Comments received on poems by orchidee

Trumpet Triumph
Fay Slimm. said:

A thunderous write today Orchi.

June 5th, 2020 04:37

Trumpet Triumph
Neville said:

Would it work with a tuba or a trombone... and besides that, you dont see the verb redound very often these days do ya....

June 5th, 2020 04:08

Trumpet Triumph
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

June 5th, 2020 01:50

Penitent Pleas
Neville said:

That\'s the way... belt it out

I reckon I recall this tune from my childhood choirboy day..

June 4th, 2020 12:57

Penitent Pleas
Laura🌻 said:


I wish your singing here on earth could quell these tumultuous times!


June 4th, 2020 06:20

Penitent Pleas
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi, keep singing?

June 4th, 2020 02:13

Image Impetus

Good Evening ~ Uncle Andy Thanks for caring !

WILLIAM COUPER 1731 ~1800 ~ O for a closer walk with GOD !

O for a closer walk with GOD
Calm & Serene our Frame
So purer light shall mark the Road
That leads US to the LAMB ~ AMEN !

Blessings & Peace to You & Fido
Love in the Spirit ~ A & B & Smokey !

June 3rd, 2020 18:09

Image Impetus
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi, keep moving forward, life is wonderful.


June 3rd, 2020 02:13

Selfish - and don\'t care!
dusk arising said:

I can\'t imagine you being shellfish. Do you picture yourself as a hermit crab seeking a larger shell that you may grow into? A shell with enough \'extra space\' within to present a reverberating echo to your singing voice?

I like your picture of your dogfish today too. A rare breed of FidoCod I think. I should imagine if you hold up the hymn numbers in front of him he will howl along harmoniously to your tones.

June 2nd, 2020 06:15

Selfish - and don\'t care!
Neville said:

there\'s nowt like a good rant... now dont you feel so much better..

I like it when you deviate sir...


June 2nd, 2020 05:47

Selfish - and don\'t care!
Fay Slimm. said:

You made a very strong point with these words Orchi.

June 2nd, 2020 04:15

Selfish - and don\'t care!
Goldfinch60 said:

Many very true words said in your writing Orchi, the rich do not care for those in need.


June 2nd, 2020 02:10

Prayer Parable
ron parrish aka wordman said:

as most preachers and others do daily to be seen

June 1st, 2020 18:55

Prayer Parable
Neville said:

tis a good job I read the first stanza or verse twice.. otherwise Fido might just have had a fit...… Neville :)

June 1st, 2020 05:36

Prayer Parable
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi, it is a pity that the publican is not serving me a pint in his pub at the moment.

June 1st, 2020 02:26

Pentecost Promise

Thanks UNCLE STEVE for an excellent Posting (Hymn & Poem) on the Holy Spirit. You & I and all *Born Again Believers* appreciate that without the *9 fruit of the Holy Spirit* we could not function individually as Christians - And without the *19 Gifts of the Spirit* the Church could not function either ! When talking about *The Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit* we are on very very Sacred Ground indeed. Thanks for sharing on all our behalves ~ AMEN.

Blessings & Peace & Joy to YOU & Faithful FIDO
Love in the Spirit - Brian & Angela πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

May 31st, 2020 10:39

Pentecost Promise
Fay Slimm. said:

Powerful words Orchi.

May 31st, 2020 06:51

Pentecost Promise
Neville said:

I liked this one too

May 31st, 2020 04:31

Pentecost Promise
dusk arising said:

Do you think they would let me into a church these days Orchidee? LOL Yes i know they would. As a tradesman/craftsman I love our heritage buildings and most churches are of course well preserved and have a well documented history. Whereas i don\'t go along with the christian tradition any longer i do enjoy several aspects of it all.

The likes of me would sure enough be shocked out of our socks if a godly happening such as you suggest were to be accompanied by actual evidence of a god existence wouldn\'t we.

May 31st, 2020 03:12

Pentecost Promise
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

May 31st, 2020 02:46

The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

May 31st, 2020 00:06

The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Neville said:

just goes to show how ignorant I am about your scriptures orchidee,

I never heard mention of a Philip in the Bible before, or have I got the wrong end of the stick?


May 30th, 2020 12:38

Lordship Laudings

BUENAS TARDES ~ Tio Mio Steve ~ Any Hymn about the Ressurection gets our VOTE ~ AMEN.
Palm 47 v 6 Sing Praises to GOD ~ Sing Praises ~ Sing Praises to our KING ~ Sing Praises ! One big thing we miss in Virtual Church is the Singing. However on Praise Zoom ~ We can all sing together ~ AMEN. Still it has its advantages - People who cant sing can MIME !

Blessings to You & Your curious CUR
Love int Spirit Angela Brian & Smokey !

May 29th, 2020 15:05

Lordship Laudings
Neville said:

Hey yo.. this has a modern feel to it and then some... got me feet tapping very nearly..... N :)

May 29th, 2020 13:53

Lordship Laudings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one Orchi.

May 29th, 2020 02:13

Proskuneo - Praise Series

Afternoon Uncle Steve ~ Thanks for sharing a Golden Oldie from the Scottish Psalter - very uplifting !
A bit Theologically academic today invoking the GREEK
PROSCUNEO is a very powerful word invoking as you say *Total AWE in the presence of GOD* Some ofthis essential awe & reverence is missing in some of the Happy Clappy Churches but they do compensate it with JOY & LOVE !

Blessings to You & Your Charismatic Cur
Spritual Love ANGELA - BRIAN & SMOKEY !

May 28th, 2020 11:15

Proskuneo - Praise Series
Goldfinch60 said:

True - God is a Spirit and has nothing to do with christianity.
Good write Orchi.


May 28th, 2020 02:08

Ruwa - Praise Series
Goldfinch60 said:

God one Orchi. Make Ruwa for all.


May 28th, 2020 00:06

Ruwa - Praise Series
Fay Slimm. said:

Though familiar with scriptural text the Hebrew word Ruwa is new to me so thank you for giving its meaning dear Orchi.

May 27th, 2020 12:46

Ruwa - Praise Series
Neville said:

another new word to add to my collection .. thank you Orchidee.. for a moment, I thought my new word was nowt but a shouted order to the oarsmen as they ruwa ruwa ruwad their boat gently down the stream.... :)

May 27th, 2020 12:12

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