Comments received on poems by orchidee

All Things New
orchidee said:

You gusting there?!

August 20th, 2018 04:16

All Things New
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write Orchi.

We had that hymn at Church yesterday

\"Bread of heaven, bread of heaven
Feed me till I want no more;

WANT NO MORE, (the bass line reprise which we basses sing with absolute gusto and drown out everybody else!)

August 20th, 2018 02:32

Forgiveness Full
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Forgiven, may we indeed turn to His throne of grace! An inspiration Orchidee as “the promise” is nestled within these lines: our one and only hope.

August 19th, 2018 15:04

Forgiveness Full
Michael Edwards said:

Nice one O - Mrs Berles sends her regards.

August 19th, 2018 11:08

Forgiveness Full
Laura🌻 said:


“In grateful thanks” we do sing!
Wishing you a great Sunday!


August 19th, 2018 06:06

Forgiveness Full

Thanks UNCLE STEVE: I love ROBED CHOIRS : very medieval, lovely hymn and (as you say) beautifully sung. Love the POEM Psalm 130 on of my favorites. I read a PSALM every day so i read it twice every year . Please check my POEM for today \"THE MELODY OF LOVE\" it may ring a bell or two! Love ANGELA XXXX

August 19th, 2018 04:06

Forgiveness Full
Goldfinch60 said:

Hear My cry indeed Lord.

August 19th, 2018 01:55

Humble Heart
Goldfinch60 said:


August 19th, 2018 00:32

Humble Heart
Gary Edward Geraci said:

No waffling about here! Humility is the key and may ‘the truth in wisdom’ guide us to write this in as many different ways and variations as we can.

August 18th, 2018 18:41

Humble Heart
FineB said:

A beautiful poem Orchidee.

Humility, a lesson for us all


Keep writing

August 18th, 2018 16:00

Humble Heart
dusk arising said:

You do an awful lot of praying.

August 18th, 2018 10:36

Humble Heart

Thanks UNCLE STEVE ~ BRIANS up the Air so Im commenting today. Love the hymn : We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit every day! Nice POEM and an admonition \"Judge not because you too will be Judged. Im megahappy today, please read my POEM for BRIAN : TOGETHER AGAIN - AMEN! Love ANGELA XXXX

August 18th, 2018 02:28

Angels Assisting
Goldfinch60 said:

Whenever you see a feather in a strange place you know that an Angel has been near you.

August 18th, 2018 00:14

Angels Assisting
dusk arising said:

Of course a modern day angel might not be quite what you were expecting to arrive. A burly shaven headed six footer with a full sized axe for an earring.
Did i hear a cat?

August 17th, 2018 04:19

Angels Assisting
Laura🌻 said:


An Amen to your fine write!


August 17th, 2018 04:04

Power Proclamations

Thanks for sharing STEVE ~ Aonter excellent HYMN &(tune words) we can sing along to. Some Churches ~ sans Organist or Pianist ~ have canned music and words on Power Point ! If I am preaching in one of these Churches I always tell them ~ I appreciate the SPIRITUAL KARAOKE ! Still ~ necessity must ~ and its infinitely better than nothing ! Love your Poem ~ every PSALM is a Spiritual Masterpiece ! PSALM 76 begins ........... In JUDAH ~ They know GOD ~ HE has a great reputation in ISREAL ~ HE is camping in SALEM ON holiday from HIS HOME in ZION GOD is omnipresent so HE\'s even in the UK ~ BUT ~ They don\'t always acknowledge HIM ~ When BRITAIN acknowledges GOD ~ then (and only then) will she be GREAT AGAIN ! Please check Angela\'s Poem NEW ZEALAND IS CALLING ME ~ Yours as always BRIAN

August 16th, 2018 08:59

Power Proclamations
Goldfinch60 said:


August 16th, 2018 08:06

Christina8 said:

Hilarious Orchi!

August 15th, 2018 12:56

Michael Edwards said:

If you care to send me a PM with your address I\'ll dispatch the tablets straight away.

August 15th, 2018 08:05

dusk arising said:

\'False pretences\' have brought out your fallible humanity onto our screens in a most enjoyable read this morning (as i somnambulate into the day).
Would love to comment on more of this kind of writing from you.

August 15th, 2018 04:35

sylviasearcher said:

Note to self...
Never add water to sherry

August 15th, 2018 02:53

Goldfinch60 said:

May your tetrameters not be filled with words that cause you to become Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobic.

August 15th, 2018 01:58

Augustine\'s Anointing

THANKS UNCLE STEVE: ANGELA HERE: Its Wednesday morning in NZ and Im just waking up! Love the video but the audience all look 60+ I wonder if Traditional Churches will survive beyond 2050? I was brought up Catholic and I still attend from time to time for the Bells \'n Smells! Catholics believe \"The Family that Prays Together Stays together\" so in the UK the Catholic Churches are very Traditional but still have lots of children and teens. A lot of them attend Catholic Schools which reinforces their FAITH. Brian & I attend an Evangelical Church. We have a Creche and a Sunday School in tandem with our Morning Service so we get lots of kids and Young Families. We encourage the Teens in the MUSIC GROUP (say no more!) and we have Holiday Clubs etc. We hope to still be relevant in 2050 when I will be 62 and Brian 67! There are lots of Young Families and KIDS in NZ Churches and the Maoris attend as Families : They are very Spiritual People!
I love your Poems every day, very uplifting. Loved the thought in todays Poem that we can come to GOD at any age and He Cleanses us through the death of Jesus on the Cross for us and fills us with His Holy Spirit: AMEN Thanks for being you, you feed us spiritually every day, AMEN. Love in The Spirit from NZ : ANGELA XXXX

August 14th, 2018 13:42

Fan The Flame
Laura🌻 said:

Glad you’re keeping that Flame burning!
A fine hymn/poem indeed!


August 13th, 2018 18:13

Fan The Flame

THANKS STEVE ~ Very Very Holy Ground for a MONDAY ! Excellent Hymn ~ Beautifully Sung and the preparation for the Communion Service ! Took me all the way back to .............. YESTERDAY !
We both love to keep our Flame Burning & our Light Shining in Essex & Auckland ~ Love the poem ~ challenging ~ Yours as always BRIAN & ANGELA ~ OK !

August 13th, 2018 10:44

Fan The Flame
Fay Slimm. said:

Great read again Orchi - your postings keep the flame of faith burning my friend.

August 13th, 2018 03:09

Fan The Flame
Goldfinch60 said:

That light is always there, some just do not want to see it.

August 13th, 2018 01:37

Fan The Flame
Michael Edwards said:

So you are still in the ash Orchi. Fine write as ever.

August 13th, 2018 01:29

Preparation Ponderings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write once more Orchi.

August 13th, 2018 00:31

Preparation Ponderings

Thanks STEVE for putting us on Higher Ground ready for Sunday Worship ~ \"I was overjoyed when they said to me ~ Let us go into the House of the LORD\" Love the HYMN \"The Bread & Wine remove ~ but thou art here\" we are in GOD\'s sight 24/7 ~ AMEN ! Thank GOD in the UK ~ SUNDAY is still a day for WORSHIP ~ PRAISE & PRAYER ~ AMEN ~ Yours as always BRIAN (UK) and ANGELA (NZ) ! Please check our POEM TODAY ~ Thanks A & B !

August 12th, 2018 04:05

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