Comments received on poems by Neville

Kunoichi no Geisha
Christina8 said:

Very interesting and beautiful write Neville! \"Tho softly and broken like a bruised....\"....An amazing metaphor!

August 11th, 2019 11:21

Kunoichi no Geisha
Michael Edwards said:

Another top notch write - your pen is magical.

August 11th, 2019 09:00

Kunoichi no Geisha
dusk arising said:

Love for sale can have many a price offered by many a seller at a bidding from the highest bidder. The bidding is not always monetary. These underworld is a cruel and powerful entity.

Another of your haunting mystery pieces penned to thrill today.

August 11th, 2019 05:14

Kunoichi no Geisha
Fay Slimm. said:

Your talent for taking readers into poignant situations is first rate my friend - I could feel your lonely darkness revealing a remembered loving togetherness with an extraordinary geisha who is now no more............. an emotive read.

August 11th, 2019 03:09

Kunoichi no Geisha
Goldfinch60 said:

Trust is a wonderful thing but we need to be so careful who we do trust - and love.

I too like sushi.

August 11th, 2019 01:20

Kunoichi no Geisha
orchidee said:

A fine write N.

August 11th, 2019 01:18

PoeticBiscuit said:

Giving just enough information to paint a vivid picture yet remain mysterious to leave me wondering. Well done.

August 10th, 2019 21:26

Goldfinch60 said:

An intriguing writethat pulled me right into it and made me wonder.

August 10th, 2019 15:29

kevin browne said:

The loving charms of the wizadry a women holds close to her majestic heart which lingers deep in a mans heart, also. It\'s enchanting motion of a desperation playing a hand dealt unturned as yet, She sounds like a tiger with claws attached. Brilliantly expressed with a deep feeling of saddened love and connections intertwined within both your loves....

August 10th, 2019 11:31

Christina8 said:

Very well many questions to a female that really gets our attention......i also wonder about that scar but excellent last line.......christina

August 10th, 2019 09:53

FineB said:

Hello Neville,

An excellent write.

Vivid and brilliant!

Keep writing

August 10th, 2019 09:19

orchidee said:

Oh no, I took a blue pill (eh, you know them?) by mistake. Swoon!

August 10th, 2019 07:55

orchidee said:

Someone having fun there? or a couple? The only buttercup Fido lets me have is the story of Buttercup The Cow, aimed at 3 year olds! heehee.
Oohh I could never have piercings *shudders*.

August 10th, 2019 07:51

Michael Edwards said:

Well this really held the attention - she\'s some minx - wonder what that scar is all about - I\'m intrigued.

August 10th, 2019 05:04

Andrew Charles Forrest said:

A rose too has thorns on their stem

I wrote hat once and lost it... This is a much better interpretation very well done Neville

August 10th, 2019 04:38

Poetic Dan said:

Well penned my friend

August 10th, 2019 04:21

dusk arising said:

Find me the woman who doesn\'t hide the desire to leave such questioning pictures in mans brain. Pictures which will inspire the romantic poet to yearn his melancholy would yield as it does to wisdom and the smile of knowing human nature.

A great teaser you are sir, shrouded in poetic majesty.

August 10th, 2019 04:10

Fay Slimm. said:

Caustic the questions addressed to a female playing the field and written so expertly it holds attention to that final revealing line. You are a word-smith par excellence mon ami.

August 10th, 2019 03:42

Why When Where and How
orchidee said:

You seen any more \'e\'ermore\'s\' around? (Time for a pill, Orchi. Don\'t stop taking them! lol).

August 10th, 2019 02:01

Why When Where and How
Neville said:

bless you L ...

I dunno, I hope so x

August 10th, 2019 01:14

Why When Where and How
Laura🌻 said:


You’ve wonderfully penned the ”Why When Where and How” I’m waiting for the What!

An enjoyable read!


August 10th, 2019 00:14

Why When Where and How
PoeticBiscuit said:

Simple yet entertaining, keep it up!

August 9th, 2019 20:06

Why When Where and How
Michael Edwards said:

That\'s what she said to me - I\'m getting worried.

August 9th, 2019 15:16

Why When Where and How
Suresh said:

Love you
Here and

That\'s what lust does to me.

August 9th, 2019 13:03

Why When Where and How
Christina8 said:

Thats just like a woman for written! I like the style that you wrote this in...

August 9th, 2019 09:05

Why When Where and How
dusk arising said:

A bit one sided when all she wanted was a coffee.

I like it. Alluringly different approach and style.

August 9th, 2019 08:26

Why When Where and How
sylviasearcher said:

Nicely formatted! 😊

August 9th, 2019 04:28

Why When Where and How
orchidee said:

That\'s a lot of questions. I would be worn out before I finished answering them all, innit! Aww, you use up all the \'W\'s now. Just one left over for me there.

August 9th, 2019 03:19

Why When Where and How
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

and for a bonus round?

August 9th, 2019 03:08

Why When Where and How
Fay Slimm. said:

Two hearts in union and I say what could be better !!! .......... I love the exciting style and formation of this vivid pen-picture my romantic friend.

August 9th, 2019 02:40

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