Comments received on poems by orchidee

Rain Refreshment
Heartwriter said:

Much needed moisture heavenly father can only give.

August 1st, 2018 04:15

Rain Refreshment
Goldfinch60 said:

That Spirit\'s rain is what brings life to us all.

August 1st, 2018 01:53

Rain Refreshment
orchidee said:

Blame me for the \'deluge strong\' of last weekend (in UK)! You prefer \'small showers\'?!

August 1st, 2018 01:50

Co-operating Church

HI STEVE ~ Thanks for the ORGAN RECITAL ~ very uplifting on a Tuesday. Acts 2 v 42 ~ 47 is a very very important passage in answer to the Q \"What is a CHRISTIAN CHURCH and what do they DO ? X things stand out in this passage which define NEW TESTAMENT ~ PATTERN CHURCH. 1. Baptism and that would be Total Immersion signifying identification with the Death & Resurrection of Christ ~ not SPRINKLING which is unscriptural ! And note it was Believers Baptism ~ not Children which is also unscriptural ! Steadfast not just on a Sunday but 24/7. 2. The Apostles Doctrine ~ study of the Teachings of the NT Gospels ~ Acts ~ Epistles ~ Revelation ~ by the end of the 1st C (AD 100) these would be availableand in several languages. And of course the OLD TESTAMENT which is an integral part of the CHRISTIAN BIBLE (66 Books only !) Today the complete Bible is available in over 2000 languages and is always the World\'s \"best seller\" ! 3. BREAKING OF BREAD ~ The Communion Service. Simple directions are given BREAD (Symbolising The Body of Christ) WINE (Symbolising the Blood of Christ). Groups that do NOT have a regular Communion Service are not NT Christian Churches. 4. PRAYERS ~ An NT Church has regular Prayer Meetings ! 5. FELLOWSHIP (Greek KONONIA) it signifies meetings to Care & Share and also \"Christian Get Togethers\" in the CHURCH BUILDING or in Houses this can include ALPHA GROUPS ~ Ladies Meetings & Mens Curry Nights ! There is also ~ Evangelism in the Church & Communities (Gospel Rallies etc) & Overseas ~ Missionary Work etc etc. Buildings are not mentioned ~ they came later as did ritual and Extrascriptual Doctrines such as Transubstantiation & Mariolatry & Purgatory & Infallibility of the Pope etc etc. Also Heresies ~ Mormons ~ JW\'s ~ Christian Science ~ Unitarians etc. These are big subjects but ever since the Day of Pentecost (AD 33) There have been Christian Churches who have met in a simple way and according to the NEW TESTAMENT~ but also Global Churches like the Roman Catholics ~ Eastern Orthodox etc and of Course Islam. You & I are personally responsible for what we believe ~ which Church (Denomination) we join and what other \"Churches\" & \"Doctrines\" we embrace ~ AMEN Sorry to pontificate but Acts 2 vv 42 ~ 47 is for Angela & I ~ very very HOLY GROUND ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Every Blessing ~ YOURS Brian & Angela

July 31st, 2018 14:54

Co-operating Church
Lorna said:

Orchi - had you been around when I was at an impressionable age you probably would have been the one to get me on the bandwagon...... that is intended as a compliment to you oh sage of 1066.....

July 31st, 2018 07:49

Co-operating Church
Heartwriter said:

You speak of one Accord. As it should be. Thanks.

July 31st, 2018 05:33

Co-operating Church
kevin browne said:

I\'ve always believed the Gods churches aren\'t big enough for him. Although we go and pray in church and it\'s a simple place to be filled with the love of God. God is everywhere touching in our souls driving us towards better lives. I pray everyday a child is born free of Heroin addiction from the mother, I pray for babies not to be born blind, deaf and dum. Why does God allow this to happen. It makes me angry and I ask him not to do such things in our world. I love your poem. A great tribute to the almighty himself.

July 31st, 2018 03:47

Co-operating Church
Goldfinch60 said:

Daily Church does not seem an option nowadays. Good write.

July 31st, 2018 02:06

Remember Righteousness
Lorna said:

I love that your soul is a turtle-dove Orchi......

July 30th, 2018 07:22

Travelling On Trusting
Heartwriter said:

Another write straight by the book.

