Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

That Clock.
Philip said:

I like the beat.
We have a clock that was my mum and dads wedding present, In our house since 1948 and I still listen to that tick.

May 18th, 2019 06:45

Back in the Day.
Fay Slimm. said:

My head was nodding as I listened to the older Quo playing their famous number - dancing to that must have been something Goldy........... great days eh ?

May 18th, 2019 03:22

Back in the Day.
Neville said:

I know precisely where ya coming from my friend..... a most relatatable and otherwise nostalgic and enjoyable poem that could easily bring a tear to ones eye........ Neville

May 18th, 2019 02:41

Back in the Day.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

May 18th, 2019 01:53

Back in the Day.
Michael Edwards said:

I felt emotional myself when I read this - we all have pieces that mean so much - we were Buddy Holly addicts - still treasure his vinyls.

May 18th, 2019 01:09

That Clock.
Silkseduction said:

Great write, my friend.


May 17th, 2019 16:57

That Clock.
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

This is a goosebumper G great write clock are a part furniture part usable aid in the house and like people sometimes we only miss them when their gone
Wonderful stuff thanks for the memories

May 17th, 2019 07:11

That Clock.
Michael Edwards said:

Wow - this one of the best I\'ve read for a long time - gotta be a fave.

May 17th, 2019 05:50

That Clock.
dusk arising said:

My father had a similar timepiece but it began to play up. It would run at half time ond would only ever go \'tick\' never \'tock\'.
Eventually we took it to the repairman a German gentle man who we suspected was ex SS... straight away he put the clock beneath a lamp and said \"Vee haff vays of making you tock!\"

May 17th, 2019 04:03

That Clock.
FineB said:

Hello Goldfinch 60.

A wonderful poem. Sometimes when a house is quiet and the hands on a clock tick during those silent moments - a clock has a life and an existence all of its own.

Keep writing

May 17th, 2019 03:33

That Clock.
Suresh said:

I have a coocoo clock which I thoroughly enjoyed but my family was totally pissed off as it coo cooed every fifteen minutes.
Enjoyable read

May 17th, 2019 02:38

That Clock.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY ! Great Song ! I (BRIAN) am doing *Talks on Sinatra for Seniors* they still love HIM especially 70+ Ladies who still see him as a *Bit of a Naughty Boy !* He is imortalised on MILLIONS of CDS & DVDS. Love the POEM and references to CLOCKS ~ we have to be careful not to be slaves of TIME ! My COMPUTER tells me it is O8:25am Friday 17/05/2019 ! But I have to remember for ANGELA its 08:25pm in Auckland ! WE love to visit our Friends in KENTUCKY (USA) for the Horses. In the House on the other side of the Road its one hour ahead and to them we are an hour behind. So even TIME is dependent depending where on EARTH you are. In KENTUCKY everyoneis an HOUR LATE or EARLY so invitations say *Come when you can ~ Leave when you must* ~ ONLY IN KENTUCKY ! Thanks for another epic Presentation !

Blessings & Love in the Spirit to YOU BOTH
Yours ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

May 17th, 2019 02:35

That Clock.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. Some chuck out ticking clocks from their bedrooms, saying it annoys them. But it can be soothing.

May 17th, 2019 02:00

Smoking in Time.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'ve never smoked and not a big drinker but I do like a G&T or a glass of red - fine write Andy.

May 16th, 2019 12:49

Smoking in Time.
Suresh said:

Hey Gold!, me think we were on the same train, around early \'82. YA!, take me back disco dancing, single malt and cigs or anything else and cigs
Stumble out of bed, first pick up cig and what not.
Now I can smell it a mile away and my English has improved

May 16th, 2019 11:08

Smoking in Time.
dusk arising said:

Yes me too with the golden virginia rollies and a wee filter tip. Its longer than ten years i quit. I still have some king edward panatellas knocking around but i dare not think about smoking them.
Have you seen the price of being a smoker now? How can those on benefits afford to they do?
I can recall at age ten, smoking ten gold leaf with my pal. We were so grown up we thought LOL.

