Comments received on poems by Doggerel Dave

sorenbarrett said:

Trolls they seem like they have multiplied these days. I\'m glad that I\'m not the only one that has noticed. Population control may be the answer.

March 1st, 2023 07:27

orchidee said:

We have a Troll Bridge a couple of miles away. Not seen any trolls jump out from under it!

March 1st, 2023 05:36

Neville said:

Ouch .. how does one tell these days?

March 1st, 2023 05:34

Statues - a Rhymeless Rant
mvvenkataraman said:

The format of the poem itself is damn ugly,
The mind of the poet is in a confused state,
He writes utter nonsense to feel proud,
Reading his poem will spoil the brain,
Those who write good poem will blunder,
If they happen to read his senseless poems,
He must first join PreKg in poetry
And learn gradually to write poems,
The license to write poems is free,
So, such foolish poets start writing,
And imagine themselves to be geniuses,
What a chaos and disorder in his ideas???

February 28th, 2023 23:19

Disaster Trumps Competition.
mvvenkataraman said:

These eight lines deserve to enter trash,
He has no imagination to coin wise poems,
He is wasting his lifetime meaninglessly,
Very pathetic to see such a foolish poet,
I am sorry to see such a bad poet here,
He deserves the title, \"Worst Poet\" surely?

February 28th, 2023 23:13

Disaster Trumps Competition.
mvvenkataraman said:

The poet blindly rhymes with no meaning,
He thinks rhyming the last word is poetry,
He must get out of the poem writing job,
Mustn\'t confuse other poets to spoil them,
Better he first read the poems of everyone,
And learn from them the way to write poems?

February 28th, 2023 23:10

Concerning Some ‘C’ Words.
mvvenkataraman said:

When poets watch nature like trees and flowers,
This poet watches keenly the bums of dogs,
What an attitude and what a taste?
God alone must cure his dog-bum mind,
He is a disgrace to poetic community?

February 28th, 2023 23:06

mvvenkataraman said:

This is no poetry, but totally useless words,
The poet doesn\'t know how to write poems,
He seems to have no poetry sense at all,
His words clearly prove his empty mind?

February 28th, 2023 23:02

Not another one…..
Neville said:

Dylan said always carry a spare lightbulb with you .. I can see there\'s more than an element of truth in both of ya .. now off to swoon ........ :)

February 28th, 2023 03:15

Not another one…..
2781 said:

We may not agree on much but your observations are spot on.

February 27th, 2023 07:00

Old Joe Finds His Place.
sorenbarrett said:

One should always know when to hole their tongue. Sometimes we learn the hard way. Great fun write.

February 27th, 2023 05:42

The Kimono (Madam Butterfly not here).
sorenbarrett said:

Dave this one led me in several directions. I guess in all the smoke I couldn\'t find the doors. As the last door opened and the smoke cleared it left an image branded in my brain. Amusing Dave.

February 25th, 2023 06:04

The Kimono (Madam Butterfly not here).
Neville said:

for phosphate mate wot were ya thinking abate .. woaha .. don\'t even go there .. 👘that blue thing between there .. & that is meant to be a kimono :)

February 24th, 2023 12:29

The Kimono (Madam Butterfly not here).
Goldfinch60 said:

It was a \'Fine Day\' when your mother gave you that kimono Dave.


February 24th, 2023 02:28

The Kimono (Madam Butterfly not here).
Doggerel Dave said:

So there you have it: Madam Butterfly was not involved in the making of this story.
Third line disclosure: discovered bottom of old suitcase I hadn’t opened in years, the kimono a present from my mother thirty years ago after her Japan trip. No hanky-panky with Madam Butterfly.
I thank you for your call: but understand right from the beginning, Madam Butterfly had absolutely nothing to do with this piece (how many times do I have to tell ya….??)

February 24th, 2023 01:13

sorenbarrett said:

I liked this one Dave. I didn\'t see it comming. Clever though. I guess it pays to go mining in your old stuff.

