Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Doing Nothing.
FineB said:

Thanks Goldfinch60.

I used to work in Mental Health at one time and attend Carers meetings. They do an incredible job caring for loved ones in challenging circumstances.

Enjoy your rest and thank you for this great poem.

I hope matters in the future will not be too difficult.

Keep writing

June 18th, 2018 09:02

Doing Nothing.

Thanks ANDY ~ Love the\"QUEEN of SHEBA\" we often have as an entrance in our CHURCH Either from CD or the ORGAN with violin & cello ! 37 Years for second time round is good run ! Friends in our Church Group use \"respite care\" and view it with a mixture of \"freedom & guilt\". When either Husband or Wife had to go permanently into CARE ~ some have described it as \"worse than death\" because they feel so alone and helpless. Within our Church there is a good corps of Carers & Helpers & Visitors ~ its like having a FAMILY of 100 on your doorstep ~ AMEN BRIAN

June 18th, 2018 07:52

Doing Nothing.
Michael Edwards said:

Do enjoy your week - you deserve it although I fully understand the mixed feelings you must have.

June 18th, 2018 03:01

Doing Nothing.
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Gold. We had some similar family matter, though not dementia. Sadly, the person passed away some years ago.
Any more \'openings\' seen in the \'bubble\' as it were?

June 18th, 2018 01:59

The Pipes! The Pipes!
Christina8 said:

A wonderful write, enjoyed the end note!

June 17th, 2018 19:55

The Pipes! The Pipes!
Snowflake Incorrigable said:

lol, quite a small thing, just thought how interesting if the Pigs from the attached poem could have pipes to their symphony, check out the poem:
The pigs and some piglets trot out at regular intervals

having just left their dirty muddy pool coolly refreshed

their long hooters ahead of them twitching blaring warm air

then disgracefully and predictably the honking starts with aplomb

Each one of these pigs has its own particular honk

though to you, me et a listening ear it sounds the same

but honks come with stylised messages and its own tone

and inform us about the mischief brewed in the muddy trough

Honk honk one honks while another starts on a tangent

seemingly saying hear this one and produces a foghorn honk

a little piglet skips up offering a little honk then honks it out

some more and one can see a cheeky smirk on little piggy\'s face

A sow produces a belter honk with bad attitude as sows do

splattering mud in its wake and everywhere showing passion

that\'s the way to do it she added expertly before honking again

some boars trundled in honking loudly in abandoned unison

Hear now the symphony of honking conducted by a leading gilt

totally in her element her hooter held up her trotters in a mud pile

the sows and gilt with their big mouths open and shut relentlessly

and the boars added fitting choruses with gusto again in unison

Now The myriad of honking sounded quite like the Fool\'s Overture

apologies to Supertramp but methinks the pigs were in the know

a passing visitor to the farm ask the farmer what\'s the palaver about

\'Oh just take no notice of them, he says, they are all mad raving swines\'

June 17th, 2018 09:34

The Pipes! The Pipes!
Laura🌻 said:

Your write reminded me of the Zampognari who played their zampogne at Christmas time in Italy when I was a child! I really liked the sound!

Thank you for the share!



June 17th, 2018 08:20

The Pipes! The Pipes!
orchidee said:

Oh lol, a fine write Gold.

June 17th, 2018 07:38

Jane Frye said:

Good advice and good choice for the music.

June 16th, 2018 10:43

Laura🌻 said:

I enjoyed Mozart’s musical joke! Clever indeed!

Your poem offers a great message! If we all followed it, imagine what a wonderful life we would enjoy! However, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not an easy task!


June 16th, 2018 10:28


Thanks ANDY ~ All I would say is a BAD MOZART composition is still better than most other COMPOSERS GOOD compositions I enjoyed listening to it but I did get the JOKE in the end Loved your POEM ! Men are great \"FIXERS\" often with Dire Consequences ! Most ladies I know ignore them and they go away. We had a Chief Technician called MAC (Irish) who was called MISTER FIXIT ! 5 times out of 4 he did and order was restored ~ BUT the fifth time he almost destroyed the College ~ Like TRUMP he believed Health & Safety was a CHINESE MYTH ! Thanks for your sound WISDOM ~ Please check my Poem and a Bonus from FRANK IFIELD ~ I Remember YOU ! Yours BRIAN

June 16th, 2018 09:40

Gabriella said:

That was brilliant

June 16th, 2018 08:48

orchidee said:

One problem that cannot be changed - me singing! heehee.

June 16th, 2018 01:51

orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Gold. Erm yes. Some try to deal with it, if there\'s no problem there, as in \'If it ain\'t broke, don\'t fix it\'. We put our hand in (or our oar in) and then we may break it! Doh!

June 16th, 2018 01:51

Amazing World.

