Comments received on poems by Neville

Old Sunlight
Goldfinch60 said:

Such a visual write, I too was there seeing this.

December 24th, 2018 01:03

Old Sunlight
orchidee said:

A good write N.

December 23rd, 2018 13:12

Old Sunlight
Simon Bromley said:

Oops sent without commenting lol. Thoroughly enjoyed. Glad I joined this website as there are some talented poets here. Well done.

December 23rd, 2018 09:11

Old Sunlight
Michael Edwards said:

I could see this as I read it - Most of us will recall scenes such as this.

December 23rd, 2018 05:08

Bride of the Hedgerows
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write Neville, I was there amongst Autumns wonderful times as she looked for winter.

December 23rd, 2018 01:47

Bride of the Hedgerows
Laura🌻 said:


A beautifully penned poem lending itself to a seamless, enjoyable read!


December 22nd, 2018 20:49

Bride of the Hedgerows
Tamara Beryl Latham - The Poet said:

Neville, your poem is excellent. I love the way you\'ve woven all the things you love about her through the lines. A silver weave through the fabric that is representative of your admiration. Great job and keep posting.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

December 22nd, 2018 19:03

Bride of the Hedgerows
orchidee said:

A fine write N.

December 22nd, 2018 06:59

Bride of the Hedgerows
Michael Edwards said:

Super lyrical write - love the idea of bride of the hedgerows.

December 22nd, 2018 05:31

War is Not for Lovers
Michael Edwards said:

Read this earlier today and came back for a second read - then realised I\'d not commented - well I have now - a super write.

December 21st, 2018 15:23

War is Not for Lovers
Fay Slimm. said:

A heart-wrenching read about the truth of the trenches when death caught the many and few ever made it home - - your phrasing and flow in this sad lament is admirable Neville.

December 21st, 2018 06:29

War is Not for Lovers
orchidee said:

A fine write N.

December 21st, 2018 02:50

War is Not for Lovers
Goldfinch60 said:

Yes it does still hurt to think about it.

\"War is not for lovers\"

December 21st, 2018 02:18

A Blue Toothbrush
Goldfinch60 said:

December 21st, 2018 01:14

A Blue Toothbrush
Michael Edwards said:

Never happened to me when I was at work - but then my working day was totally controlled by my secretary who was in charge of my diary - no chance of mid-morning nooky. Nuff said - I enjoyed the read 18+ or not.

December 20th, 2018 11:00

A Blue Toothbrush
Neville said:

are saying you think these words do not warrant the 18+ label I gave them at the time of posting?

December 20th, 2018 09:04

A Blue Toothbrush
orchidee said:

Oh no, woof! Fido, me 18+ watchdog started barking? Should this be marked 18+?! heehee.

December 20th, 2018 08:46

The Drowning Game
sylviasearcher said:

Oh I think you may have taken the vision from my eyes, the words from my lips and the \'bray\' from my heart.

Who needs Kate Chopin 🤗

December 19th, 2018 02:52

The Drowning Game
Michael Edwards said:

A great first read of the day.

December 19th, 2018 02:39

The Drowning Game
orchidee said:

Bit swoony this, Neville! heehee.

December 19th, 2018 02:33

The Drowning Game
Goldfinch60 said:

Those sprites can be so magnetic and uts impossible not to be attracted to them.
Another very good write Neville.

December 19th, 2018 01:43

Whale Whispering
Goldfinch60 said:

I have never seen a whale but seen poipoises and dolphins, they are wondrous, as are your words.

December 18th, 2018 15:19

Whale Whispering
Michael Edwards said:

So well described in great verse.

December 18th, 2018 09:18

Whale Whispering
orchidee said:

A fine write N.

December 18th, 2018 08:05

Whale Whispering
Laura🌻 said:


This is indeed an excellent write! I concur with Sylvia’s and Fay’s brilliant comments!
I enjoyed the read!


December 18th, 2018 08:04

Whale Whispering
Fay Slimm. said:

So explicit the description of dancing leviathans I was there with you watching them canter and play - a beautiful read Neville. which goes into my favourites

December 18th, 2018 07:34

Whale Whispering
sylviasearcher said:

I am glad you are more than happy.

You are welcome.

December 18th, 2018 06:15

Whale Whispering
sylviasearcher said:

Captures the almighty beauty and power of things we cannot grasp nor understand.

December 18th, 2018 05:59

Versal Law
Goldfinch60 said:

Super verse (or should that be versal)

December 18th, 2018 01:28

Versal Law
Michael Edwards said:

You can read it either way - complete law or a law starting with the flourish of manuscript but it doesn\'t matter - love stretching and pulling the language beyond the usual comfort zones - as Uncle Fred said - \'Go with the flow\'.

December 17th, 2018 07:18

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