Comments received on poems by orchidee

Acceptable Atonement
Michael Edwards said:

Nice one O - is ther such a thing as unacceptable attonement?

September 21st, 2020 03:22

Wheat And Weeds
Neville said:

I lost all track of time ... is it that time of year already.. nice :)

September 20th, 2020 07:42

Wheat And Weeds
Goldfinch60 said:

Harvest Hymn by John Betjeman.

We spray the fields and scatter
The poison on the ground
So that no wicked wild flowers
Upon our farm be found.
We like whatever helps us
To line our purse with pence;
The twenty-four-hour broiler-house
And neat electric fence.

All concrete sheds around us
And Jaguars in the yard,
The telly lounge and deep-freeze
Are ours from working hard.

We fire the fields for harvest,
The hedges swell the flame,
The oak trees and the cottages
From which our fathers came.
We give no compensation,
The earth is ours today,
And if we lose on arable,
The bungalows will pay.

All concrete sheds around us
And Jaguars in the yard
The telly lounge and deep freeze
Are ours from working hard.

September 20th, 2020 02:43

Hope of Heavenly Help

ANGELA HERE - A blessed Sunday Uncle Steve - Our Harvest this morning ! Tinned & Dry Goods (Flour - Sugar - Pasta etc) for the local Night Shelter and not a PUMPKIN in sight ! Thanks for the HYMN & Psalm 17 - AMEN.

I call on You GOD & You do answer ME
Listen to ME know & hear what I say
Your LOVE is wonderful - You save those
Who put their trust in YOU - AMEN !

Blessings & Joy to You & Funny Fido
Spirit Love A & B & El Gato Ahumido !!!

September 20th, 2020 01:28

Hope of Heavenly Help
Goldfinch60 said:

\" I have called on you, you will hear
Incline your ear, hear my prayer clear
Show me your marvellous mercy
Your loving-kindness unto me\"

Where was he for My Joyce!!!


September 20th, 2020 00:09

Hope of Heavenly Help
Gavin said:

Beautiful Hymn Orchidee.

Really captures the spirit of David pleas

The pause of the last line in first verse I read it as \'trust you with me\'. That had a powerful
Feeling of true faith and safety in God

September 19th, 2020 15:26

Hope of Heavenly Help
Gavin said:

Beautiful Hymn Orchidee.

Really captures the spirit of David pleas

The pause of the last line in first verse I read it as \'trust you with me\'. That had a powerful
Feeling of true faith and safety in God

September 19th, 2020 14:18

Hope of Heavenly Help
Neville said:

September 19th, 2020 06:03

Hope of Heavenly Help
L. B. Mek said:

\'Hide me \'neath show of your wings
So then safe, my soul to you sings\'

I think this lines encapsulates perfectly, the whole point of having faith and choosing to believe and take comfort-in - something/anything, that exists beyond the validity of our physical or logical senses,

September 19th, 2020 03:18

Trusting Tale
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

September 19th, 2020 00:04

Trusting Tale
Dove said:

Smilez! Nice work!

September 18th, 2020 20:39

Trusting Tale

THANKS UNCLE STEVE ~ Great Hymn as we slowly drift into Autumn ~ Autumn Weather promsed next week ! Friens of ours are Holidaying in Norfolk ! Told them to take Wellies & Hot Water Bottles ! Love the Psalms always a Blessing !

Blessings & Joy to You & Yu Praising Poodle !
Spiritual Love A & B & El Gato Ahumido ! ! !
Please check our Fusion on *Cities You would like to visit FREE*

September 18th, 2020 15:02

Amiable Anointing

ANGELA HERE - Thanks for sharing an excellent HYMN & A Wonderful True Story as are all in the BIBLE including the GENESIS account of the Creation of Man - AMEN !
The true account of the ALABASTER BOX teaches US all many lessons ! In their CREATION of Planet Earth - as a *Living Planet* - the TRINITY gave us their very very best (think of *Life on Mars*) so we should always give of our best back to the GODHEAD. The Anglican Cathedral in Liverpoon in Local Red Sandstone is a case in POINT ! We have an origional Painting of it on our Dining Room Wall. Church Jumble Sales indicate we are only prepared to *Give Our Rags to God*. We TITHE our Money for the Lords Work ! Does you Church teach Tithing ?

Blessings & Joy to You & Your Devout DOG FIDO
Spirit Love Angela - Brain & El Gato Ahumido πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

September 17th, 2020 12:07

Amiable Anointing
dusk arising said:

Love the way you re-write these fairy tales even though to do so would be regarded as sacrilege by many christians. What a mixed up confused religion christianity seems to be. No wonder it needs spicing up a bit with such re-writing as yours.

