Comments received on poems by Neville

Between Pauses
Aradhya said:

Stunning lines neville, absolutely loved this!

August 26th, 2022 05:34

The Making of Them Both Maybe
orchidee said:

Hmmm, now did I meet her? I can\'t remember. lol.

August 26th, 2022 01:45

The Making of Them Both Maybe
Goldfinch60 said:

Laughter in any relationship is so important Neville.


August 26th, 2022 01:11

The Making of Them Both Maybe
arqios said:

A co-shared genuine laugh. That is always a good foundation to any relationship. Thanks Nev!

August 26th, 2022 00:43

The Making of Them Both Maybe
Doggerel Dave said:

A moment in a very real interaction.
Got it and enjoyed it Neville.

August 25th, 2022 17:33

The Making of Them Both Maybe
Fay Slimm. said:

Ah - the lift laughter gives to any relationship and in this case could have been the key to a close foreverness maybe - - -- well here\'s hoping they made their poem rhyme...... ......... x

August 25th, 2022 16:45

The Making of Them Both Maybe
Dove said:

Cute, was he suppose to sign the check, lol .. Your words are always a mystery!

August 25th, 2022 12:02

With Only Five Leaves Left
Dove said:

Awe, I should listen to music..RIP Nick, and best to u

August 25th, 2022 12:00

Why Not Just Throw Away The Key
MendedFences27 said:

There is no sensibility here, only burning desire. She was only pretty as in \"pretty satisfying.\"
But your poem raises the quandary quite well. Is she perceived as a person or a means to satisfaction.? So, in that sense, it makes sense, Thoroughly enjoyed it, even if it wasn\'t the most beautiful. - Phil A.

August 24th, 2022 10:43

With Only Five Leaves Left
Fay Slimm. said:

The fate of some folk lies in their lifestyles but you pen Drakes sad case with emapthy\'s sincerity so very well dear Sir Nev................x

August 24th, 2022 04:23

With Only Five Leaves Left
Goldfinch60 said:

Didn\'t have a clue but I do now, I will have to look into Nick Drakes music, this is the first time I have heard of him.


August 24th, 2022 01:00

With Only Five Leaves Left
MendedFences27 said:

Not got a clue, that\'s me. Nick Drake, sad story, sad life, sad way to end it all. Genius at music, though. Maybe someday we\'ll understand the brain completely and be able to treat such depressions. Trying to interpret what you wrote, I guessed that as weathermen can\'t predict or control the weather, so too doctors can\'t always treat mental illness. Well, enjoyed the poem and listened to some of his music. So now I\'m more enlightened than before I read this. Thank you. _ Phil A.

August 23rd, 2022 22:02

With Only Five Leaves Left
Doggerel Dave said:

Not wrong there Neville. Took the obvious course (that\'s me...). Owing to lousy speakers or poor hearing or possibly both was unable to sus Nick Drake out via the three songs available on u tube. His story on w\'pedia makes for grim reading.... although I recall encounters with several folks with similar behaviors way back when... I have a terrible feeling I didn\'t show them enough compassion.....

August 23rd, 2022 18:40

With Only Five Leaves Left
orchidee said:

I not got a clue! I wouldn\'t have. Trust me not to have. heehee.

August 23rd, 2022 14:49

Anticipating Angels
spilleronsheet said:

I felt as if lovers separated by a boundary called heaven…so much romantic and full of fantasy dear Neville…

August 22nd, 2022 03:58

Anticipating Angels
Doggerel Dave said:

I find my literal mind unable to be sure of the directional movement here, Nev - closer or further away? Am I to make the choice?

For me almost koan like.

August 21st, 2022 19:38

Anticipating Angels
dean langmuir said:

Thank you for exercising my one brain cell,take care,poem on

August 21st, 2022 17:43

Anticipating Angels
MendedFences27 said:

\"Here\" vs \"There.\" \"Anticipating\" vs. \"Entertaining.\" I thought this might be a sad poem or a joyous one, but, \"Milligrams\" draws everything closer. This is about separation (maybe?) as in waiting for one\'s return. Someone bringing the joy to you. Well, I now see the expectation vs, the carrier of angels (joy). Maybe a homecoming. - Phil A.

August 21st, 2022 13:55

Anticipating Angels
orchidee said:

Good write N.

August 21st, 2022 07:18

Anticipating Angels
Fay Slimm. said:

Nothing like a milligram or two of anticipation my friend. You paint such a seductive ;picture as always.......x

August 21st, 2022 04:22

Why Not Just Throw Away The Key
Bella Shepard said:

Doesn\'t the exotic, or even the quixotic always attract us? Without it we\'d be a pretty dull lot, and a little perversion every now and then just might be, dare I say, healthy. So yes, I think that this makes sense. Hope the knee is feeling better.

August 20th, 2022 13:36

Come Let us Dance Some More
Bella Shepard said:

The dance is always divine, no matter how, no matter wear (pun intended). Dance on my friend. What fun!

August 20th, 2022 13:27

Why Not Just Throw Away The Key
Doggerel Dave said:

The key definitely was chucked away.

So on what grounds do you appeal?

I\'m sure you will get remission for good behaviour, Nev.

August 19th, 2022 06:46

Why Not Just Throw Away The Key
Goldfinch60 said:

Those strange relationships can lead to that padded cell sometimes Neville, that\'s ok as long as it is not the one next to Orchi. LOL


August 19th, 2022 01:42

Come Let us Dance Some More
Accidental Poet said:

Dance as you wish N, but don\'t be surprised if a swooning Orchi dances circles around you both. 🤣

August 18th, 2022 21:41

Why Not Just Throw Away The Key
Accidental Poet said:

Sense? What\'s that? 😉

August 18th, 2022 21:37

Why Not Just Throw Away The Key
orchidee said:

They might throw away the key when I am in the same room as her. Will it bring on my swoons?! I talk some rot sometimes. lol.

August 18th, 2022 12:24

Why Not Just Throw Away The Key
Fay Slimm. said:

Indeed a femme fatale can play many a perverted game methinks Nev and it makes sense to me that their key is maybe in the right place when thrown away - - - - . well perhaps it is..........x

August 18th, 2022 07:49

Come Let us Dance Some More
orchidee said:

I was OK until I got to \'naked\'. Then it brought on a swoon. It would! lol.

August 18th, 2022 01:29

Come Let us Dance Some More
L. B. Mek said:

is a curse, as much
as being a path
to our emancipation\'s
but we must be so
careful, who
we choose to intrust
for those battered doors
betrayed, once more
may jam themselves, locked
for life..)
I know your profession
affords you so much insight
into the \'human psyche\'
but, your poetry
zooms-in and unfurls
those most knotted of situations
we all come across in life
and somehow makes us realise
its alright
we\'re not the only ones, scared
to let someone in
scared to offer ourselves, once again
of this fear, we carry deep inside
that this time, it might all work out
then what
then what do we do, with all this
bruises and scars..

August 18th, 2022 00:53

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