Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Score for Words.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. I\'ll give ya scores for singing too. Words that is, though I can\'t write music!

January 16th, 2019 03:04

Morning Glory.
Fay Slimm. said:

Reading this brought tears to my eyes Goldi - your love for sweetheart is outstanding and must give her so much comfort. Keep that special time of early listening and reading so you can feel strengthened for what the day brings - - what a number you chose too - one of my favourites.

January 15th, 2019 10:48

Morning Glory.
dusk arising said:

Your times of peace and reflection bring out the you we all see here.

January 15th, 2019 07:02

Morning Glory.

Thanks UNCLE ANDY : You are a great BLESSING each day to us Younger Ones whose lives are STUCTURED and care free ! Love B R awesome tune it stirs the Heart & Spirit and Mind where the lyrics linger. Love the POEM and your ever loving tribute to JOYCE ~ AMEN !
Love & Blessings to you BOTH :

January 15th, 2019 05:18

Morning Glory.
orchidee said:

A fine yet sad write too Gold. \'Thinking\' even came into a telly soap. A guy said \'Thinking; ooh you don\'t wanna do too much of that; it can lead to all sorts of trouble!\' lol.

January 15th, 2019 03:12

Morning Glory.
Michael Edwards said:

These are the times I also treasure - my time. And more to come - I will be out painting today - Tuesday is always a special day for me. I will also be seeing the lady who saved my life just a couple of months ago - now a very special friend. Tonight with my wonderful wife doing bags of damn all. Who could ask for more. But life hasn\'t always been easy - it\'s taken hard work and never giving in.

January 15th, 2019 02:53

Trust in Politicians.
dusk arising said:

Look... i never said mexico was paying for brexit !!!

January 14th, 2019 18:36

Trust in Politicians.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY ~ My Grandparents told me about ERIC LIDDELL and how he had defied the PRINCE OF WALES (EDWARD VIII) in His stand for the SANCTITY of Sunday ! God vincated Him and He broke the World Record in the 400 yards which was not his natural sport ! Love Chariots of Fire and the music by Vangelis !
AS far as Politicians are concerned some are MORONS ~ BUT Theresa May is not one of them ! When DAVID fled the Scene of Battle ~ She stepped into the Breach. She has worked very hard to get an AGREEMENT @ oddds of 17 to 1 ! All I ask is that you pray for her Tonight and dont laugh at her Tomorrow if she loses ! Thanks for sharing ~
Blessings & Love ~ To You Both ~

January 14th, 2019 08:19

Trust in Politicians.
orchidee said:

Yep, let\'s trust \'em? For a change?

January 14th, 2019 05:13

Trust in Politicians.
Michael Edwards said:

We have been so failed by our politicians who have almost to a man (and woman) failed to embrace our current issues that I for one have no faith in them at all. How dare they even call themselves politicians. You might gather I am in full agreement with your well said poem this am.

January 14th, 2019 03:18

Trust in Politicians.
orchidee said:

Well, it\'s said the church is, as one thing, \'The Tory Party at Prayer\'. So all at church at Tories?!
I had better have that chin-wag with Teresa at a local church near us. She and hubby attend there when she is not away on business.
But she (a politician) will move her lips, so as you\'ve said...….

January 14th, 2019 03:08

Trust in Politicians.
Neville said:

apt, timely and true.... very true.

January 14th, 2019 02:46

No Signalling Day.
Neville said:

a dangerous sign of the times indeed... N

January 13th, 2019 15:15

No Signalling Day.
dusk arising said:

I\'m exactly the same about use of indicators/trafficators... i judge non use to be a sign of ignorance or laziness.
Half baked use lies somewhere in-between.... i.e. those who, on roundabouts, only indicate right even when they are exiting moving left.
Worst of all are the total witless ones who indicate one way and move the other.
Oh for thousands of petty minded traffic police on duty who could pull them over and do something corporal.

