Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Thirty Seven Years.
Michael Edwards said:

And may it continue to do so. Wait till you get to 54 years - time passes so quickly. Best wishes to you both Andy.

November 7th, 2018 05:25

Thirty Seven Years.
Lorna said:

Congratulations Andy..... have a sweet day.

November 7th, 2018 04:05

Thirty Seven Years.
orchidee said:

Best wishes to you both Gold. An old school-friend and his wife married on Halloween 37 years ago. Oh no! But they did not dress up in scary costumes for it! It just happened to be that day - there we go!

November 7th, 2018 03:06

Nature\'s Artwork.
Christina8 said:

A wonderful spiritual write! Loved it!

November 6th, 2018 13:54

Nature\'s Artwork.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY ~ Beautiful PAS DE DEUX : It puts Strictly in the shade. Ballet is Ballroom with unmuted Style & Elegance. I can see why the Fragrant D\'Arcy Bushell is on the Panel.
Love the POEM : All Artists : visual & aural : are inspired by Nature ! God created Biosynthetic Pathways to enable the Flora to synthesise the colours and the aromas (I use in Aromatherapy) and created H. Sapiens with the senses to appreciate them ! Our GOD is a Wonderful God and : YES : some bright morning we shall be with HIM for Eternity : AMEN Blessing & Love to YOU and JOYCE : Thanks for sharing such a TREAT for the eyes & mind : ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡

November 6th, 2018 05:46

Nature\'s Artwork.
Lorna said:

You will make wonderful colors Andy! Nature is my god...........

November 6th, 2018 04:52

Nature\'s Artwork.
orchidee said:

Yes, a true write Gold. I wondered what to post for today - I shall do one on a nature theme, written recently.

November 6th, 2018 02:43

Orchi and Guy Fawkes.
Christina8 said:

Very fun write! Cute!!

November 5th, 2018 12:43

Orchi and Guy Fawkes.
Lorna said:

This should be a Monty Python movie.........I see Orchi hanging on to that dog for all he\'s worth. If they hadn\'t made this a fun holiday with bonfires and fireworks, wouldn\'t it just have been another plot gone wrong in the annals of English history?

November 5th, 2018 07:52

Orchi and Guy Fawkes.
orchidee said:

Doh! lol. I knew I mucked it up somehow, but I had forgotten how. You and I (and others) have been at so many events, since 1066 at least.

November 5th, 2018 07:20

Orchi and Guy Fawkes.
Michael Edwards said:

Great funloads - trust Orchi and the great Les Dawson to top it off - was he there as well?

November 5th, 2018 03:38

Practice Laps.
orchidee said:

Plenty of laps for us, having been around since 1066 at least!
Hope the laps are not like that so-called comedy show \'Ever decreasing circles\'. I can\'t stand the main guy in it. It\'s a disgrace using fine comedy actors in it.

November 4th, 2018 06:46

Practice Laps.
Lorna said:

Are they having fun or what! Thanks for sharing them Andy!

November 4th, 2018 04:26

Practice Laps.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY ~ l LOVE YOUR eclectic choice of MUSIC and I consider that this CHOICE for this AUTUMN is very very apt. Ive only seen the DOUBLE RECORDER PLOY in a Circus ~ must try it sometime ! Love the POEM ~ It is often the Path Less Taken ~ that results in the most memorable moments ! Your Friend as always ~


November 4th, 2018 04:09

Practice Laps.
Michael Edwards said:

Only the race itself and I\'m on the final lap. Depressing thought - great write but I think I do prefer the original music to this version interesting as it is.

November 4th, 2018 03:46

Treats From Kay.
Laura🌻 said:


That was very generous and thoughtful of Kay! She sounds like a wonderful lady who appreciates her loyal customers!

My love to Joyce and you!


November 3rd, 2018 23:35

Treats From Kay.
w c said:

It\'s always nice to be a \"special customer.\"

November 3rd, 2018 16:49

Treats From Kay.
w c said:

It\'s always nice to be a \"special customer.\"

November 3rd, 2018 16:49

Treats From Kay.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY : Its SUNDAY MORNING here and BRIAN tought I should comment on you all as you have all been so good commenting on LONG WHITE CLOUD ! Loved the video : Im a JAZZ FREAK (ask BRIAN !) Loved you Poem : so simple but so moving JOYCE & YOURSELF are so so LOVED by ALL : LOVE ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

November 3rd, 2018 15:10

Treats From Kay.
dusk arising said:

Look at that, someone who treasures your company gives you a small token of appreciation and you go all poetic. You must be a poet!

November 3rd, 2018 07:34

Treats From Kay.
Lorna said:

Yum Andy...... nice that she recognizes you and your family as special!

November 3rd, 2018 04:23

Treats From Kay.
Michael Edwards said:

A lovely gesture - little surprises in life can bring such joy\' Last night my daughter rang - my grandson wanted to speak with me. He had gone to bed and came down sobbing. My daughter had explained to him that I am going into hospital for a hernia repair and he was really upset. I was so touched and just want to give him a big hug - but I won\'t be seeing him until after the op next Tuesday (yes you\'ll be spared my postings for a few days ).

November 3rd, 2018 02:45

Treats From Kay.
orchidee said:

A tasty write Gold.

November 3rd, 2018 02:41

Sunday Lunch to Prepare.
A.H. Browning said:

I\'m getting quite hungry here. Enjoyed reading this one.

November 2nd, 2018 16:51

Sunday Lunch to Prepare.
Adam Shirley said:

The description of a Sunday lunch, makes me picture everything and everyone that I want to have lunch with. Very well done Gold.

November 2nd, 2018 13:03

Sunday Lunch to Prepare.
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Oooh G what time are you dishing up
Great write love the form
My oven\'s broken waiting for a new one cold lunch for us

November 2nd, 2018 12:30

Sunday Lunch to Prepare.
dusk arising said:

Today i prepare my ears for this evenings premature firework explosions. Since moving back into the city i am amazed at the noise of Guy Fawkes night. Being in WW1 trenches could not have been much noisier.

Today your piece reads like a mindful meditation. The Zen of Sunday lunch preparation.

November 2nd, 2018 07:38

Sunday Lunch to Prepare.
orchidee said:

You got that Sunday lunch ready? You could make an early start on it - it\'s only Friday at the moment.

November 2nd, 2018 07:34

Sunday Lunch to Prepare.
Lorna said:

What a beautiful day! It reminds me of Sundays at home when I was a child - the glorious smells coming from the kitchen, the feeling of Sunday safety. (Video won\'t work for me - I\'ll go look it up separately).

November 2nd, 2018 05:12

Sunday Lunch to Prepare.
Michael Edwards said:

One of my all-time favourite poems and a super take on it - yes I recognise the ritual of Sunday lunch prep - don\'t forget the fresh mint sauce, garlic, marjoram, bay leaves, rosemary, etcetera depending on the meat.

November 2nd, 2018 03:10

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