May 16th, 2019 06:48

Smoking in Time.
Poetic Dan said:

Ha ha brilliantly done, I smoke with no shame. I\'ve been going as long as you\'ve stopped, but that I\'m counting ;)

May 16th, 2019 02:41

Smoking in Time.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. We might forget about smoking, or forget it somewhat, since it was banned from certain places. But it still happens - people outside buildings, smoking/tea breaks, etc.

May 16th, 2019 02:13

Dame Janet.

I am lost to the World
With which I used to spend much time
It has for so long known nothing of me
It may well believe that I am dead !
Nor am I at all concerned
If it should think that I am dead
Nor can I deny it !
For truly I am dead to the World
I am dead to the Worlds tumult
And rest in a quiet realm !
I live alone in my Heaven
In my LOVE ~ in my SONG !

Thanks for sharing Uncle Andy ~ Lovely melancholy voice for a melancholy song. I posted a translation because that is in effect the POEM also . It made me so so sad because it is the destiny of many Seniors I know whose roots have perished with the 20th Century ! They have found a quiet realm in a Retirement Home ! Her own departure ~ as outlined in your elegant Poem ~ is reflected in the SONG ~ OK

Blessing & Peace & Love to YOU and JOYCE
Yours as always ANGELA & BRIAN 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

May 15th, 2019 11:43

Dame Janet.
Suresh said:

The artist in you speaks of admiration and pays tribute to others.

May 15th, 2019 09:46

Dame Janet.
Poetic Dan said:

I will admit I had to turn my headphones down a bit but once comfortable, what a soothing experience thank you!

I also had a thought of what amazing inner strength it must take to hold a note so crisp and clean or was that just the voice of her soul...

May 15th, 2019 08:30

Dame Janet.
Fay Slimm. said:

Another gem of tribute to the art of singing and the gift of a wonderful voice. We will always have Janet\'s recordings to hear and delight in over and over again.

May 15th, 2019 06:36

Dame Janet.
Lorna said:

Thank you for introducing her to me........ I\'ve found Janet Baker in Her Own Words on YouTube and will watch later today! She does indeed give \"chills\" in this piece!

May 15th, 2019 05:14

Dame Janet.
Michael Edwards said:

I too love her voice and a fine tribute it is too.

May 15th, 2019 02:51

Dame Janet.
orchidee said:

Good write and clip Gold.

May 15th, 2019 02:01

Dame Janet.
dusk arising said:

A fine tribute to this lady Goldfinch. Unknown to me for I\'ve not been a listener to this genre of music.

May 15th, 2019 01:25

Dame Janet.
dusk arising said:

A fine tribute to this lady Goldfinch. Unknown to me for I\'ve not been a listener to this genre of music.

May 15th, 2019 01:25

Winning Belief.
Lorna said:

Hello Andy - I\'m a non believer myself and live in horror over what religion has done to the world but have my other fantasies - actually on the day, Jay will be coming back for me in his truck and off we will go to the horses and the beautiful wide sky ........... whatever floats their boats as long as they don\'t knock on my door - then I\'m afraid they have to deal with the consequences of their actions....... be afraid, be very afraid. Oh and God is Nature isn\'t she?

May 14th, 2019 05:04

Winning Belief.
Michael Edwards said:

The problem with being a non-believer is that I\'ll get the chance to say: \'I told you so !!\' 😉

A great write nonetheless Andy.

May 14th, 2019 03:10

Winning Belief.
orchidee said:

I feel - or more strongly - I believe, you\'re on the right path still. I suppose my reply to the second stanza is \'Ohh, I dunno about that\'.
Not to be judgemental, otherwise we could blame the churches, as in: \'You church lot should have got out more and evangelised the unbelievers!\'
I\'m upset at times with a church that \'preaches to the converted\'. The converted need preaching too, but they often get a hefty warning message in Newsletter Editorial page from the minister!

May 14th, 2019 02:05

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