Comments received on poems by orchidee

Some Mysteries Of Life
Trenz Pruca said:

Good one. Thank you for making my day more enjoyable.

July 24th, 2021 20:40

Some Mysteries Of Life
Accidental Poet said:

Ain\'t no charge for word? We should charge you for our reading this. And yes you\'ve been out in the Sun. You must be burnt to a crisp Orchi. ; )

July 24th, 2021 09:10

Vengeance Vindication
Laura🌻 said:


A wonderful hymn-poem!
Enjoy your weekend.


July 24th, 2021 08:58

Some Mysteries Of Life
Doggerel Dave said:

Wot a load of unmitigated cobblers, an indescribably ‘orrible piece of bull s..t…..don’t go near your hymns ever again Orchi; spew that stuff out every couple of days and give ‘em all a run for their money……… Kudos.

July 24th, 2021 06:16

Some Mysteries Of Life
Neville said:

You are more cuckoo than a Bavarian clock Mr O .. and hey, get this .. I\'m qualified to make that judgement, even from this distance ... I did enjoy your entertaining no metered non hymn post today though .. so maybe .. I might let you off lightly ................................................... perhaps :)

July 24th, 2021 04:04

Some Mysteries Of Life
Goldfinch60 said:

You know I was there in 1066 and you didn\'t understand hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia then and obviously have the unbelievable oversimplification of conceptualisation of the illuminati\'s artificiality of irreversibility of decriminalisation of disproportionality now.


July 24th, 2021 02:49

Vengeance Vindication
Saxon Crow said:

A nice job Orchi

July 23rd, 2021 13:57

Vengeance Vindication
Jerry Reynolds said:

A fine write, Orchi.

July 23rd, 2021 08:08

Vengeance Vindication
Fay Slimm. said:

A fine write Orchi

July 23rd, 2021 04:03

Vengeance Vindication
Goldfinch60 said:

\"The LORD will not abandon
His people, not e\'en one\"

He abandoned Joyce and I !!!!!!!!

July 23rd, 2021 01:37

A Little Leaven
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

July 23rd, 2021 00:38

A Little Leaven
Accidental Poet said:

Nice one Bill. ; )

July 22nd, 2021 18:42

A Little Leaven
SureshG said:

We have been gifted with intelligence, so why is it so difficult to follow the righteous path, why must we be reminded again and again.

July 22nd, 2021 12:29

A Little Leaven
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

Wow a parable like, a beautiful spiritual poem all in all. Reminds me of freshly baked bread, leavening and all. Kudos.

Plz do read and comment my newest poem too.

July 22nd, 2021 11:22

A Little Leaven
Neville said:

I\'m not into bread at the moment .. but at yeast I\'m open about it ...

:) :) :)

July 22nd, 2021 06:37

A Little Leaven
Saxon Crow said:

Nicely penned orchi

July 22nd, 2021 01:40

Finite And Infinite
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.


July 22nd, 2021 00:28

Finite And Infinite
Laura🌻 said:


Welcome back.
Wonderful to read
your work again.


July 21st, 2021 15:56

Finite And Infinite
Neville said:

the end is nigh he heard her sigh ..

as she met her waterloo ... that\'s an AABBA TWA too

Yabba dabba doo n toodle ooh to you :)

July 21st, 2021 02:25

Coooeee - Oh no!
Goldfinch60 said:

I did keep trying to keep you off the site but as in 1066 you turned up and spoilt everything.


July 21st, 2021 00:10

Coooeee - Oh no!
SureshG said:

I suffered a similar consequence, and when I re-established, all my past post were eliminated, so, glad to hear you came back unscathed, or else who will keep us grounded.

July 20th, 2021 12:47

Coooeee - Oh no!
Accidental Poet said:

There you are. KP has been beside herself worrying and looking for you. We told her you were being held hostage in 1066 and then they had enough. ; )

July 20th, 2021 05:35

Coooeee - Oh no!
Doggerel Dave said:

I was going to inquire of Andy - it didn\'t feel right to have you wandering alone in 1066 unable to get back ... anyway , seems you managed to return, so as Willie Wobblesword once said \"All\'s well that ends...or something...

July 20th, 2021 04:55

Coooeee - Oh no!
dusk arising said:

Good to see you back Orchi.

July 20th, 2021 04:12

Coooeee - Oh no!
Neville said:

Hello & ditto to Fido

July 20th, 2021 03:28

Coooeee - Oh no!
Saxon Crow said:

Erm, welcome back... I think?

July 20th, 2021 02:13

Stone Sensibilities
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi

July 7th, 2021 00:28

Stone Sensibilities
SureshG said:

In my bones, I know the importance of that corner stone, that you have so poetically reminded us

July 6th, 2021 13:06

Stone Sensibilities
Neville said:

I imagine being ground to a powder is only marginally worse than being pulverised into an opaque paste ..

July 6th, 2021 08:57

Stone Sensibilities
dusk arising said:

It was man who dictated that fine places should be built to worship god. Surely god would have chosen to spend money and effort to assist more charitible causes.
Surely, rather than keep re-investing its vast wealth, the various churches should be following the will of being poor christians able to enter heaven avoiding the biblical \'eye of a needle\' test.

July 6th, 2021 07:38

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