January 13th, 2019 13:57

No Signalling Day.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY : For a very moving SONG and equally sad comment about Manners & Respect. Thins are better in Auckland but of course we have 15 times more space in NZ and it provides for a more Grcious & Gentler atmosphere ! Love Streets of London and the interview at the end with Ralph is very moving. Pleased you sing it with your Choir : no doubt to a well housed audience ! It is extimated that there are almost 1000 \"Rough Sleepers\" in LONDON (better pickings & more shelter) there are some in Auckland but much less obvious ! We live in a very uncivil age and behaviour on the UK Roads is just the tip of the iceberg ! Thanks for reminding us ~ Love & Blessings to YOU & JOYCE : ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

January 13th, 2019 05:01

No Signalling Day.
orchidee said:

Ahh, a dangerous day. We best not go out that day, risking life and limb.
We need speed humps in a straight, but not too long, road near us, I reckon.
How about \'No covers on Junction Boxes\' Day (or Year!)? Those green box thingys. Look dangerous to me. I reported one ages ago. nothing done until someone gets blown up, I suppose. Doh!

January 13th, 2019 03:36

No Signalling Day.
Michael Edwards said:

You are not alone here. The Highway Code clearly states that you should indicate left when about to exit a roundabout (ie when you are level with the exit before the one you are leaving by) but how many do? In fact you are more likely to spot a vehicle leaving a roundabout still indicating right.
I am fed up with arriving at a roundabout twiddling my thumbs, wondering which exit a vehicle already on the roundabout is likely to take. What is wrong with these drivers?
Oh I could go on – how about drivers turning right and waiting at an angle or not moving over so that their offside is level with the centre of the road – thus holding up drivers behind them who want to carry on straight ahead.
All of this will mean little to our American friends but I guess they also have their gripes. Good drivers are not as common as most seem to think!

January 13th, 2019 03:36

Wonderful Life.

THANKS UNCLE ANDY : One of our fave songs and Louis does it best : so much pathos : We all have so much to be thankful for ! Love the poem and its assurance of a better Life in the Glory : WE rejoice : We dont sorrow like others : because we know we face a better future : in the Glory : forever together and forever WITH THE LORD ~ AMEN. Thanks for sharing it lifted our Hearts :
Peace & Love To ALL of You !

January 12th, 2019 18:48

Wonderful Life.
Cooper said:


January 12th, 2019 07:25

Wonderful Life.
Neville said:

a fine birthday dedication and true... I am convinced your daughter will be delighted with this gift of words & all backed up by the great Satchmo too... Neville

January 12th, 2019 06:41

Wonderful Life.
orchidee said:

A lovely write Gold.

January 12th, 2019 03:01

Wonderful Life.
Goldfinch60 said:

Thank you Michael.

See my poem on 27th August \"Abstract. For Michael Edwards\"

January 12th, 2019 02:28

Wonderful Life.
Michael Edwards said:

A superb gift Andy - not that anyone has ever written a poem for me.

January 12th, 2019 02:22

Evening to Dawn.
Laura🌻 said:


I thoroughly enjoyed the write and the music selection to complement your poem...
calming, soothing, and dreamy...

My love to Joyce and to you!


January 11th, 2019 20:53

Evening to Dawn.
Lorna said:

And isn\'t it wonderful that we all share the Moon no matter where we are...... almost as if we all lived together in the same house.... and that the Moon saw every single one of us including Cleopatra and Caesar and no matter how much disagreement and horror there is in the world, the Moon (and less romantically the Sun) is a peaceful constant! I loved the music too which isn\'t music I would normally find but oh so peaceful.....

January 11th, 2019 09:05

Evening to Dawn.
Fay Slimm. said:

Changes by light and darkness and so beautifully described Goldi - - I love the number you chose too - one of my favourite pianists is Oscar..

January 11th, 2019 06:29

Evening to Dawn.
Michael Edwards said:

Tis a wonderful world Andy.

January 11th, 2019 03:36

Evening to Dawn.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. Yes, and in Jewish thought anyway, the days begin at sunset.

January 11th, 2019 02:54

Evening Malt.
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

A wonderful poem.

You had better keep that \"Bailie Nicol Jarvie\" in a safe place for a special occasion.

A great write that makes us realize we are, none of us, really promised tomorrow, so we should enjoy the things today that we\'ve accumulated over the years. :-)

January 10th, 2019 13:05

Bad Days to Good.
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

What a great outlook and so true. If you got through yesterday, you will get through today and hopefully tomorrow.

Just take one day at a time.

A great and inspiring poem for your readers. :-)

January 10th, 2019 12:59

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