Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Wordiku One
Michael Edwards said:
May 10th, 2019 08:28
Michael Edwards said:
May 10th, 2019 08:28
Wordiku One
Michael Edwards said:
Yes I am to blame
I can take it on the chin
but which one is it?
May 10th, 2019 08:21
Michael Edwards said:
Yes I am to blame
I can take it on the chin
but which one is it?
May 10th, 2019 08:21
Wordiku One
dusk arising said:
Yep, he has started something (I\'m glad it\'s him gets the blame not me).
May 10th, 2019 02:13
dusk arising said:
Yep, he has started something (I\'m glad it\'s him gets the blame not me).
May 10th, 2019 02:13
Wordiku One
orchidee said:
Oh lol Gold. What\'s that long word again. Summat about hippos...?!
May 10th, 2019 02:02
orchidee said:
Oh lol Gold. What\'s that long word again. Summat about hippos...?!
May 10th, 2019 02:02
God and Religion Again.
Laura🌻 said:
You have an abundance of inner strength to draw upon during your most difficult times! I’ve sensed that infinite strength throughout your writings! Trust that bottomless well of strength! Do not despair!
My love to Joyce and to you!
May 9th, 2019 20:42
Laura🌻 said:
You have an abundance of inner strength to draw upon during your most difficult times! I’ve sensed that infinite strength throughout your writings! Trust that bottomless well of strength! Do not despair!
My love to Joyce and to you!
May 9th, 2019 20:42
God and Religion Again.
When in DOUBT play MOZART !
Thanks for sharing UNCLE ANDY ~ A very interesting DIALOGUE ! God does promise to hear our Prayers and to be with us 24/7. Angela & I feel His presence individually and together. We are encouraged to PRAY for each other and others ~ we have prayer chain in our Church to enable us to pray specifically & intelligently. I (BRIAN) have been a committed CHRISTIAN for over 20 years so I know from experience that GOD can say YES or NO or *Sit still my SON and see how this thing will work out !* In your case (as you have shared with us) GOD seems to be saying ~ My Presence is enough for you to continue to Love & Care for JOYCE ~ which you do ~ and that is always a great inspiration to ANGELA & I ~ OK. In essence CHRISTIANITY is NOT a Man Made Faith it is DIVINE. Unfortunately MAN has corruped CHRISTIANITY and we need to go back to the BIBLE ! When I have prayed for someone with a Terminal Condition (I prayed with & for a Lady last week who has now been called home) and they have DIED the message I receive for GOD is *My GRACE is sufficient for YOU* and GOD has helped my in my GRIEF ~ likewise when I pray for Poeple with Dementia ~ OK. I have been a comitted Christian for over 20 Years and my Faith in GOD grows stronger every day. We pray that your Faith & Testimony may be strengthened ~ AMEN
Blessings & Peace & Love to YOU & JOYCE
Yours as always BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
May 9th, 2019 16:01
When in DOUBT play MOZART !
Thanks for sharing UNCLE ANDY ~ A very interesting DIALOGUE ! God does promise to hear our Prayers and to be with us 24/7. Angela & I feel His presence individually and together. We are encouraged to PRAY for each other and others ~ we have prayer chain in our Church to enable us to pray specifically & intelligently. I (BRIAN) have been a committed CHRISTIAN for over 20 years so I know from experience that GOD can say YES or NO or *Sit still my SON and see how this thing will work out !* In your case (as you have shared with us) GOD seems to be saying ~ My Presence is enough for you to continue to Love & Care for JOYCE ~ which you do ~ and that is always a great inspiration to ANGELA & I ~ OK. In essence CHRISTIANITY is NOT a Man Made Faith it is DIVINE. Unfortunately MAN has corruped CHRISTIANITY and we need to go back to the BIBLE ! When I have prayed for someone with a Terminal Condition (I prayed with & for a Lady last week who has now been called home) and they have DIED the message I receive for GOD is *My GRACE is sufficient for YOU* and GOD has helped my in my GRIEF ~ likewise when I pray for Poeple with Dementia ~ OK. I have been a comitted Christian for over 20 Years and my Faith in GOD grows stronger every day. We pray that your Faith & Testimony may be strengthened ~ AMEN
Blessings & Peace & Love to YOU & JOYCE
Yours as always BRIAN & ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
May 9th, 2019 16:01
God and Religion Again.
dusk arising said:
Need I say I agree with you - you know i do. And much respect to you for this piece today written form your heart and finding justification in reality.
