Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Flowers and Souls.
orchidee said:

A fine write and clip Gold. Why must I ruin every song, by singing it?! heehee.

April 9th, 2018 01:42

Seeing My Dreams.
Accidental Poet said:

Short, but very well written Andy. I have the same problem trying to pick favorite music pieces. I tried to make a list a year or two ago, thinking it would have maybe 20 or so songs. The list grew to over 300 songs.

April 8th, 2018 07:03

Seeing My Dreams.
Eugene S. said:

Nice poem. record would be Sheherazade...

April 8th, 2018 06:45

Seeing My Dreams.
Lorna said:

This is the perfect little poem Andy....... made me cry.

April 8th, 2018 05:21

Seeing My Dreams.
Fay Slimm. said:

Music like this gracing an island of dreams !!! - ah - lovely Goldi.

April 8th, 2018 04:24

Seeing My Dreams.

Thanks ANDY ~ I always listen to DID (generally a recorded version !) it gives a real insight in to a person\'s psyche ! Like MICHAEL I would include a BRAHMS and a BEETHOVEN and of course a MOZART ~ Yesterday (BEATLES) Welcome to my World (Jim Reeves) How Great Thou Art (Beverly Shea) and two more ! Brahms\' music is celestial so it is a perfect accompaniment to your elegant poem ~ Yours BRIAN

April 8th, 2018 03:42

Seeing My Dreams.
Resa71 said:

Beautifully done, as always:)

April 8th, 2018 02:44

Seeing My Dreams.
Michael Edwards said:

Brahms would always be in my top eight - love the write and the music choice.

April 8th, 2018 02:27

Seeing My Dreams.
onepauly said:

illuminated for sure

April 8th, 2018 02:03

Seeing My Dreams.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Aww, why no-one take any of my recordings of me singing?! heehee.
Well, maybe they do. A desert island is the best place for them, cos it\'s me singing on every disc! lol.

April 8th, 2018 01:59

Stopping the Superfluous.
onepauly said:


April 7th, 2018 18:48

Stopping the Superfluous.
LaurašŸŒ» said:

Your poem is absolutely precious and beautiful. Your love for your wife and each other is like liquid gold flowing into an never ending sea...a sea that will never run dry! My admiration for you is endless!
Nat King Coleā€™s ā€œUnforgettableā€, is the perfect choice that accentuates you precious poem! May her ā€œbubbleā€ always be filled with your undiminishing love and affection!


April 7th, 2018 10:36

Stopping the Superfluous.
FineB said:

Thank you Goldfinch60.

A beautiful poem one cannot deny the magic and intensity of a kiss.

Keep writing

April 7th, 2018 09:56

Stopping the Superfluous.
Lorna said:

Beautiful Andy - and just love your Ingrid Bergman quote..... she was a favorite of Jay and me........

April 7th, 2018 04:06

Stopping the Superfluous.
orchidee said:

A fine write and pic Gold. What is forgettable is my singing! Anyone sing in 1066? heehee.

April 7th, 2018 02:02

Stopping the Superfluous.
Michael Edwards said:

Ah you old softie - but you\'re not alone - great piece Andy.

April 7th, 2018 01:58

The Evening of My Life.
LaurašŸŒ» said:

This is a beautiful write enhanced with the perfect musical piece...Beethovenā€™s sonata! Heā€™s one of my favorites! I admire your outlook on life! Your daily dose of positivity is contagious! I enjoyed this read very much!


April 6th, 2018 18:52

The Evening of My Life.
Christina8 said:

Your poem is inspiring that even though after 18 years and my love still grows that it can still grow after forty years! Thanks for sharing, GF! (andy, if I may)

April 6th, 2018 17:32

The Evening of My Life.

Thanks ANDY for sharing \"The Good Life\" Godliness with contentment is great gain !\" Thanks for the Beethoven Accompaniment ~ real Classical \"Soul Music\". I\'m only one-third through my life (I will be 99 in 2082) and i trust my Life Journey runs as smoothly as Yours ~ thanks for caring ~ BRIAN. Please check MICHIGAN ~ Thanks B.

April 6th, 2018 10:30

This Wonderful Day.
Lorna said:

Of course I know EXACTLY what you mean Andy! It\'s great when the \"he\'s back\" moments arrive.... yesterday he was a comedy act making everyone laugh even if all the words weren\'t there... we had fun..

April 6th, 2018 05:44

The Evening of My Life.
Lorna said:

I\'m with you Andy..... life has been good! You\'re such an optimistic upbeat kind of guy!

April 6th, 2018 05:37

The Evening of My Life.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Where do you and I fit in, being millions of years old? Is it our evening too? Well, older than 1066 anyway. lol.

April 6th, 2018 01:47

The Evening of My Life.
Michael Edwards said:

I\'m fully in empathy with this (except the numbers) - it\'s a great piece Andy and says so much.

Oh yes - and I love Beethoven - one of my top three of the greats from the past.

April 6th, 2018 01:37

This Wonderful Day.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

and you are blessed my friend,have another wonderful day

April 6th, 2018 00:51

This Wonderful Day.

Thanks ANDY ~ love DELIUS ~ Melancholy & Melodious but never Mournful ~ beautiful ! I even put Classic FM on standby while I listened to it @ 9pm ! I can empathise with your poem vicariously because I have Friends whose partners have Alzheimers and some times I go and sit with the Man so his spouse can have a break. We have a conversation of sorts but it is heartbreaking because some of them were intellectuals ~ now it is all on hold ~ till they get to GLORY ~ AMEN You know You and your Beloved are on my Prayer List and it is a Blessing when others (Like LAWLESS) say they are remembering you both ~ at \"The Throne of Grace\" AMEN. I thank GOD for the many committed Christians on MPS it is a lovely site ! Thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN

April 5th, 2018 15:39

This Wonderful Day.
LaurašŸŒ» said:

Two gems...your poem and the musical clip! Absolutely brilliant. I envisioned you and your wife as the couple in the video. This is the best read and visual of the day! Iā€™m thrilled for you! Hopefully thereā€™ll be more magic moments like the one youā€™ve enjoyed! Do you film the moments when ā€œHer bubble of dementiaā€ becomes ā€œhole ridden for the day.ā€?


April 5th, 2018 08:04

This Wonderful Day.
Michael Edwards said:

To live through Orchi\'s singing it must have been wonderful indeed. Here\'s to many more of them.

April 5th, 2018 03:09

This Wonderful Day.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Hope there will be more days, and healing, even in things where it\'s said \'There\'s no cure for that\'.
Meanwhile - it was a wonderful day. Then I came along and sang, and ruined it. Oh why did I have to turn up?! heehee.

April 5th, 2018 01:56

In the Doghouse.
Christina8 said:

It\'s a labor of love though...hopefully you weren\'t in the doghouse for long!

April 4th, 2018 19:51

In the Doghouse.

THANKS ANDY For sharing you domestic woes ! POETRY SITES are a bit like Model Railways ~ very addictive and very time consuming ! Like you nI have a number of Members who comment on my odd odes. I count it a pleasure to respond to their comments and also to comment on theirs ~ it is a \"Love Task !\" Also if new members don\'t have a comment I like to encourage ! It all takes time ~ but sadly I don\'t have anyone (yet !) to make a brew for. However I do neglect my MARKING & Lesson Prep etc ~ MEA CULPA ! Yours BRIAN

April 4th, 2018 10:20

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