Comments received on poems by Neville

Jun Kenshi
Fay Slimm. said:

Jun Kenshi - - What a transcendent place to achieve Neville - - love the lilt to this romantic anecdote.

February 5th, 2019 06:22

Goldfinch60 said:

That virus found me a few days ago, they get everywhere Neville.

February 5th, 2019 01:30

dusk arising said:

And we, none of us, are immune to her intent...... for upon us she thrives?
Weird things conjured up from your words...... is she substance or merely... a fear which lurks within us.

February 4th, 2019 18:37

Wanting to be Wanted
Lorna said:

Best present for her is a mirror then?

February 4th, 2019 17:38

Ink Blots
Lorna said:

I am sad that he cannot recognize the achingly beautiful butterflies trapped in the folds........ thank goodness your poem is out for all of us to see lovely Neville.

February 4th, 2019 17:20

orchidee said:

Cooee, all OK still? Well it was 15 minutes ago! I\'m an old fuss-pot. lol.

February 4th, 2019 14:43

Lorna said:

Conjures up The Black Death (maybe that was bacteria)........ great images!

February 4th, 2019 08:45

orchidee said:

A fine write Neville. You not caught a bug have ya? Me bed bugs bit me - there ya go!

February 4th, 2019 04:14

Fay Slimm. said:

Fro just the one word sprung all these images that so expertly leads the reader to want to read over again - first class writing Neville.

February 4th, 2019 03:39

Michael Edwards said:

Love the way your mind works in putting together so many ideas so eloquently and seamlessly - a master poet sir.

February 4th, 2019 03:31

Ink Blots
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful imagery within this piece. Those ink blots are not insignificant to those who can get joy from them.

February 4th, 2019 01:32

Ink Blots
dusk arising said:

Some people place before us that which we cannot see.
Oft described as one of the enigmatic differences between the genders.

February 3rd, 2019 20:48

Ink Blots
SerenWise said:

Lovely imagery in this piece, well done

February 3rd, 2019 11:12

Ink Blots
Fay Slimm. said:

Good style and flow to this intriguing piece Neville - Ink blobs on paper will hold more mystery to me after this read of imaginative metaphor.

February 3rd, 2019 10:53

Ink Blots
Neville said:

yes.. it works okay and can look great.. feel free ...

February 3rd, 2019 08:41

Ink Blots
Michael Edwards said:

Ah the good old clinical tests - we do ink blot art at some of our workshops - great fun. Actually this is seriously good Neville and I do like the construction.

February 3rd, 2019 06:29

Ink Blots
Neville said:

I have been around for a while ... I once knew Anne Tique... she was French I believe.. and the there was Dinah Soar.. dunno what happened to her..

February 3rd, 2019 06:03

Ink Blots
orchidee said:

Ahh Rorschach. Did ya know the guy?! I started a letter \'Dear.......\' then me pen ran out. The shop was shut to buy a new one. Doh!

February 3rd, 2019 04:57

Wanting to be Wanted
Goldfinch60 said:

I think I will stick with my wife as well.

February 2nd, 2019 15:16

Wanting to be Wanted
Michael Edwards said:

Think I\'ll stick with my dear wife bless her ---!

February 2nd, 2019 10:56

Wanting to be Wanted
dusk arising said:

She wants to be the apple of your eye - oh, and dare i mention, the apple of every other eye too.
Hold back the wrinkles, at ANY cost.

February 2nd, 2019 08:33

Wanting to be Wanted
Neville said:

we kinda lost touch recently... but if our paths cross, I will point her in your direction..... get a crash helmet and be prepared to sleep under ya mattress....

February 2nd, 2019 04:30

Wanting to be Wanted
orchidee said:

Will you send her to me? Could I cope with her?! lol.

February 2nd, 2019 03:24

Might She by Chance be a Witch
CindyB said:

I absolutely love this! As I Wiccan, I may be biased, but as a woman, I don\'t think so... it\'s just absolutely beautiful :)

February 2nd, 2019 00:28

dusk arising said:

You\'re just taking the piss cos someones told you my telly\'s gone on the blink.
Life passes in the blink of an eye...well no it doesn\'t but looking back on life.... parts of it do pass in a blink or so it seems.
I wrote something similar last year using the click of a camera \'click - he caught her\' not one of my best tho.
OK so you been looking thru some of my old stuff, try July 11th 2018 \'promise\'.

February 1st, 2019 13:58


Blink and that\'s all it takes for shit to transform...I can relate to this for was an interesting idea for a write as well..

February 1st, 2019 12:10

Waiting for Cancer
Caleb.A said:

The trials of waiting each have their own story throughout a journey. You have illustrated various emotions throughout each stanza, and have shown that the waiting game - as masterful as it is, sings a different tune each an every time. Patience has a character of its own, that character depends on the time and situation.

February 1st, 2019 06:34

Neville said:

Glad you liked it sylviasearcher, that means a lot to me... and one day.. blink..........

February 1st, 2019 04:38

orchidee said:

You ticked the 18+ box? Woof! He will be quiet with the bone.

February 1st, 2019 04:38

Michael Edwards said:

Blinking good Neville.

February 1st, 2019 03:32

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