The beautiful remains beautiful and the ugly still ugly, nothing is lost to you. The creator, whoever/whatever that be is still in your heart without the abuse practiced in their name by mankind. That has shone from your writings.
I recall from my childhood learning that jesus was found in the temple throwing out the rogues and traders of that time, rejecting the false teachings. So it looks like you are in good company confronting the establishments of church.
A simple google search about the wealth of various christian religions is an eye opener, especially the catholic church. How dare these ridiculously rich organisations (organisations which have conned their way into charitable status) claim poverty when it comes to church roof repairs etc and beg the flock (how appropriate a word) to fork out. Even being proud to accept and hold high the story of a widows mite.
May 9th, 2019 15:39
dusk arising said:
Need I say I agree with you - you know i do. And much respect to you for this piece today written form your heart and finding justification in reality.
The beautiful remains beautiful and the ugly still ugly, nothing is lost to you. The creator, whoever/whatever that be is still in your heart without the abuse practiced in their name by mankind. That has shone from your writings.
I recall from my childhood learning that jesus was found in the temple throwing out the rogues and traders of that time, rejecting the false teachings. So it looks like you are in good company confronting the establishments of church.
A simple google search about the wealth of various christian religions is an eye opener, especially the catholic church. How dare these ridiculously rich organisations (organisations which have conned their way into charitable status) claim poverty when it comes to church roof repairs etc and beg the flock (how appropriate a word) to fork out. Even being proud to accept and hold high the story of a widows mite.
May 9th, 2019 15:39
God and Religion Again.
moordykspot2 said:
Well Crafted my friend.I have thought along the same lines since losing my sister in a care crash aged just 22. I lost my faith that night never to regain it. So much unhappiness so many it seems unsolvable problems in this planet of ours. we do have a lot to be thankful for it is nice to think it is Gods work But with religion causing so many of the problems it cannot be.
May 9th, 2019 12:15
moordykspot2 said:
Well Crafted my friend.I have thought along the same lines since losing my sister in a care crash aged just 22. I lost my faith that night never to regain it. So much unhappiness so many it seems unsolvable problems in this planet of ours. we do have a lot to be thankful for it is nice to think it is Gods work But with religion causing so many of the problems it cannot be.
May 9th, 2019 12:15
Satisfaction in Life.
Poetic Dan said:
Brilliant, I do always start them but never go back.
Thanks for showing it can be done lol
May 9th, 2019 10:45
Poetic Dan said:
Brilliant, I do always start them but never go back.
Thanks for showing it can be done lol
May 9th, 2019 10:45
My Wonderful World.
Poetic Dan said:
Always a pleasure to walk with you my friend.
Many thanks
May 9th, 2019 10:35
Poetic Dan said:
Always a pleasure to walk with you my friend.
Many thanks
May 9th, 2019 10:35
God and Religion Again.
Suresh said:
Fear cannot be the reason for gods existence.
Fear is the reason for one to control another
Fear is instilled in each newborn from the time of birth
It is repeatedly said that God knows everything, if so, then is it not redundant to ask for anything....
One can only control their own actions, so let that be their bible, with the caviate that it is not at the expense of another...
And so on and on and on...
May 9th, 2019 10:24
Suresh said:
Fear cannot be the reason for gods existence.
Fear is the reason for one to control another
Fear is instilled in each newborn from the time of birth
It is repeatedly said that God knows everything, if so, then is it not redundant to ask for anything....
One can only control their own actions, so let that be their bible, with the caviate that it is not at the expense of another...
And so on and on and on...
May 9th, 2019 10:24
God and Religion Again.
orchidee said:
I know - some can play \'going to church\'. It may not mean much, or anything, to them, just a social club. I know someone who moaned \'Oh why do we need the sermon each week?\'
Yet with looking at nature, it is said that God is seen as Creator through it.
We might think \'Oh why bother about all that stuff?\' Yet this is how I myself, anyway, find true reality.
A spark of faith is still within you, I believe. \'Religion\' can just mean belief in something or someone, e.g .\'He religiously goes to football matches every week\'.
May 9th, 2019 02:51
orchidee said:
I know - some can play \'going to church\'. It may not mean much, or anything, to them, just a social club. I know someone who moaned \'Oh why do we need the sermon each week?\'
Yet with looking at nature, it is said that God is seen as Creator through it.
