Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60
Unexpected Beauty and Dreams.
Fay Slimm. said:
Such an upbeat feel of positive vibes in this poem my friend.
April 11th, 2017 04:35
Fay Slimm. said:
Such an upbeat feel of positive vibes in this poem my friend.
April 11th, 2017 04:35
Unexpected Beauty and Dreams.
orchidee said:
Good write. I saw a daffodil growing in a compost heap. Not a huge heap of manure, as it was in our garden!
April 11th, 2017 02:05
orchidee said:
Good write. I saw a daffodil growing in a compost heap. Not a huge heap of manure, as it was in our garden!
April 11th, 2017 02:05
My Nemesis.
Great poem BROTHER ~ in the 21st C we all have tangible NEMESIS not the unseen mystic 20th C ones ! Mine is my mothers ornamental pond in general and the waterfall pump in particular ! I get soaked getting it out to clean ! My DAD\'s alergic to water ! For a few days it\'s like NIAGARA people pay 50p just to see it ! Then it gets slower and slower ~ a drizzle then it stops ! Mum is on the phone ~ BRIAN its the pump and I I\'m entertaining the Ladies from the Guild on Thursday for a Garden Party ~ so i drop everything and set out (for the third time this month) to CLEAN THE BL** DY PUMP ~ My NEMSIS ! I used to play a BASS PYROCANTHA in the School Orchestra ! Thanks for scaring ~ Yours BRIAN
April 10th, 2017 15:58
Great poem BROTHER ~ in the 21st C we all have tangible NEMESIS not the unseen mystic 20th C ones ! Mine is my mothers ornamental pond in general and the waterfall pump in particular ! I get soaked getting it out to clean ! My DAD\'s alergic to water ! For a few days it\'s like NIAGARA people pay 50p just to see it ! Then it gets slower and slower ~ a drizzle then it stops ! Mum is on the phone ~ BRIAN its the pump and I I\'m entertaining the Ladies from the Guild on Thursday for a Garden Party ~ so i drop everything and set out (for the third time this month) to CLEAN THE BL** DY PUMP ~ My NEMSIS ! I used to play a BASS PYROCANTHA in the School Orchestra ! Thanks for scaring ~ Yours BRIAN
April 10th, 2017 15:58
My Nemesis.
Goldfinch60 said:
Thank you, the garden always needs something done to it.
April 10th, 2017 10:12
Goldfinch60 said:
Thank you, the garden always needs something done to it.
April 10th, 2017 10:12
My Nemesis.
WriteBeLight said:
I thought you might be talking about the garden. HA HA clever!
April 10th, 2017 09:48
WriteBeLight said:
I thought you might be talking about the garden. HA HA clever!
April 10th, 2017 09:48
My Nemesis.
willyweed said:
And here I thought you killed the neighbor. good one!
April 10th, 2017 07:19
willyweed said:
And here I thought you killed the neighbor. good one!
April 10th, 2017 07:19
My Nemesis.
P.H.Rose said:
I knew it was a plant,
bush Or tree of some
Kind after the first
Few words....
I love this GF60
Really good write.
For me a poem where
The meaning is the
Last line, is the best kind
April 10th, 2017 07:12
P.H.Rose said:
I knew it was a plant,
bush Or tree of some
Kind after the first
Few words....
I love this GF60
Really good write.
For me a poem where
The meaning is the
Last line, is the best kind
April 10th, 2017 07:12
My Nemesis.
Bibbeck said:
A very clever write! Starting evocatively and atmospheric... causing a surprise smile at the end.
April 10th, 2017 03:50
Bibbeck said:
A very clever write! Starting evocatively and atmospheric... causing a surprise smile at the end.
April 10th, 2017 03:50
My Nemesis.
Fay Slimm. said:
Ah - - clever verse with a sting in its tail - my own battle is with ivy - like Michael it grows where it should not but I still love the greens of the leaves. Good read my friend.
April 10th, 2017 02:37
Fay Slimm. said:
Ah - - clever verse with a sting in its tail - my own battle is with ivy - like Michael it grows where it should not but I still love the greens of the leaves. Good read my friend.
April 10th, 2017 02:37
My Nemesis.
Michael Edwards said:
I have battled with pyracantha many times in the past but don\'t have it in my present house. Instead I do battle with the ivy on the main wall - it is dry dusty and choking and needs at least three trims a year. So yes this great poem has much resonance in the Edwards household. .
April 10th, 2017 02:01
Michael Edwards said:
I have battled with pyracantha many times in the past but don\'t have it in my present house. Instead I do battle with the ivy on the main wall - it is dry dusty and choking and needs at least three trims a year. So yes this great poem has much resonance in the Edwards household. .
April 10th, 2017 02:01
My Nemesis.
orchidee said:
Ahhh, I thought it might be a sinister blackberry bush! Did you hack through the bush?!
April 10th, 2017 01:44
orchidee said:
Ahhh, I thought it might be a sinister blackberry bush! Did you hack through the bush?!
April 10th, 2017 01:44
Acts of Kindness and Love.
poetboy123 said:
This is very true. Keep it up Gold!
April 9th, 2017 20:04
poetboy123 said:
This is very true. Keep it up Gold!
April 9th, 2017 20:04
Acts of Kindness and Love.
WriteBeLight said:
Very great thought here Goldfinch. We all need to appreciate one another.
April 9th, 2017 07:05
WriteBeLight said:
Very great thought here Goldfinch. We all need to appreciate one another.
