Comments received on poems by Neville

The Fullest of Moons
Dove said:

Artistically written , I just love stained glass decor In sunlight, but the blue moon just zipped by, and by golly you created a lovely poem, now no need to be hurt by those shards of beauty

August 25th, 2021 10:17

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
Dove said:

A troubled mind, can’t listen to anything, not even the beauty of nature! Well written Dear One

August 25th, 2021 10:12

An Unexpected Chaos
Dove said:

And so you met again, the passion, the thrill , and maybe the chaos
Of yesteryear’s departure! Profound thoughts, with giddy pleasures

August 25th, 2021 10:07

An Unexpected Chaos
dusk arising said:

Such are the memories of a tempestuous love.

August 25th, 2021 08:27

An Unexpected Chaos
Doggerel Dave said:

Nobody\'s perfect, Nev.
I\'m not, but I aspire to create an environment which makes that easy....

August 25th, 2021 04:23

An Unexpected Chaos
Fay Slimm. said:

Sublimely addictive he was methinks but maybe on finding chaos would she secretly want to go back again to being lost ? I say -- - - nay........x.

August 25th, 2021 04:20

An Unexpected Chaos
orchidee said:

Good write N. Should I meet her?!

August 25th, 2021 03:57

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
Accidental Poet said:

I once put a shell to my ear
To my surprise what did I hear?
My Muse with words to write
In the sand, but waves washed the sight

August 24th, 2021 20:28

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
Goldfinch60 said:

We all hear our own conscience if we are prepared to listen for it Neville.


August 24th, 2021 14:56

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
myself and me said:

Can you hear the whisper \"Brilliant!\"?

August 24th, 2021 13:47

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
Fay Slimm. said:

A super three liner again Nev. The voice of inner conscience can ring the loudest when really listening and will drown out even the sea - cos I have tried that meself with a shell.........x

August 24th, 2021 09:54

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
L. B. Mek said:

jumped the gun, maybe
blurted out those words in the heat of passion
mere weaved syllables, to him
a tsunami of release for her: once repressed, dreams
and so she dams, herself - back
to those safe shores, of disbelief...
\'timing\', is a much neglected artform
in my humble opinion!
another brilliant shorty, dear poet
couldn\'t help being inspired
thank you! what a gift you choose to share

August 24th, 2021 06:08

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
dusk arising said:

Was it a WW2 shell?

Some hear only their own thoughts and plans falling into place.

August 24th, 2021 03:49

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
Poetic Dan said:

Nicely done my friend, loved the opening lines.... sometimes nothing can definitely be To loud

August 24th, 2021 02:18

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
orchidee said:

Good write Neville.
Yes, we can get into some silent places - old church, etc - and the silence can actually hurt our ears - so does me singing to them! heehee.

August 24th, 2021 01:37

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
Doggerel Dave said:

Value the human with a conscience, Nev - sometimes I believe they are few.
Too cynical?

August 24th, 2021 01:27

When Nothing is a Sound Too Loud
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Nice writing , 🙂 what else might she hear ?

August 24th, 2021 01:14

The Fullest of Moons
Goldfinch60 said:

Sometimes it is too late when the beauty within others is seen Neville.


August 24th, 2021 00:46

The Fullest of Moons
Accidental Poet said:

And after she patched him up, they made passionate love together. Well maybe... 😉

August 23rd, 2021 18:45

The Fullest of Moons
myself and me said:

A masterpiece of broken heart. A post-modern 3D art.

August 23rd, 2021 16:12

The Fullest of Moons
Doggerel Dave said:

I can see two seriously intriguing pictures here , Nev - the first, your piece, very vivid consisting of strategically placed words which hold themselves together with the aid of your skill; and the other: formed with shards of glass, held together with..... blood and bone?

August 23rd, 2021 08:01

The Fullest of Moons
dusk arising said:

having brought him to the edge of despair she now saw something of beauty, something she would like to possess....

well thats one interpretation.

August 23rd, 2021 07:25

A Very Personal Holocaust
L. B. Mek said:

it took years for the Nazi\'s
to warp minds and conquer
their own country, the rest
they achieved - in a matter of days...
A heart wrenching read, like how you treated
such a painful subject with so much respect
(this is you
at your subtle and measured best
in my humble opinion)
thanks for sharing, my friend

August 23rd, 2021 04:54

L. B. Mek said:

see, we all crave that validation of attention
until we get it, on tap and we leave it running
just to test its reserves
while coveting all those other flavour delicacies
till, that day comes
and we realise, the well\'s run dry
then even those untried flavours, start to come
with a lingering aftertaste, that we just can\'t shake
not knowing, we\'re the ones
that\'s spoilt our taste buds
with all that: festering guilt...
(maybe took this somewhere else?) lol
another witty shorty, with layers
thanks for sharing, dear poet

August 23rd, 2021 04:45

The Fullest of Moons
Fay Slimm. said:

Strong imagery which tells such an intriguing tale Nev. -- your pen sees interludes and transcribes them to gently bewitch all your readers - a cleverly written masterpiece again....x

August 23rd, 2021 04:42

The Fullest of Moons
orchidee said:

A fine write N.
Was it me, was she too much for me? Did I jump off a roof, and fall on a greenhouse?! Doh!

August 23rd, 2021 04:23

A Very Personal Holocaust
Lorna said:

Took me totally by surprise as it went along - just as I suppose it was meant to - how life can change in an instant to something so bad.... those were truly awful times.

August 23rd, 2021 00:34

A Very Personal Holocaust
Doggerel Dave said:

Much hard graft went into that, Nev – and more worthy grounds would be hard to find than that alluded to above, that figures like six (twelve?) million slip by, when your piece brings home the loss, personally to every one of them..
But further, for me, one other moral argument for the insistence that this Holocaust can never be forgotten is summarized in the line “Take my word, how things change in the blink of an eye ..” – I will always be mindful that change could occur today , tomorrow, any time.....and evidence since has already proven that it can and has. Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia.......................................................................................

August 22nd, 2021 20:33

A Very Personal Holocaust
dusk arising said:

When we hear figures like six million (forgive my ignorance for innacuracy) it just passes by within a second as a part of a sentence which might have a meaning to the listener, it might be a figure heard many times before assosciated with holocaust..... another word which slips by in a second in a sentence....
We know how rich and rewarding our lives are, how precious is our life even if we are homeless beggars around the late night cashpoint, beggars with a life story to tell, and a warm beating heart.
So was every single one of the millions. Every single one. Possessing, hopes, plans, ambitions, sucesses and disappointment. Possessing life in all it\'s colour.

August 22nd, 2021 14:14

A Very Personal Holocaust
Fay Slimm. said:

Personal indeed this lament at grossly cruel inhumanity suffered by numberless families not too long ago -- penned with compassion and graphic honesty your account of Miss Cohen\'s great loss needs to be widely read and remembered -- into my list to make sure I do not forget..... thank you my caring friend.........x

August 22nd, 2021 11:30

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