February 22nd, 2023 17:56

Simple Equation….
Goldfinch60 said:

Such true words Dave.


February 22nd, 2023 02:04

Simple Equation….
sorenbarrett said:

Dave the rich would say it\'s merely natural selection or survival of the fittest. I on the other had would agree with you, Marx proposed communism, it didn\'t work... got any ideas?

February 19th, 2023 08:58

Simple Equation….
orchidee said:

I thought you was gonna explain the equation E=MC2 here. I dunno what it means! lol.

February 19th, 2023 03:21

Simple Equation….
Neville said:

I more than both like and agree with this by a hell of a lot sir Doggerel 🐧

February 19th, 2023 02:04

Simple Equation….
2781 said:

What a mess the people are in
Yes it\'s plain to see
The WEF, WGB, and whoever else is in the conspiracy
They have the people by the balls
With their trickery
What is the solution?
Bring back the Jubilee.

February 18th, 2023 21:16

Statues - a Rhymeless Rant
2781 said:

For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man\'s spirit within him? I wonder what future generations will think of this generation.

February 16th, 2023 20:12

A Relationship
sorenbarrett said:

Presumptive, cats are presumptive as well as arrogant. I have had several and I might say they are a bit narcissistic as well.

February 14th, 2023 23:38

MIDNIGHT TRILOGY (3) About Midnight.
sorenbarrett said:

An interesting experience and one to file away in memories library. They say our experiences make us who we are. A great story.

February 13th, 2023 21:28

MIDNIGHT TRILOGY (2) Around Midnight.
sorenbarrett said:

This was a great tale. In all my adventures in life I can\'t say I have done this. Desperation breeds ingenuity. I decided to take your advice on the last poem and soon will tell a tale of my past. Thanks for the great story.

February 12th, 2023 08:24

MIDNIGHT TRILOGY (1) Almost Midnight
sorenbarrett said:

In my youth I worked laying track in a mine and have ridden steam locomotives in Brazil years ago. My grandfather worked for Union Pacific Rail Road as a porter when he was young, and when I was in my teens I used to hop boxcars at times. Just can\'t get away from trains. Good write

February 10th, 2023 21:52

Peter’s Complaint
sorenbarrett said:

A gritty piece of work that took me to the scene. Nicely written with the \"I don\'t give a damn\" attitude of those that live it.

February 9th, 2023 06:01

Kitchen Hand
sorenbarrett said:

Not been there but similar and your words framed the images well. Very unpleasant and the locked door well that\'s the coup de grace.

February 6th, 2023 21:59

Statues - a Rhymeless Rant
Bella Shepard said:

How brave of you to start this conversation dear friend. History is typically written by the victors, for better or worse. And how often it is skewed because we cannot bear shame. Here in the U.S. we have those who would rewrite history completely to salve their souls, and allay their fears. Funny how fear can drive us to do or say things that contradict reality, that we may not suffer guilt. A big part of my country\'s history is written in the blood of those who suffered slavery from its inception in 1619 to to emancipation in 1865. Slavery was necessary for the economic stability of the southern states and was worth starting a war to preserve. They also sought to preserve what they thought was the rightoutness of their cause by flying the confederate battle flag over state houses and erecting statues to those who lead the charge, which have only recently been taken down. My fervent hope is that history can be taught without bias, although sadly some heads of state, primarliy in the south, are passing laws to censor textbooks and dictate curriculum against the will of teachers. If only they had the foresight to see the very slippery slope they are inching towards. I think when honestly taught, without fear, history can enlighten and encourage thoughtful and meaningful conversations that allow people to arrive at conclusions that are genuine and productive for all. But then, we are only human. Although Galileo did win out in the end, maybe there\'s hope?

bversions to get at the truth, allowing people in the future to use reason and intelligence to choose wisely.

February 3rd, 2023 15:24

Statues - a Rhymeless Rant
Fay Slimm. said:

Your idea is the best Dave - put underneath the said statues the many atrocities these so-called heroes committed and let people learn and never again repeat their deeds.

February 1st, 2023 13:46

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