April 9th, 2017 07:05
Acts of Kindness and Love.
Michael Edwards said:
So simply expressed and so effective - just the littlest of acts can make a difference like smiling at someone no matter how miserable they appear (strangers, shop assistants etc) can help cheer them up a bit.
April 9th, 2017 03:36
Michael Edwards said:
So simply expressed and so effective - just the littlest of acts can make a difference like smiling at someone no matter how miserable they appear (strangers, shop assistants etc) can help cheer them up a bit.
April 9th, 2017 03:36
Acts of Kindness and Love.
P.H.Rose said:
Love this GF60
Life and love
Between us
All like a jigsaw
Us by the
Deeds we do
April 9th, 2017 02:47
P.H.Rose said:
Love this GF60
Life and love
Between us
All like a jigsaw
Us by the
Deeds we do
April 9th, 2017 02:47
No Money In Good.
willyweed said:
one man has a zillion
another sleeps under the bridge
more people worship money
then they do God
corporate greed rules this world. good point GF
April 8th, 2017 08:13
willyweed said:
one man has a zillion
another sleeps under the bridge
more people worship money
then they do God
corporate greed rules this world. good point GF
April 8th, 2017 08:13
Lost in a Book.
wolf10 said:
A short and simple poem that every reader can relate too .
April 8th, 2017 06:58
wolf10 said:
A short and simple poem that every reader can relate too .
April 8th, 2017 06:58
No Money In Good.
WriteBeLight said:
There is a good side to money Goldfinch. But, I agree. What I see going on in the U.S., and they way some people spend their money is disgusting. I can see why some think of us as the Ugly Americans. Very thought provoking poem!
April 8th, 2017 06:36
WriteBeLight said:
There is a good side to money Goldfinch. But, I agree. What I see going on in the U.S., and they way some people spend their money is disgusting. I can see why some think of us as the Ugly Americans. Very thought provoking poem!
April 8th, 2017 06:36
No Money In Good.
Michael Edwards said:
Sadly democracy as we know it doesn\'t recognise the needs of the world - only of certain sections of the individual community. A sad world as reflected in this fine write.
April 8th, 2017 01:45
Michael Edwards said:
Sadly democracy as we know it doesn\'t recognise the needs of the world - only of certain sections of the individual community. A sad world as reflected in this fine write.
April 8th, 2017 01:45
No Money In Good.
orchidee said:
It\'s terrible really. It\'s not as though the resources are not available - they are, Some will answer for it in the end. The story of the rich man and the beggar at his gate? That\'s the controversial verse omitted from \'All things bright and beautiful\' as it infers GOD allocated some rich and some poor, but it\'s MAN making some rich and some poor.
April 8th, 2017 01:40
orchidee said:
It\'s terrible really. It\'s not as though the resources are not available - they are, Some will answer for it in the end. The story of the rich man and the beggar at his gate? That\'s the controversial verse omitted from \'All things bright and beautiful\' as it infers GOD allocated some rich and some poor, but it\'s MAN making some rich and some poor.
April 8th, 2017 01:40
No Money In Good.
orchidee said:
Good write and true. It\'s said that \'Money is THE root of ALL evil\' could also mean \'Money is A root of ALL KINDS of evil\'.
April 8th, 2017 01:37
orchidee said:
Good write and true. It\'s said that \'Money is THE root of ALL evil\' could also mean \'Money is A root of ALL KINDS of evil\'.
April 8th, 2017 01:37
Lost To Reality.
Thanks BROTHER ~ for caring and sharing. Please value your space you really need it ! It is bad enough when one\'s G-Parents and other elderly relatives and friends disappear into their own inner world ~ but to ~ lose ones partner (of many years) in that way ~ must be a 24/7 burden ! Thinking of you both and praying for you ~ AMEN BRIAN
April 7th, 2017 10:16
Thanks BROTHER ~ for caring and sharing. Please value your space you really need it ! It is bad enough when one\'s G-Parents and other elderly relatives and friends disappear into their own inner world ~ but to ~ lose ones partner (of many years) in that way ~ must be a 24/7 burden ! Thinking of you both and praying for you ~ AMEN BRIAN
April 7th, 2017 10:16
Lost To Reality.
MendedFences27 said:
It takes a brave heart to deal with what you have to, and only a love eternal to inspire you through. Your poem reveasl what all who deal with this same condition go through on a daily basis. It is touching and disheartening. We all fear the same fate. God Bless you and your wife. - Phil A.
April 7th, 2017 09:39
MendedFences27 said:
It takes a brave heart to deal with what you have to, and only a love eternal to inspire you through. Your poem reveasl what all who deal with this same condition go through on a daily basis. It is touching and disheartening. We all fear the same fate. God Bless you and your wife. - Phil A.
April 7th, 2017 09:39
Lost To Reality.
Goldfinch60 said:
Ww i do believe, I KNOW that we will go onto infinity together in our love,
April 7th, 2017 07:19
Goldfinch60 said:
Ww i do believe, I KNOW that we will go onto infinity together in our love,
April 7th, 2017 07:19
Lost To Reality.
willyweed said:
true love will prevail, one fine day in spirit she will say thank you my love my hero my soulmate...believe this is true! ww
April 7th, 2017 07:09
willyweed said:
true love will prevail, one fine day in spirit she will say thank you my love my hero my soulmate...believe this is true! ww
April 7th, 2017 07:09
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