We might think \'Oh why bother about all that stuff?\' Yet this is how I myself, anyway, find true reality.
A spark of faith is still within you, I believe. \'Religion\' can just mean belief in something or someone, e.g .\'He religiously goes to football matches every week\'.
May 9th, 2019 02:51
God and Religion Again.
Goldfinch60 said:
A very true way to be Michael. In the passed when I was at teenager I went to an Anglican Church and I realised that many people, at the time, were going to Church to be seen to be going to Church nothing to do with belief.
May 9th, 2019 02:20
Goldfinch60 said:
A very true way to be Michael. In the passed when I was at teenager I went to an Anglican Church and I realised that many people, at the time, were going to Church to be seen to be going to Church nothing to do with belief.
May 9th, 2019 02:20
God and Religion Again.
Michael Edwards said:
I was talking to an elderly lady the other day who seemed to very much of the old school and who I could imagine in church every Sunday.. Somehow the conversation got round to religion. She declared much to my surprise that she was an atheist and pointed to the spring fields opposite bathed in sunshine. Just look at that she said. So much beauty out there. That is my god if I have one.
May 9th, 2019 02:08
Michael Edwards said:
I was talking to an elderly lady the other day who seemed to very much of the old school and who I could imagine in church every Sunday.. Somehow the conversation got round to religion. She declared much to my surprise that she was an atheist and pointed to the spring fields opposite bathed in sunshine. Just look at that she said. So much beauty out there. That is my god if I have one.
May 9th, 2019 02:08
Peaceful Buzzard.
moordykspot2 said:
I see Buzzards often on my walks indeed a graceful and for me inoffensive creature. Your fine words illustrate well the thoughts they provide in their grace. Thank you
May 8th, 2019 11:28
moordykspot2 said:
I see Buzzards often on my walks indeed a graceful and for me inoffensive creature. Your fine words illustrate well the thoughts they provide in their grace. Thank you
May 8th, 2019 11:28
Peaceful Buzzard.
Suresh said:
I often watch episodes on \"birds of.prey\" and your poem has captured the image precisely.
May 8th, 2019 11:00
Suresh said:
I often watch episodes on \"birds of.prey\" and your poem has captured the image precisely.
May 8th, 2019 11:00
Peaceful Buzzard.
Neville said:
amazing creatures and a great poem that more than adequately captures their aerial display .....Neville
May 8th, 2019 07:11
Neville said:
amazing creatures and a great poem that more than adequately captures their aerial display .....Neville
May 8th, 2019 07:11
Peaceful Buzzard.
Fay Slimm. said:
A favourite of mine is the majestic buzzard - - here in south Cornwall they are increasing again - so pleased to read your lovely tribute to the peace their flight portrays.
May 8th, 2019 05:59
Fay Slimm. said:
A favourite of mine is the majestic buzzard - - here in south Cornwall they are increasing again - so pleased to read your lovely tribute to the peace their flight portrays.
May 8th, 2019 05:59
Peaceful Buzzard.
dusk arising said:
Majestic are our large birds of prey. When i lived at Upper Wick there were a pair of buzzard regularly above us. We were honoured to see them in their mating \'dance\' whereby, at height, they lock talons and tumble, twirling earthwards. Not an everyday sight.
Back in the nineties they were a rare sight in our county but numbers have greatly increased now and yes, just as you say, they are a pleasure to watch as they glide and soar. Masters of the skies.
May 8th, 2019 03:16
dusk arising said:
Majestic are our large birds of prey. When i lived at Upper Wick there were a pair of buzzard regularly above us. We were honoured to see them in their mating \'dance\' whereby, at height, they lock talons and tumble, twirling earthwards. Not an everyday sight.
Back in the nineties they were a rare sight in our county but numbers have greatly increased now and yes, just as you say, they are a pleasure to watch as they glide and soar. Masters of the skies.
May 8th, 2019 03:16
Peaceful Buzzard.
orchidee said:
A fine write again Gold. Yes, the birds have all the sky to fly in.
May 8th, 2019 01:57
orchidee said:
A fine write again Gold. Yes, the birds have all the sky to fly in.
May 8th, 2019 01:57
Satisfaction in Life.
Fay Slimm. said:
I know what satisfaction a completed puzzle can bring - - a lovely read which connects contentment to life itself - Thank you for that lovely thought Goldy.