July 29th, 2018 20:28

Travelling On Trusting
orchidee said:

Thanks Gold. Not much \'danger\' of joyful songs in some places! Just been to one. Well, it\'s the hols, and some folk not coming out in the wind and rain - depleted numbers!
Five songs there would have been agony! Mutter, mutter, etc. Can\'t be helped sometimes. I start muttering too! doh!

July 29th, 2018 07:06

Travelling On Trusting
LaurašŸŒ» said:


Beautiful hymn/poem!
So far today Iā€™ve read/heard
four song references!
I guess Iā€™ll be singing
all day long!


July 29th, 2018 05:24

Travelling On Trusting
Michael Edwards said:

Great structure O

July 29th, 2018 05:10

Travelling On Trusting
Lorna said:

Hi Orchi - well I rode a LOT of horses and some of them definitely knew the way - more than we liked! Ha! If there is one I\'m sure you\'re going to heaven with or without a horse.....

July 29th, 2018 05:03

Travelling On Trusting
Goldfinch60 said:


July 29th, 2018 01:41

Mission Of Mercy
Michael Edwards said:

Fine write Orchi

July 28th, 2018 03:01

Mission Of Mercy
dusk arising said:

Yes you\'re right and i do see before me a well structured piece which flows like a story with a message. I think \'a poetic parable\' would be an appropriate descriptor.

July 28th, 2018 02:29

Mission Of Mercy
dusk arising said:

You\'re obviously a christian religious believer and i am not so i can\'t/won\'t comment upon the content of your piece. I hope you\'ll understand that.
However, i am ready and able to raise my voice and give praise to a higher being (or wotever) on the proviso that you just mime it.

July 28th, 2018 02:16

Mission Of Mercy
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one once more Orchi.

July 28th, 2018 02:13

Luminous Light
dusk arising said:

Strain my ears though i tried, i don\'t think i heard your dulcit tones amongst the hymn singing gathering. Was that among the blessings of the day?

July 27th, 2018 10:21

Luminous Light
Michael Edwards said:

Rapture or rupture - I\'ve got a small hernia is the same thing? Waiting for ultrasound - is that another name for your singing.

Since joining this site I\'ve become as mad as you - is it part of post 1066 stress disorder?

July 27th, 2018 02:57

Luminous Light
Goldfinch60 said:

Brilliant last line Orchi. My Spirit will meet you there.

July 27th, 2018 01:47

Deacons Dynamism

THANKS STEVE ~ Another great Golden Oldie ~ Beautifully played & sung ! The martyrdom of Stephen is a paradox ~ A Tragedy that such a promising Servant of God should die so Young ! A Triumph in the way He died. The Scripture states that JESUS stood up to Greet Him amen. Augustine said STEPHANUS NO ORORAT PAULUS NON IN ECLECSIUM ERAT ! IF STEPHEN HAD NOT PRAYED ~ PAUL WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN IN THE CHURCH ~ OK. For Saul (Paul) of Tarsus to have observed the TRIUMPHANT Death of Stephen was the beginning of his conversion. Thanks for posting BRIAN. We will be off-line until TUESDAY 31st July ~ OK

July 26th, 2018 11:07

Deacons Dynamism
Lorna said:

we\'d be hard put to find 7 honest men today if they were politicians....... hey Orchi?

July 26th, 2018 10:08

Deacons Dynamism
LaurašŸŒ» said:


This is a special one...
...ā€œAnd needy souls he satesā€...
A fine write!


July 26th, 2018 07:49

Deacons Dynamism
Samreen Chowdhury said:

good write, loved it.

July 26th, 2018 05:29

Deacons Dynamism
Heartwriter said:

Orchidee. You are most wise in lead and words! Always. Thank you so much.

July 26th, 2018 05:02

Deacons Dynamism
Goldfinch60 said:

I know that My spirit will always be with me as it was with him. Good write.

July 26th, 2018 02:47

Believers Boldness
FineB said:

A beautiful poem Orchidee.

Thank you.

In God we are strong and bold even in our weakness.

Keep writing

July 25th, 2018 13:56

Believers Boldness
Heartwriter said:

Thanks for the wisdom!

July 25th, 2018 06:42

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