Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Seasons of Love.
orchidee said:

….Then hopefully Spring again somehow. A fine write Gold.

November 23rd, 2018 02:50

Writing not Tapping.
Fay Slimm. said:

Yes dear Goldi poets can be strangely out of this world when we get a subject invading our mind - I love the chosen video too and the group singing laments over children running the show .... yet I agree that last verse says it all - - how our offspring are missed when they leave home. Good read.

November 22nd, 2018 17:11

Writing not Tapping.
Goldfinch60 said:

Irish! IRISH! The Carries are a very famous SCOTTISH duo, their most famous song is “Flower of Scotland “ which is the Anthem of the Scotland Rugby Union team.

I always have notebook and pen with me to write down ideas and poems.

November 22nd, 2018 11:04

Writing not Tapping.

Ahhhhhhh UNCLE ANDY ~ All Irish Music is sacred ! ANGELA & I love the Pubs in the Republic (no hard Border please !) where there is always a fluid Band in the corner ! You are always welcome to sit in & play or sing ! They love Angela because She can sing \'Forty Shades of Green\' in Spanish ! Love the instruments : Irish Drum : Fiddle : Penny Whistle : 12 String Guitar : Banjo etc ! Thanks for posting the Corries.
All my and (Angelas) Poems start off as manuscripts ~we always carry a spiral notebook and biro. I had a fountain pen once but now (like the feather quills Orchidee uses) they are ANACHRONISMS along with SNOPAQUE and ERASERS. I love the way in which MPS allows REVISIONS also how easy they are to make on a PC ~ Technology Rules OK ~ The Laptop is Mightier than the Laser Stick ! Love the Video & Verse ~ Blessings & Love to you BOTH ~

November 22nd, 2018 09:53

The Leaves.
Neville said:

and all around was golden..

a smashing autumnal observation & true..

poor man, best leaf him well alone and let him get on with it... N

November 22nd, 2018 08:31

Writing not Tapping.
Debsspot said:

I love the sense of humor in these coffee shop poems. What a wonderful gift to your subjects. I\'ll bet he was surprised to find out not everyone is self absorbed.
If I work on a poem its usually in long hand. It helps me think. I get the idea down however I can depending on where I am but I do enjoy writing it down.

November 22nd, 2018 05:59

Writing not Tapping.
Michael Edwards said:

I also write all the time - when I am not sketching that is. The pencil is always on the go.

November 22nd, 2018 03:22

Writing not Tapping.
dusk arising said:

Every piece in MPS creates a mental picture. Today yours throws up a couple of questions for me. Do these entertaining writes take long to compose/edit. Are you always equipped with a notepad, and most importantly, what does your other half do whilst you compose. Is she a collaborator or nose buried in the favourite daily paper....

Maybe those q\'s are a subject for another piece?

November 22nd, 2018 02:49

Writing not Tapping.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Yes, some may say :\' What is pen and paper?\'
I actually write letters too!

November 22nd, 2018 02:46

Autumn Is With Us - HAIKU.
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

The beautiful Fall colors are captured in your haiku. Yet, Winter is upon us, so I must add another line to your poem.

\"The greens turn to gold,
The oranges change to red,
Autumn is with us,
as evidenced by the cold.\" :-)

November 21st, 2018 14:00

Autumn Is With Us - HAIKU.
Neville said:

I adore these.. when I stumble upon a good one, they epitomise the concept of \'less is more\'.. this is good, in my book... N

November 21st, 2018 08:25

Autumn Is With Us - HAIKU.
Michael Edwards said:

A beaut of a haiku - now to listen to CB

November 21st, 2018 04:50

Autumn Is With Us - HAIKU.

HOLA UNCLE ANDY ~ A great Blessing @ 10:30 pm in a NZ SPRING. Im missing ESSEX in Autumn : swishing & kishing with MY BRIAN (BOO HOO). Love Autumn Leaves : Double Blessing with CHET ! Love the HAIKU :
Blessings & Love to you Both : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

November 21st, 2018 04:45

Autumn Is With Us - HAIKU.
Fay Slimm. said:

Love the season - - love that number on a trumpet - - and love your haiku. Thanks for sharing it Goldi.

November 21st, 2018 03:31

Autumn Is With Us - HAIKU.
orchidee said:

a fine write Gold. I wondered why it is called the Fall, then I fell over on a pile of slippery leaves. Doh!

November 21st, 2018 02:41

What is the Time?
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

What wit you have. I\'m still laughing. :-)

This poem is great and it emphasizes that there is no need for a clock.

Don\'t ever stop writing.

November 20th, 2018 18:25

What is the Time?
dusk arising said:

There\'s a new version of that \'joke\' around here. One is awakened by the thundering noise of a low flying helicopter. It\'s 2.40a.m. on a saturday morning and the police helicopter is serving the community again.
Why are police helicopters some of the loudest? We often see much, much quieter ones in the sky heading for the Droitwich heliport.

November 20th, 2018 12:49

What is the Time?