May 7th, 2019 16:41
Fay Slimm. said:
I know what satisfaction a completed puzzle can bring - - a lovely read which connects contentment to life itself - Thank you for that lovely thought Goldy.
May 7th, 2019 16:41
Satisfaction in Life.
dusk arising said:
You have developed a pastime which requires a great deal of patience and determination, Have you ever thrown one at the wall in frustration?
The last one i did involved a lot of tree which was taxing to say the least. An old boss of mine liked to impress his junior staff by boasting that he liked his family to give him jigsaw puzzles in a polythene bag and no picture or no picture and all the edge/corner pieces removed. I don\'t really believe it though.
May 7th, 2019 16:27
dusk arising said:
You have developed a pastime which requires a great deal of patience and determination, Have you ever thrown one at the wall in frustration?
The last one i did involved a lot of tree which was taxing to say the least. An old boss of mine liked to impress his junior staff by boasting that he liked his family to give him jigsaw puzzles in a polythene bag and no picture or no picture and all the edge/corner pieces removed. I don\'t really believe it though.
May 7th, 2019 16:27
Satisfaction in Life.
Suresh said:
I enjoy doing puzzles too
Some can really tax me too
Life events are puzzles too
Adjust the right pieces in the right places at the right time
A nice write about a relaxing activity
May 7th, 2019 09:47
Suresh said:
I enjoy doing puzzles too
Some can really tax me too
Life events are puzzles too
Adjust the right pieces in the right places at the right time
A nice write about a relaxing activity
May 7th, 2019 09:47
Satisfaction in Life.
moordykspot2 said:
Jigsaws another talented string to your bow. To achieve must be a superb feeling. Loved my read Thankyou
May 7th, 2019 09:29
moordykspot2 said:
Jigsaws another talented string to your bow. To achieve must be a superb feeling. Loved my read Thankyou
May 7th, 2019 09:29
Satisfaction in Life.
Thanks UNCLE ANDY : We were both uplifted by your Production this Morning ! Perfect Winter Scene (It will soon be Winter in NZ and we played SNOWBALLS last week on FRANZ JOSEF !). Perfect Music : Love AR a perfectionist ! Perfect Poem JIGSAWS : Awesome. BRIAN & I love to do JIGGYS and last time we were in America we did a 3D one of the WHITE HOUSE and left on display in the Hotel we were staying in ! It cost $15 and they gave us $25 (off the Bill) to keep it ! It was too fragile to bring HOME !
Yours ANGELA (NZ) & BRIAN (UK) 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
May 7th, 2019 03:06
Thanks UNCLE ANDY : We were both uplifted by your Production this Morning ! Perfect Winter Scene (It will soon be Winter in NZ and we played SNOWBALLS last week on FRANZ JOSEF !). Perfect Music : Love AR a perfectionist ! Perfect Poem JIGSAWS : Awesome. BRIAN & I love to do JIGGYS and last time we were in America we did a 3D one of the WHITE HOUSE and left on display in the Hotel we were staying in ! It cost $15 and they gave us $25 (off the Bill) to keep it ! It was too fragile to bring HOME !
Yours ANGELA (NZ) & BRIAN (UK) 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
May 7th, 2019 03:06
My Wonderful World.
moordykspot2 said:
The Glory of Nature my friend It is indeed. Some duper descriptive lines interspersed with musical accompanyment I really enjoyed this one. Thank you
May 6th, 2019 15:48
moordykspot2 said:
The Glory of Nature my friend It is indeed. Some duper descriptive lines interspersed with musical accompanyment I really enjoyed this one. Thank you
May 6th, 2019 15:48
My Wonderful World.
Fay Slimm. said:
A beautiful idea of a walk which ends in a pictured collage - Michael will see colours in both your words and the exiting performance dear Goldy.
May 6th, 2019 11:30
Fay Slimm. said:
A beautiful idea of a walk which ends in a pictured collage - Michael will see colours in both your words and the exiting performance dear Goldy.
May 6th, 2019 11:30
My Wonderful World.
Suresh said:
The art of photography captures what the artists visualize, complementing each other, as do the words of your poem.
I wrote a four liner on similar subject yesterday.
May 6th, 2019 11:27
Suresh said:
The art of photography captures what the artists visualize, complementing each other, as do the words of your poem.
I wrote a four liner on similar subject yesterday.
May 6th, 2019 11:27
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