Comments received on poems by Neville

Behind That Navajo Smile
Fay Slimm. said:

Oh the questions such victims of cruel land-rape must ask and penned here with raw and powerful lines the proud history of many indigenous peoples that now only know second-hand about old times of living with and not off their land -- shameful the displacements to concentration camps that breed only vague smiles - -- nuff said at present Nev. on the subject about which I feel most strongly ........x

July 28th, 2022 03:42

Behind That Navajo Smile
dusk arising said:

Ah, the great dispossessed of the country that would have us believe it celebrates democracy (so long as we are prepared to forget that some are a bit more equal than others).

All those mentions of celebration and defeat subjects viewed from... well that\'s the point really isn\'t it, where one is standing on the privileged or non privileged scale/balance does somewhat influence our view. Or the cold distant observers eye, my eye, soured enough to see, stupid enough to say, wise enough to know i matter not one jot.

July 28th, 2022 03:30

Behind That Navajo Smile
Neville said:

.................................. true

July 28th, 2022 03:15

Behind That Navajo Smile
arqios said:

All that packed away behind smiles, of every indigenous people the world over. Our history of being unkind outweighs all our shining moments put together.

July 28th, 2022 03:13

Of Time, That Is ..
Jerry Reynolds said:

That will happen. A fine write, Neville.

July 27th, 2022 14:46

Of Time, That Is ..
Bella Shepard said:

It makes you wonder, if our store of love is infinite if spent on the right person. You always make me think, my friend.

July 27th, 2022 10:53

Of Time, That Is ..
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'ll vote for that.

July 27th, 2022 08:17

Of Time, That Is ..
arqios said:

A blend of living, acting, and conversing make for a good run. All talk and no walk ain\'t got no one no where.

July 27th, 2022 07:48

Of Time, That Is ..
Fay Slimm. said:

Yup - time will run off with love with too much talkin\' and not enough action - -- a right gurt get-goin\'-or-quit write today mi amigo............x

July 27th, 2022 04:46

Of Time, That Is ..
dusk arising said:

Ah yes. It is in the \'doing\' not the \'saying\' as you clearly point out here. A good example is shagging. One (or two) can talk about it all one wants but it does not compare with the real thing.

July 27th, 2022 03:42

Of Time, That Is ..
orchidee said:

Yes, similar to me. I spent so long finding out what Carpe Diem meant that when I finally found out, I had run out of time. There was no more day left to seize. Doh! Who turned the lights out? It was night-time by the time I found out.
Well, stop showing off with Latin phrases, says Fido! lol.

July 27th, 2022 02:51

Incidentally I Assure You
Goldfinch60 said:

Intriguing words Neville.


July 27th, 2022 01:10

Incidentally I Assure You
Paul Bell said:

Heroes only last for a day now.
Sir Galahad would have wondered why he bothered to put on all that shiny armour. Tomorrow it will be some other hero\'s turn.

July 26th, 2022 10:12

Incidentally I Assure You
Doggerel Dave said:

Nipples, nipples everywhere and never one to nibble..... Thanks for reminding me, Neville....

July 26th, 2022 07:43

Incidentally I Assure You
orchidee said:

Have you become boring?! lol.

July 26th, 2022 05:18

Incidentally I Assure You
L. B. Mek said:

\'But you do make me feel
like some
aroused, hardened nipple ..\'
ok, Hyung
I\'m borrowing these lines
as my epitaph
(such a fun read
however tragic the theme
but then, that\'s you
and your mighty pen, flexing
at will...)

July 26th, 2022 04:33

Incidentally I Assure You
Fay Slimm. said:

Strange the way time makes our exits from once-loved relationships never easier to accept - -- sad but true there are no heroics needed when beaten by new paramours. No winks but sighs from me after reading this Nev.....................x

July 26th, 2022 03:40

Incidentally I Assure You
dusk arising said:

An air of being discarded by someone with whom one\'s heart wishes there were so much more.
A strange (to me) and bold piece of writing to play with my perception.

July 26th, 2022 02:49

The Redundant Fist
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words Neville, I totally agree with what Fay has said.


July 26th, 2022 00:40

The Redundant Fist
dusk arising said:

Ah yes, here you amplify the benefits of having social issues brought into our living rooms upon that screen we mock and abuse so often.
It has given us the conscience and awareness denied our forebears.

Yet sadly we stab, murder, rape and abuse. Have we become a society split down it\'s middle.

July 25th, 2022 12:30

The Redundant Fist
Bella Shepard said:

Having grown up in an era of spankings and hand slapping I can definitely relate to this. The blow tells you that you did something wrong, but it doesn\'t explain the better way. And that feeling as your being turned over the knee, or the sting of a palm against your fingers is confusing for a child. I guess I think that words can often teach more than blows, especially when there is good thought behind them. Good write my friend!

July 25th, 2022 08:58

The Redundant Fist
Jerry Reynolds said:

A lot to think about here, Neville.
Good morning-read.

July 25th, 2022 08:56

The Redundant Fist
orchidee said:

A fine write N.

July 25th, 2022 08:53

The Redundant Fist
Fay Slimm. said:

These words sum up the changes made in public opinion on ruling by fear yet seeing results in really undisciplined children makes you think doesn\'t it Nev . as to where went parental control.?.............x

July 25th, 2022 07:38

Copywrite Pending
arqios said:

And for those whom these would still not do can leave with \'hike-yu\' bahaha

July 24th, 2022 19:58

Copywrite Pending
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good explanation, Neville.
Love short-form poetry. I enjoy writing Haiku, Senryu, and Lunes. I am intrigued by this Mokhu and a Faikhu. A lot of the time I write FUQs, but I try and cleverly hide them in a Lune on the edge of a Senryu so the algorithms don’t reject them. But that is when I am addressing politics.

July 24th, 2022 13:12

Copywrite Pending
Bella Shepard said:

Question: Will there be a test on this Monday? If so, I definitely need to get my khu\'s straight, a lot to put in this old brain. The last one, however, I think I\'m familiar with. Kudos!

July 24th, 2022 10:50

Copywrite Pending
Accidental Poet said:

All the same to me n, an excellent show of words whenever it comes from your pen. 😉

July 24th, 2022 08:57

Copywrite Pending
Doggerel Dave said:

Syllable numbers and form the same for Senryu, Mokhu, Faikhu and Copywrite, Neville....?

July 24th, 2022 06:14

Early Morning Rituals  
spilleronsheet said:

A beautiful and simplistic days were the best days than the chaos we lived in…wish I could witness such peaceful co-existence lazing around corner watching the clouds playing with sun behind….

July 24th, 2022 04:56

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