Comments received on poems by orchidee

Praise Prominence
Lorna said:

Oh those Welsh! Breaks your heart.....

August 17th, 2021 05:45

Praise Prominence
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

The film is a great film to watch.


August 17th, 2021 03:01

Praise Prominence
Neville said:

You can beat an egg, but ya can\'t beat a bit of molten wax .. now can ya ..

Good old Michael Caine eh a national treasure :)

August 17th, 2021 02:38

Prayer of Jonah - Minor Prophets Series
Neville said:

I enjoyed this Mr. O but then I have a thing about the ocean and fishes n stuff like that ................................... :)

August 16th, 2021 12:22

Prayer of Jonah - Minor Prophets Series
Lorna said:

No one ever tells us if Jonah gave the whale indigestion.............

August 16th, 2021 04:57

Prayer of Jonah - Minor Prophets Series
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

August 16th, 2021 01:57

Prayer of Jonah - Minor Prophets Series
orchidee said:

Some Bible commentaries say this is true; some say it is just a folk-tale.
I expect we believed it (and still do?) from Sunday school days.

August 16th, 2021 01:50

Refreshing Rest
Neville said:

How bloomin refreshing was that eh\'

that feels so much better now .. thanks Orchidee ........................ :)

August 15th, 2021 06:20

Refreshing Rest
Lorna said:

You always give us refreshing rest Orchi - thank you!

August 15th, 2021 04:46

Refreshing Rest
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

August 15th, 2021 02:21

Creation Crescendo
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

August 14th, 2021 11:47

Creation Crescendo
Neville said:

I must confess, I do love a good folk song .. and this works .................. N

August 14th, 2021 02:22

Mystery Manifested
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

August 14th, 2021 00:34

Mystery Manifested
Saxon Crow said:

Well it makes sense as God created us All in his image

August 13th, 2021 02:39

Mystery Manifested
orchidee said:

The poem is a bit involved. Basically it sayings that one of God\'s mysteries revealed, is that Gentiles as well as Jews are included in his plan of salvation.
We are all Jews or non-Jews (Gentiles). unless you are like me - I\'m half-human, half guinea-pig! lol.

August 13th, 2021 01:56

To Like Or Not To Like
Dove said:

Likes are ok, sometimes I reread a poem, trying to like it ! Realized that I unliked it by mistake lol

August 12th, 2021 10:45

To Like Or Not To Like
dusk arising said:

That like button is a bit contravertial. It has been applied to every poem ever posted on MPS u know. I was looking at one of my old ones, it had been read by 62 different people and the like button score was zero.
Pah, I don\'t bother with it, I\'d rather comment if i like a piece or move along quietly if I dont.
Fido needs more walks.

August 12th, 2021 04:40

To Like Or Not To Like
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m trying to unlike do I unlike it.... there must be a way....Put a negative in there? How do I put a negative in there?...there must be a way...put a like in and divide it by two...How do I divide it by two?....But even then I\'v\'e got to quarter it...How would I quarter it?...Oh this get\'s me nowhere...Perhaps I could bug Orchi\'s computer...I think I\'ll have to call a mate in North Korea...He\'s good at that kind of thing......

August 12th, 2021 02:05

Promise of the Spirit
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

August 12th, 2021 00:36

Promise of the Spirit
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Thank you for sharing.
My auntā€™s favorite words before she says goodnightā€¦ā€œLet not your heart be troubledā€ .

So my dear Orchi, ā€œLet not your heart be troubledā€ .

Goodnight šŸ˜“


August 11th, 2021 19:52

Promise of the Spirit
Neville said:

I have heard of parasites and parakeets .. but paracletes is a new one on me Mr. O ..

and there woz me thinking I was darn near fluent in verily olde Englifh ... hymnpoemly fine or finely hymnpoemed, now that is the question ........................... N :)

August 11th, 2021 07:06

Promise of the Spirit
Lorna said:

You promise?

August 11th, 2021 03:15

Promise of the Spirit
Saxon Crow said:

What\'s a paraclete?!

August 11th, 2021 03:06

Trusting Truly
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

August 11th, 2021 00:25

Trusting Truly
Neville said:

I thought he was meant to be your shepherd .. Oh\' well, at least you will be able to see where you are going whilst being salvaged .................... or should that be salvationized ......................... :)

August 10th, 2021 16:26

Trusting Truly
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Many many thanks from my dear aunt.


August 10th, 2021 15:27

Trusting Truly
Saxon Crow said:

Nice one Orchi

August 10th, 2021 09:06

Trusting Truly
orchidee said:

Verse 1: me singing won\'t fare well, in the sense of \'goodbye\'. Will it fare well, in the sense of \'doing well\'?

August 10th, 2021 01:53

Disciples Denial
Goldfinch60 said:

Where was he for Joyce!!

August 10th, 2021 00:26

Disciples Denial
LaurašŸŒ» said:


My aunt is delighted that Iā€™m with her again so that she can enjoy me reading your hymn-poems to her. Sheā€™s delighted. There are times when she asks me to translate them in Italian for her.

Thank you for sharing.


August 9th, 2021 16:53

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