September 17th, 2020 03:49

Amiable Anointing
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

September 17th, 2020 02:58

Quality Not Quantity
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

September 16th, 2020 04:33

Countenancing The Cross
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

September 16th, 2020 00:56

Countenancing The Cross
Gary Edward Geraci said:

I love the countenances of the lovely choral assembly as they sing here to give glory to the Immutable Glory - the characteristics (of course which we always fall short in listing - we’re finite while He’s Infinite) flowing eloquently from your verse and stanzas.

September 15th, 2020 23:25

Countenancing The Cross
Dove said:

Doth thy count the metre upon thine fingers? Always a pleasure reading ,

September 15th, 2020 10:35

Gracious Goldfinch
Neville said:

.... Nicely poemed Orchidee πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

September 15th, 2020 07:49

Countenancing The Cross

Good Morning Uncle Steve - Angela here (First Clinic @ 11am) Great Hymn & Bible Passage to start a busy DAY. The Hymn was one of the eight the Blessed Theresa May chose for Desert Island Discs ! Methinks we have replaced a Saint with a Charletan ! Love the passage you experience all the *TENSION of the CROSS* when you visit Jerusalem !

CHIRST has once sufered for our SINS
The Just for the Unjust
That HE might bring us back again to GOD ~ AMEN

Blessings to You & Saint Fido ~ Love
In the Spirit A & B & El Gato Ahumido ! ! !

September 15th, 2020 03:23

Gracious Goldfinch
Dove said:

A beautiful tale, and you do justice to the goldfinch! Always well written , thanks for adding the work of art too!

September 14th, 2020 10:45

Gracious Goldfinch

ANGELA HERE ~ Good Monday Uncle Steve thanks for an exce\\llent HYMN to start the Day & bring us closer to GOD ! Its just what Brian & I needed in these *Days of COVID Stress & Strain* Thanks for the painting & comment thereon. Catholics are geat ones for *Religious Art* My fave is *St JOHN of the CROSS by DALI* Which Scotland bought for Β£4000 ! The Spanish Government recently offered them Β£4 millon but knowing its *True Value Spiritually* to the People of Scot,land they refusd to sell ~ AMEN. Religious Art & Legend have their place - BUT - Gods Word the Holy Bible must always reign supreme ! *The most precious BOOK in the WORLD ~ AMEN !*

Blessings & Joy to YOU & Frisky FIDO
Spirit Love A & B & El Gato Ahumido ! ! !

September 14th, 2020 02:17

Gracious Goldfinch
Goldfinch60 said:


September 14th, 2020 01:37

Hopeful Harvest

BRIAN HERE ~ Good Sunday UNCLE STEVE ~ Pleased to see FIDO ~ missed Him the other week when we were in COWES (IOW) instead of Newbury. A BLACK LAB ~ Wondeful Dogs & a powerful colour. Ive Promised Angela a Golden Lab when we have our first Child (2022 ?) ! My GFather loved the Archers great series which brought the scent of the Country into the City (Liverpool) went well with Andys OX TAIL Soup ! Our Poem today is also on a *NATURE* theme !
Loved the HYMN & the Psalm very uplifting ! We are having a Harvest Service next Sunday Morning in Groups of SIX alas no PUMPKIN or Fresh Fruit or Veg. Proceeds to the LOCAL NIGHT SHELTER ! Tinned Goods ~ Dry Goods & Toiletries ONLY ! We shall buy a PUMPKIN in October - carve a face & put a candle in - TRADITION - Pumpkin Soup for a week ~ AMEN

PSALM 65 v 13 ~ The Pastures are overflowing with
Sheep & Cattle ~ The Valleys are bursting with Ripe Corn.
They shout for Joy & even the Farmers are smiling ~ AMEN !

Blessing to You & Your Black Beauty
Spirit Love A & B & El Gato Ahumido πŸ§‘πŸ’™πŸ€Ž

September 13th, 2020 04:04

Hopeful Harvest
Goldfinch60 said:

When I was Chaplain to the Sea Cadets I used to take part of the Memorial Service in the Church where the service on the clip took place.

September 13th, 2020 03:05

Hopeful Harvest
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

That first clip where it show a Church on a bridge is the Methodist Church I go to. Some of the singers I recognised as well but they are a bit older now.


September 13th, 2020 03:04

Covenant Communing
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

September 13th, 2020 00:44

Covenant Communing
Michael Edwards said:

Great write Orchi

September 12th, 2020 14:25

Covenant Communing
Dove said:

It takes talent to set the metre to music
with writing skills! You do it so effectively
All the time ! Bravo

September 12th, 2020 13:21

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