And I say to myself what a Wonderful World

Thanks for caring & sharing ANDY ~ The natural World stirs all our senses and the part of ESSEX I live in is beautiful and very unspoiled ! If we look through a telescope GOD is THERE and when we look through a microscope GOD is THERE also and in all the interlocked food chains & food webs in the Natural World ! I teach Ecology (inter alia) and it makes me realise even more how fortunate we are to live on Planet Earth ~ God saw everything ~ at every level ~ was very good !
Thanks for sharing ART on the IVORIES ~ Love all genres of JAZZ and Jooles Holland because he always includes some JAZZ & BLUES in his \"Later Shows\" on TV ~ a great Ambassador for MUSIC ~ Yours BRIAN ~ Check my POEMS ~ Thanks B !

June 15th, 2018 16:07

Amazing World.
Laura🌻 said:

The beauty of nature combined with music...and that’s what we’re soaking in at the moment! My mom’s wish is to enjoy whatever time she has left surrounded by the mountains she was born near and the music her parents enjoyed listening to!
Right now she’s rocking away (in her rocking chair) under the pergola! She’s enjoying the memories of her youth as I am of my early childhood!
What a wonderful and beautiful world, indeed!

Thank you for the great share!


June 15th, 2018 09:13

Amazing World.
FineB said:

Thank you Goldfinch60 for a beautiful poem celebrating the beauty of the world.

Keep writing

June 15th, 2018 07:22

Amazing World.
Fay Slimm. said:

I agree both nature and music have such an effect on our personal worlds - a fine read Goldi

June 15th, 2018 05:59

Amazing World.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. On some travels, I saw some people\'s front room window views across the road, is a brick wall, or a huge hedge. I wouldn\'t like to live in such places!

June 15th, 2018 01:59

Lifes Tanka.
willyweed said:

Bravo!!! G what a whiz ww

June 14th, 2018 14:02

Lifes Tanka.

Thanks ANDY for a double BLESSING ~ MAHLER & FERRIER ~ Perfect harmony and a fave of my Parents ~ May DAD rates Ferrier the best (such depth ~ such pathos !). My DUET today is DEAN & NANCY with \"Things\" please check my POEM ! There is also a classic on my NEW FUSION on Animals \"APACHE\" by the One & Only Shadows ~ enjoy ! Love your TANKA ~ Half FULL rather than HALF EMPTY ~ Yours as always BRIAN

June 14th, 2018 03:21

Lifes Tanka.
orchidee said:

A fine wise write Gold. Pity I took the wrong path in 1066. I mucked everything up! lol.

June 14th, 2018 02:20

New Studies.
willyweed said:

A true. Artist in all you do I am a better person for your art g. Ww

June 13th, 2018 17:35

New Studies.
Laura🌻 said:

You are a man of many talents! Your love for the arts is apparent in your writing and in the musical pieces you choose to accompany your poetry! It is always a pleasure to read your writings and listen to the musical pieces you choose to share!
Thank you!


June 13th, 2018 15:12

New Studies.
Lorna said:

Now you\'ve found your path to freedom Andy! And we are the lucky ones for it! By the way my Dad knew so much about and loved classical music and it was always in the house - especially on Sundays! He loved Joan Sutherland - Lucia Di Lammermoor was his favorite....... you\'ve probably heard this bit but here in case you haven\'t - with Pavarotti: - play it for Dad!

June 13th, 2018 05:53

New Studies.
Lorna said:

Now you\'ve found your path to freedom Andy! And we are the lucky ones for it! By the way

June 13th, 2018 05:53

New Studies.

Thanks ANDY ~ Love this ARIA and all OPERA ~ An experience closed to so many ~ like Ballet and other classical ART FORMS. Your answer intrigues me ! As you know I am a Scientist and I am also well versed in the Visual and Audio Arts. So I consider myself an \"Educated Young Man\" However most People are ignorant of Science and Mathematics and Languages. In my experience it is relatively easy (through the Open University etc ~ I am an OU Graduate) to study the Arts & Literature & Languages but much more difficult to Study Mathematics & the Physical Sciences. In the 21st C the truly educated People are the Scientists. So my advice to Young People would be \"Study Science & Technology & Maths\" while you are Young and assimilate the Arts as you Mature ! It is a distinct advantage to be born and live in a City and Study in a City Based University ~ All Human life is there and it broadens ones Mind & Horizons ~ AMEN Your BROTHER in Science & the Arts ~ BRIAN

June 13th, 2018 04:29

New Studies.
Heartwriter said:

Yes these things calm the soul and is an avenue for us to express those deep emotions that within us lives and grows. I enjoy your writings. Thanks for sharing.

June 13th, 2018 01:45

New Studies.
onepauly said:

freeing the being is
seeing not fleeing.
I do not know what I mean by this.
maybe you know.
ha! ha!
great music piece.

June 13th, 2018 01:36

New Studies.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

June 13th, 2018 01:31

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