~ noted.

Ex Animo. Alan

ps. Your poem sounds much better played on a 78 shellac.

October 7th, 2019 02:09

Definitions in Music.
Poetic Dan said:

Fantastic read, vibe and sound my morning is now definitely more grand!

October 6th, 2019 03:09

Definitions in Music.

ANGELA HERE (Great listening for a quiet Sunday Evening !) Brian & I love all your JAZZ selections ! I love to see an elegant Lady on the BONE - it sure gives it extra UMPFFFFFFFFF ! I am a Pianist and control of the manual *thump* and the pedal is a black art ! Love the instructional POEM - Your postings are always very special !

Blessings & Peace to YOU & JOYCE
Love ANGELA 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡

October 6th, 2019 01:44

Definitions in Music.
Alan .S. Jeeves said:

\'76 trombones\' will sound awesome Andy.

Ex animo, Alan

October 6th, 2019 01:31

Definitions in Music.
dusk arising said:

Bugger reading dots dashes alphabet or squiggles i just play the darned thing!

That gal sure can play trombone and excellent stuccatto. Shoot the pianist tho.

Pity the gal on alto if shes gotta follow that tho.

Great piece of entertainment on a sunday morning Goldie.... big broad grin here (ruins the embouchure u know... try playing when you want to laugh).

October 6th, 2019 01:23

Definitions in Music.
orchidee said:

A ffine ppiece of ppoetry Gold. See me using those signs here?! Or am I auditioning for \'Open All Hours\'?

October 6th, 2019 01:22

A Good Day on the Road.

BRIAN HERE ~ Busy Saturday just catching up on MPS. Please check Our Fishy Tale ! Love the CORRIES great Sound great Song ! Loved your FANTASY POEM ! BMWs signalling ~ FERRARIS* not flashing ! Were you driving a BLACK MARIAH ? I drive a Vauxhall Mariva because I use it as a Gerry Ferry on a Sunday and most drivers treat me as an obstruction on the road. ANGELA thinks shes marrying a RICH MAN (I just pose as one !) and expects me to buy a BMW when we are married (shes asleep at the Moment so please dont tell her NO !) it would spoil my Socialist Image ! Interestingly enough when we were in CUBA (noted for vintage American Cars) our BUS on the Motorway was overtaken buy a Caballero on a Caballo ! Now there is a Country to emigrate too !

Blessings & Peace to YOU & JOYCE
Love BRIAN & ANGELA 💙🧡 💙🧡💙

October 5th, 2019 10:25

A Good Day on the Road.
dusk arising said:

Having been a patient driven by a volunteer driver (bless their souls) each day about 60 miles i have been able to see many antics from a different angle. All in all we aren\'t a bad lot of drivers but it\'s always the idiot we notice.
Yesterday i opted to drive myself and took a leisurely 59mph along the motorway, i overtook nothing and all sped past me but it was a perfectly timed and pleasureable drive.

October 5th, 2019 05:51

A Good Day on the Road.
Clara said:

Those are the best driving days! I also noticed an Audi, similar drivers to BMW I think, driving under the speed limit on the Motorway. Isn\'t it funny how you notice these things? Just shows how rare they must be!

October 5th, 2019 03:59

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