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ At the end of a Weary Day a double whammy of FUNNIES ~ Ken Dodd who is shaking his tickling stick in Glory and the great raconteur DAVE ALLEN whose videos I love on You Tube. Your VIDEO & POEM have revived me for an evening of marking & planning my next Field trip ! Its 6 am (Wednesday) in NZ so ANGELA is still tucked up in BED ! Blessings & Love to You & JOYCE ~

November 20th, 2018 11:57

What is the Time?
Laura🌻 said:

Andy ,

Your write was great!
That clip was hilarious!
It’s not easy for children to learn how to tell time! Digital watches were out of the question for my children until they learned to tell time from an analog clock/watch!
When I watched the clip, I noticed Dave Allen’s left hand! Half of his index finger was missing. Do you know what happened?

My love to Joyce and you!

November 20th, 2018 07:58

What is the Time?
Neville said:

What a little cracker.. tis the way ya write em , innit... All Good Things, Neville

November 20th, 2018 04:32

What is the Time?
Michael Edwards said:

A real good laugh for the morning - both the poem and the video - DA was a real master.

November 20th, 2018 03:53

What is the Time?
orchidee said:

Ahh, we could try that - seems a good idea. Someone may not shout back the time, but may say \'Stop banging that ******* drum, will ya!\'

November 20th, 2018 02:53

Enlightened Way.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ Brian & I love GLEN MILLER and Brians talk on Glen to Seniors is very moving. I enjoyed the UK GM Tribute Band before I went to N Z and I cried when I thought of his incredible talent disappeared in the English Channel when he was on his way to conduct a concert to celebrate the Liberation of Paris in WW2. Brian & I both love the Moon and believe it has a bigger influence on Human Life & Love far in excess in its Divine role as a Night Light and a controller of the Tides. It is much bigger and much closer to Planet Earth and Scientists are still unsure of its origin : The Scriptures say it was specifically created by GOD to do what it perfectly does ! Venus does not have a MOON and MARS has two small ones the size of the Isle of White. Brian has taught me a lot about the COSMOS ~ AMEN Thanks for sharing : Blessings & Love to You & Joyce : ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

November 19th, 2018 17:32

Enlightened Way.
dusk arising said:

Everything around you is the same as it ever was with one huge exception.
Thank goodness you are able to appreciate the good things here which most take for granted or totally ignore.

November 19th, 2018 12:35

Enlightened Way.
Michael Edwards said:

And a fine think Andy.

November 19th, 2018 09:05

Enlightened Way.
orchidee said:

A comforting write Gold. A hymn line: \'Thou silver moon with softer gleam\', i.e. softer than \'Thou burning sun with golden beam\'.

November 19th, 2018 04:06

Where the Hell Are You!
Laura🌻 said:


Your write is truly heartbreaking! I can empathize with your frustration! I’m with my aunt at the moment! She had hip surgery! Everything was going well until four days ago! She fell while going to the WC! I was right in the next room. She didn’t call me to help her. She did not want to disturb me...she said. It would’ve been better if she had! She injured her back! The pain is unbearable! She screams most of the times...night and day! I feel helpless. I wish I could make it better for her!
She’s a devout Catholic...but let me tell you, she has been cursing her God like never before! I never heard her so against Him! I never heard her curse till now! She implores Him to take her out of her misery! I wish I could do more for her. I wish I could take her pain away! There’s not much more I can do! I talk to her constantly to distract her from her suffering! It works for a little while! Then her wailing and moaning take over! Very frustrating! Patience (on my part) must prevail!
So I have some understanding of your situation! What you do for Joyce is immeasurable! You are truly an amazing man!

My love to Joyce and to you!


November 18th, 2018 15:13

Where the Hell Are You!
Christina8 said:

Feel for you and pray for you during this difficult time!! I don\'t pretend to know what it is you are going through.--Christina

November 18th, 2018 14:12

Where the Hell Are You!
Michael Edwards said:

When working I was told by the Hospital Chaplain that I would at some time in my life find God or turn towards him. I nearly lost my dear Jeanne 6 years ago when she had a 1 in 5 chance of surviving radical cancer surgery - she is still with me and in total remission. I have just survived cardiac arrest only a few days ago. Despite all this I still have to experience the prophesy of the Chaplain. That is not to say that I don\'t recognise and sympathise with the position you are in Andy - My heart feels for you and this fine write puts it all in perspective.

November 18th, 2018 10:49

Where the Hell Are You!

O UNCLE ANDY : My Spanish Heart weeps for You and Joyce and I pray for you 24/7 for both RELEASE & PATIENCE ! When we rail at GOD he is never offended because it is a sign that we believe He can do a Miracle and He can lift us up. I CAN EMPATHISE : I have seen the scourge of DEMENTIA in my own Extended Family and some of my Clients : especially Home visits : some have DEMENTIA (or their Partner) and I experience their sorrow & anger first hand. Your devotion to JOYCE has been a great inspiration to BRIAN & I because neither of us know what we will have to face in 30 or 40 years time. Stay close to GOD and He will direct your paths. Rest assured that neither Brian or I are shocked or offended by you outburst : it just makes us love JOYCE & Yourself even more : AMEN
Prayers : Love & Blessings ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Love JOHNNY CASH : Great Poet & Singer : Great Humanitarian & Christian may he & June RIP : AMEN

November 18th, 2018 04:03

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