Comments received on poems by PoeticBiscuit

Lack of Courage
Poetic Dan said:

Bam.. And again..

I did one recently called dark side of the moon with a tune my daughter played once...

Needless to say the effects was the same as your rhyme... Shivering down my spine!

Not sure if this is fantasy or fiction but your spirit has conviction!

Never lose the write my friend

Much peace and respect

January 16th, 2021 08:20

One step.
Poetic Dan said:

Boom... Quick dunk! Always inspiring my friend..

Keep up the write!

January 16th, 2021 08:11

One step.
orchidee said:

Seems like it sometimes. Or - two steps forwards, one step backwards. Though at least then we have made ONE step forward.
You took that step yet?! (heehee).

January 16th, 2021 03:20

One step.
Goldfinch60 said:

That curse will be lifted and you will walk forward into happiness once more.


January 16th, 2021 02:01

Lack of Courage
L. B. Mek said:


January 15th, 2021 05:48

Lack of Courage
orchidee said:

Oh dear, I best say something more useful!
I suppose it takes courage to go on living. Suicide can be a cowardly way out - at times anyway.

January 15th, 2021 03:05

Lack of Courage
orchidee said:

A fine write PB.
If it was not such a serious theme - \'Oohh, I shouldn\'t; suicide is very bad for your health, ya know!\'
Or \'I felt like suicide, but have you seen the cost of razor blades these days?!\' heehee.
Or \'I tried to electrocute myself, but there was power cut that day!\' lol.

January 15th, 2021 03:04

My Life is Over
Poetic Dan said:

Fantastic flow yes nothing in life will ever be adventurous is this!

December 7th, 2020 02:28

My Life is Over
orchidee said:

Oops - a blessing in disguise, I hope.
But it can seem as if one\'s life is over, if getting some long drawn-out disease, for example.

December 4th, 2020 02:43

Jerry Reynolds said:

Enjoy your child

November 30th, 2020 15:23

Poetic Dan said:

Yes, yes and yes perfectly time as I hit a wave of unsureNess.... It was never a mistake, only time for two reads glad the last pick was this!

Much peace and respect
Keep up the write!

November 30th, 2020 08:00

L. B. Mek said:

like the confident tone, has me imagining a young father using these words as a mantra to meditate with and calm that tsunami of panic and anxiety bubbling just below the surface,
good read

November 30th, 2020 06:25

orchidee said:

Good write PB.

November 30th, 2020 02:48

...In The Eye of The Beholder
RDS said:

Hahaha fine historic skit. I too catch my reflection hunched and disfigured around a pen and notepad.

November 29th, 2020 07:14

...In The Eye of The Beholder
orchidee said:

Good write PB.

November 29th, 2020 03:18

...In The Eye of The Beholder
Neville said:

I can read into this in several ways .. and enjoy every one of em ... maybe my fave being .. I see Hephaestus as a craftsman a maker or fabricator and maybe born again or renewed .......whatever the case, ya can beat an egg but ya just cant beat a bit o Greek mythology before breakfast ...


November 29th, 2020 02:48

If Forever was but a day...
RDS said:

Haha tenderness made punchy and bold. I enjoyed it.

November 28th, 2020 18:45

She Was My Muse
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful flow, good write

November 28th, 2020 06:51

She Was My Muse
Poetic Dan said:

I wish I had more time to share my thoughts, but like many say (not easy to believe) you\'re a inspirational star!

Keep up the write my friend!
Always appreciated

November 28th, 2020 04:04

She Was My Muse
Goldfinch60 said:

Calliope is within us all who write poetry.


November 28th, 2020 02:39

If Forever was but a day...
Goldfinch60 said:

True love is always forever no matter how long forever is.


November 28th, 2020 02:10

Neville said:

Tis words like this that make the world go round .................. :)

November 27th, 2020 17:50

If Forever was but a day...
Neville said:

Get straight to the point why dont ya..
love songs just dont get much better ..
.. Neville

November 27th, 2020 17:48

- Division -
Doggerel Dave said:

\'Never have guessed...
The kind of poetry I like - small neat and crunchy...
Biscuit like?
Cheers Dave

November 18th, 2020 00:54

- Division -
dusk arising said:

Which country is that?

November 17th, 2020 21:11

L. B. Mek said:

wonderful flow and yes physical strength alone is never enough, nor sadly is intellect, that is the wonder of this thing called life, where even immortality: is no defining measure,
still we have the good fortune of our next breath and the distance of one more step, to make all the difference we can - before the curtain call of our eyelids, lets us know we have done what we could, for this round at least...
(it\'s easy to project the optimist - when seating on my high-horse of a keyboard) lol

November 17th, 2020 03:57

Poetic Dan said:

Not 100% sure on Hercules story but I know he-mans and by the power of gray skull, it\'s all in my hands!

Always a pleasure, to see yours in action!

November 16th, 2020 08:47

Broken Perfectly
L. B. Mek said:

this is why classic metaphors are timeless, when they fit so well - it\'s like reading them anew all over again,
there is a quality of unfiltered truth to your writing style, an innate skill that\'s very hard to learn

November 16th, 2020 05:10

My Catacomb
Poetic Dan said:

The crowd went wild, well in my head! You are outstandingly spot on my friend together will take on that anxiety and put the diamond back into earths bed!

I truly hope you are well my friend?

November 15th, 2020 05:18

Broken Perfectly
Poetic Dan said:

Had me at the first few lines and then of course you ended it so sweet, like a Bitter Symphony. I couldn\'t wait to read!

Always a pleasure
In your company!

November 15th, 2020 05:15

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