Comments received on poems by PoeticBiscuit

Hello Mother Nature
Michael Edwards said:

Seeing nature going about its business makes life worthwhile - great write.

August 3rd, 2019 03:03

Goldfinch60 said:

Very strong write PB. In our lives we do have the bad times but the idea of maybe dying at one own hand will not work.
So glad that you have got passed that stage in your life and are now moving forward in joy.

August 3rd, 2019 00:59

Poetic Dan said:

The was beautifully sad my friend, you have been on the edge. Reminds me of my 1st or 2nd writing called my cliff.

Just a thought that if you wanted to let us know about the your mind set, just pop it in the author section.

I joined here to help my mental state of mind, from then I\'ve even had close friend take her life.

This road is can be really rough but worse if we keep things bottled up.

Thank you for being open and raw, live is nothing more.

August 2nd, 2019 18:27

Christina8 said:

I feel ya with the cutting the wrists......but you have to understand that many accidental suicides take place with cutting. i really hope your self esteem gets better.....because your writing is great. Just keep writing!

August 2nd, 2019 13:26

dusk arising said:

Never worth carving yourself up, you\'ll make a mess of it. Far better to accept you look like shite rather than bleeding carved up shite.
Besides that, ppl are all the more prepared to listen to you if you are not covered in self harm evidence... you\'ll know that already i guess.

You won\'t raise many smiles with this but you\'ll raise interest and a readership. So keep writing.

What do you see when you look out of the window?.... why do i ask?..
... because it\'s there.

August 2nd, 2019 13:09

Open House
Christina8 said:

A powerful write. I couldn\'t have said it better than Dusk, but great metaphor!

August 1st, 2019 21:30

Open House
dusk arising said:

I, for one, feel the welcome. And i bring along my friends who will help you, at your own pace, sort though those cobwebs.
Hopefully you will clean the windows when you\'re ready for there\'s a wonderful world out there just waiting to show itself off.

Excellent writing Mr Biscuit.... you\'ll find many householders of similar houses, self included, here on MPS.

August 1st, 2019 01:56

Mixed Signals
Andrew Conwell said:

Completely relatable.

July 31st, 2019 20:26

Mixed Signals
Christina8 said:

I think a real man can cry and show his emotions. It is absolutely fine to say that you are not okay. This is well written!

July 31st, 2019 15:09

Mixed Signals
dusk arising said:

Many of us poets cry with words my friend... i am not ashamed to cry either in words or tears.... truthfully i wish i was less sensitive to my emotions but would that make me a lesser poet?
We are what we are. Always there will be greater and lesser in all respects. We all have as much right to be here as the stars and the trees (max ehrmann).
Purely in critique, your piece could be stronger if it had ended at the line \'help me\'.

July 31st, 2019 07:26

Mixed Signals
Ronald Watson said:

Very poignant

July 31st, 2019 02:24

I Met Aphrodite
Christina8 said:

wow she must have been beautiful! You should hand this poem to her with your digits sometime....Awesome write!

July 30th, 2019 14:07

I Met Aphrodite
Suresh said:

Yes Medisa played her part and turned her to (stone) and deprived you of even a fleeting moment together
Well written

July 30th, 2019 11:19

I Met Aphrodite
Poetic Dan said:

A morning breakfast poerty, love it!

July 30th, 2019 02:37

I Met Aphrodite
Goldfinch60 said:

Don\'t upset Hephaestus, Medusa may only turn you to stone, he will cut you into pieces.
Good fun write.

July 30th, 2019 00:47

Out of it
PoeticBiscuit said:

I can say my mind is in a much better place than it once was, however I still tend to draw inspiration from those days.

July 29th, 2019 16:04

Out of it
dusk arising said:

A view into a very disturbed mind leaps off my screen. Your words, your imagination, i hope it isn\'t a part of your life these days.
Compelling and dramatic work.

July 29th, 2019 15:57

Out of it
Christina8 said:

I know Dan said it but this is super intense!! Great write

July 29th, 2019 13:46

Out of it
Poetic Dan said:

Wow, what a way to start my week off. Very intense my friend!

July 29th, 2019 02:34

Christina8 said:

I know your writing is called stress but it describes anxiety aptly also. Very well I might add! Great job!--Christina

July 28th, 2019 11:57

Poetic Dan said:

Another well expressed writing my friend

July 28th, 2019 07:26

Talk With The Reaper
Goldfinch60 said:

I hope he does not come back too soon otherwise we would be deprived of your wonderful words.

July 28th, 2019 00:55

Worlds Collided
Poetic Dan said:

I see you are new, what an amazing start. Your soul is screaming beautiful art, thank you for sharing with us!

July 27th, 2019 12:16

Talk With The Reaper
Poetic Dan said:

Outstandingly done, two in a row. I\'ll have to see what other treasure you are holding.

Thank you

July 27th, 2019 12:14

Final Words
Seek said:

But if you finally get people’s attention after you’re gone, you won’t be there to enjoy what you have been craving. Best to get it out, and the attention will come as others reach out. Therein may lie your satisfaction.

July 26th, 2019 04:53

Final Words
dusk arising said:

The world will not see what you want it to see of you if you were to commit suicide. It will never understand a final act such as that.
But if you put an effort into writing your words and explain yourself and your reason, then SOME of us will know and understand..... you are in good company here.

July 26th, 2019 04:29

Final Words
Poetic Dan said:

Wow, perfect dunk in my morning tea!
Thank you

July 26th, 2019 02:48

Worlds Collided
dusk arising said:

A chance encounter? yet u mention \'compared to your love\' LOL. If shes a gorgeous chance encounter beware.... for pretty roses have nasty thorns.
I caught the magical jist of this and enjoyed the way you expressed the emotion. I was there (again).

July 25th, 2019 21:04

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