Directory of Poems about Sadness

April 12th, 2017

Taste like Pain, by Alethia
Published: April 12th, 2017 14:42
Views: 21
Comments: 1

Stay?, by Elizabeth
Published: April 12th, 2017 13:08
Views: 42
Comments: 3

A Childs Nitemare, by David De La Cruz
Published: April 12th, 2017 12:58
Views: 41
Comments: 2

Goodbye, by BeckyJo
Published: April 12th, 2017 05:37
Views: 39
Comments: 1

April 11th, 2017

The edge of my thoughts , by Daisyy
Published: April 11th, 2017 22:36
Views: 17
Comments: 0

Counting the Stars, by David De La Cruz
Published: April 11th, 2017 20:58
Views: 16
Comments: 1

she, by neverending
Published: April 11th, 2017 19:05
Views: 15
Comments: 3

Icy winds, by EmerOR
Published: April 11th, 2017 08:11
Views: 94
Comments: 3

April 10th, 2017

Twenty Years to Destroy an Existence, by Carl Halling
Published: April 10th, 2017 13:22
Views: 15
Comments: 0

Taste like Pain, by Alethia
Published: April 10th, 2017 12:19
Views: 66
Comments: 0

i'm sorry, by lilia lara
Published: April 10th, 2017 11:44
Views: 80
Comments: 5

Leaving means the end , by lovelydarkanddeep
Published: April 10th, 2017 10:31
Views: 52
Comments: 1

April 9th, 2017

Addiction, by TaeMarie93 +18
Published: April 9th, 2017 19:48
Views: 27
Comments: 1

Depression never goes away, by lost-but-not-broken17
Published: April 9th, 2017 08:11
Views: 25
Comments: 2

Another Statistic, by Bibbeck
Published: April 9th, 2017 06:24
Views: 63
Comments: 0

Abused why?, by Marianne
Published: April 9th, 2017 01:37
Views: 30
Comments: 1

Wishing well of dreams, by LukeMorrison
Published: April 9th, 2017 00:52
Views: 27
Comments: 1

April 8th, 2017

Some doors were meant to stay shut., by Cara
Published: April 8th, 2017 21:54
Views: 46
Comments: 0

Forever gone~(Pantoum), by PoeticFlows
Published: April 8th, 2017 19:10
Views: 30
Comments: 3

An Bháisteach, by niallprideaux
Published: April 8th, 2017 15:09
Views: 201
Comments: 0

Slave Boy, by Bibbeck
Published: April 8th, 2017 05:03
Views: 35
Comments: 0

Oceans, by Jayden
Published: April 8th, 2017 00:35
Views: 41
Comments: 2

April 7th, 2017

Blue, by Ace
Published: April 7th, 2017 11:23
Views: 24
Comments: 1

Fishy, by Stephanie Showers
Published: April 7th, 2017 10:27
Views: 18
Comments: 3

April 6th, 2017

The Coward of Charlemagne , by Ruby Leighton
Published: April 6th, 2017 15:43
Views: 46
Comments: 1

April 5th, 2017

Helpless soul, by trisharene001
Published: April 5th, 2017 20:34
Views: 122
Comments: 3

The Brown, Brown Grass of Home, by Bibbeck +18
Published: April 5th, 2017 15:05
Views: 38
Comments: 1

it's nothing , by marylaine
Published: April 5th, 2017 14:03
Views: 67
Comments: 1

Broken Mind, by Jesse Kuusemets
Published: April 5th, 2017 13:36
Views: 51
Comments: 4

April 4th, 2017

Arson, by katherined
Published: April 4th, 2017 19:22
Views: 41
Comments: 2

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