Comments received on poems by Doggerel Dave

Call it How You Like…..
Neville said:

I not only see where you are coming from .. I can feel it too sir Dog :)

April 27th, 2023 01:18

Call it How You Like…..
tommytoons said:

I liked it, but leadership and commitment rarely cross paths.

April 25th, 2023 21:09

Suburban Solidarity
sorenbarrett said:

There are always neighbors like this. In Salt Lake City, where my sister lives, the council has suggested that all people now do away with lawns and trees to save water since they need more revenue from the people they want to attract for more taxes. I can\'t imagine yards with green painted cement.

April 25th, 2023 07:53

My System
MendedFences27 said:

Well, at last the truth is known. I have to filter through the garbage to find a morsel of intellect, sometimes, now more than often. Thank you for bringing this forward. It remains that everyone is welcome here. And not everyone is an accomplished poet. Some are here to learn basics, others to hone their skills and some, apparently, to survive. I use your system and find those without any info about themselves usually write in a very immature way, not all, but most. I suspect they are just youngsters exploring the world of poetry. Others lay out a very dark profile and write like it\'s the end of the world. (Maybe it is,) Through it all I still find enough good stuff to warrant my time. Some sights have age limits, but I fear those for I may lose on the high end. Oh well I\'m rattling on. Glad you posted this. - Phil A.

April 24th, 2023 16:55

Great Expectations
sorenbarrett said:

Truth in advertising. Buyer beware is the moto. This one made me smile and was well written in that my lack of trust in advertising led me to know something was coming but not sure what, I had to wait until the last line to get the full effect. Thanks for the fun.

April 22nd, 2023 07:19

sorenbarrett said:

I have also pondered on all these possibilities and am not religious but would say spiritual, not that I believe in spirits as such. I have been pushed into the area of panphysicism and Spinosa\'s God. I loved the poem and its dilema.

April 19th, 2023 12:08

Call it How You Like…..
MendedFences27 said:

Corrupt or \"do-nothing\" leaders keep getting elected by the people. It is time for the people to wake up and insist on action and truth. _ Phil A.

April 17th, 2023 15:43

My System
Bella Shepard said:

Besides your poetry, your forthrightness is one of the things that I love most. You are a provocatuer in the very best sense of the word, and when I see your moniker attached to verse I know I\'m in for something unique and stimulating.

April 17th, 2023 08:40

Nature - got to be a winner!?
sorenbarrett said:

What a great metaphor Dave. It always seems that I\'m stepping in it. It\'s the clean up that gets me.

April 10th, 2023 12:29

Call it How You Like…..
Bella Shepard said:

Dear friend, you say it so well! United we stand, but it\'s the uniting part we seem to have the most trouble with. We who vote should have the power, and that power comes when we take the responsibility to be informed and to demand accountability. Will ever the twain meet? Great Write dear friend!

April 8th, 2023 12:25

The Kimono (Madam Butterfly not here).
Lorna said:

I\'m not sure if it was supposed to but the ending made me laugh out loud.... thanks for that!

April 3rd, 2023 17:21

Call it How You Like…..
Lorna said:

I\'m ever hopeful...... Biden is at least trying to be FDR....... cheer up Down Under.... don\'t let the turkeys get you down.

April 3rd, 2023 17:19

Call it How You Like…..
sorenbarrett said:

Until the system of polotics changes this will always be true. Polititions are elected by pleasing the greatest number of constituents so no action is often safer than any action. I\'ve read Plato, Marx, Jefferson and many others, none of them have the answer. Enjoyed the read.

April 3rd, 2023 06:34

Call it How You Like…..
Poetic Dan said:

Until the love for power becomes the power of love we will be stuck in the cycle of enough is enough....

Good artists borrow, great artists still lol
Keep up the write my friend

April 1st, 2023 11:19

Call it How You Like…..
Neville said:

it is indeed, a most sorry state of affairs sir dog ..

April 1st, 2023 04:49

A Relationship
tallisman said:

The only difference between a cat and the devil is that you can sell your soul to the devil. The cat just takes it and batts it into submission…

April 1st, 2023 03:17

Call it How You Like…..
orchidee said:

Just call me Robin - or Mr Hood!

April 1st, 2023 02:19

Call it How You Like…..
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Dave, the leaders of our countries are only in it to get what they want and blow the others.


April 1st, 2023 01:25

Call it How You Like…..
NafisaSB said:

i agree. this is something that needs urgent attention and commitment from those in power
well done..

April 1st, 2023 01:15

My System
sorenbarrett said:

My oh my! Is it paranoia or am I not spending enough time reading? I always make up excuses. I think my ratio is down. Oh yes, I have been asked for more information about myself. I guess it is not paranoia after all. A very good poem and well put. I have to get to work.

March 31st, 2023 06:28

My System
Goldfinch60 said:

It is always interesting to read about others on this site as I have been for many years now.


March 31st, 2023 01:46

My System
Fay Slimm. said:

Snap for me too Dave - - pays to look at contributions and ;comments on reads.

March 30th, 2023 12:21

My System
Eugene S. said:

Laughing! I thought it was just me.

March 30th, 2023 11:28

My System
orchidee said:

What did you find out about Fido - what info? As he writes 99% of my poems, you know! lol.

March 30th, 2023 10:06

My System
charles69 said:

the over abundance of poems here bugs me too
know of any more selective sites that are as easy to navigate, post on ?
good poem
hope your health is good

March 30th, 2023 09:23

My System
Neville said:

just in case you ever try to get too shirty, please note, it was me that hit the like button first .. cheers🍷

March 30th, 2023 09:11

My System
arqios said:

oh that\'s a tack that I haven\'t tried out.

March 30th, 2023 06:53

My System
2781 said:

Are your poems your favourites?

March 30th, 2023 06:52

Ooh Nina....
sorenbarrett said:

This provokes curiosity and curiosity killed the cat. But then satisfaction revived it.

March 29th, 2023 14:44

arqios said:

There is still cake to be had and well guillotines can be oiled and sharpened.

March 27th, 2023 07:39

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