Comments received on poems by Doggerel Dave

Not Yet….Perhaps… How Then?
SureshG said:

I don’t want anyone to have to say of the departed “they are not suffering any more” for as you have so emotionally claimed “ to die with dignity” must be the end game.

June 8th, 2021 12:13

Neville said:

Just checking to see if it was safe to come out of hiding ..

June 7th, 2021 07:31

Not Yet….Perhaps… How Then?
Andy Hunter said:

Dave, was attempting to comment when my phone froze so sent blank screen. All I can say is your poem reflects my own thoughts. Nicely expressed.

June 5th, 2021 05:16

Not Yet….Perhaps… How Then?
Goldfinch60 said:

We each have our own personal views on our own lives and we wish to go through them in a ways that we alone desire. Very good words Dave, may that dignity ALWAYS be with you.


June 5th, 2021 01:32

Not Yet….Perhaps… How Then?
Saxon Crow said:

Like it Dave. Totally agree with you on yhis one. My life, my choice

June 5th, 2021 00:59

Not Yet….Perhaps… How Then?
Andy Hunter said:

June 4th, 2021 12:39

Not Yet….Perhaps… How Then?
Neville said:

I seriously respect your right to choose whether to adopt a particular set of religious beliefs or not ... I believe it is a fundamental right .. I was raised in a non practicing Church of England household ... my wife\'s father was a very respected hospital chaplain .. yet I have followed a Buddhist way since my late teens ...

ps .. I think you have now left everyone in the picture .. :)

June 4th, 2021 10:20

Not Yet….Perhaps… How Then?
orchidee said:

There is no Limbo, don\'t ya know. A recent Pope abolished it! As if it depended on him?
Not that I believed in it in the first place anyway. I\'m not R.C. either, so what I am doing poping (Pope-ing) around?

June 4th, 2021 10:05

Not Yet….Perhaps… How Then?
Jerry Reynolds said:

Thought-provoking, Dave.

June 4th, 2021 08:02

Three Palms Revisited
Neville said:

... it feels like I\'ve been here before .. but it looks a little different ...

ps .. no one should be without a roof .. should they

June 2nd, 2021 02:48

Three Palms Revisited
Goldfinch60 said:

This is happening all over the place Dave and it is such a shame, so many people just do not care for nature.


June 2nd, 2021 00:54

Three Palms Revisited
Doggerel Dave said:

No message beyond what is there, Teddy. \'All is change\' would probably cover it really.
A small (compared with world problems) deterioration in the quality of my life. But certainly I\'ve had, at various times (not always) housing problems - with the sole exception of where I am now.

June 1st, 2021 06:58

Final Funny – (not funny at all - a Cautionary Tale…)
Neville said:

.................... shit happens .. dunnit

never heard before but as sure as hell, I aint gonna forget what is essentially a universal truth ...


May 28th, 2021 02:19

Final Funny – (not funny at all - a Cautionary Tale…)
Fay Slimm. said:

Never heard this dicky- tale before Dave so I must not be ancient !!! - -but grinning I give applause for the wisdom in those three final lines.

May 27th, 2021 05:52

Final Funny – (not funny at all - a Cautionary Tale…)
Doggerel Dave said:

\"Did you mean poohy or phooey, there, Bill? 😊

May 27th, 2021 03:53

Final Funny – (not funny at all - a Cautionary Tale…)
Goldfinch60 said:

Such very true words Dave.


May 27th, 2021 00:37

Final Funny – (not funny at all - a Cautionary Tale…)
Accidental Poet said:

My first thought was Oh no, Orchi\'s gonna start singing with the little bird. But how did the fan get in this story?

May 26th, 2021 18:51

Final Funny – (not funny at all - a Cautionary Tale…)
orchidee said:

What I want to know is: \'Why does the s**t always hit the fan?!\' I dunno.

May 26th, 2021 10:46

Final Funny – (not funny at all - a Cautionary Tale…)
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks Teddy - you aren\'t singing my praises by any chance, are you?
Watch for them big cats, they could be more dangerous than dragons......

May 26th, 2021 06:59

Three Palms
Neville said:

... I thought I might pop back for another viewing ... and yes .. it was worth it ..

Cheers, Neville

May 26th, 2021 03:16

Notice of absence
Dove said:

Cute, see you next fall 👀

May 20th, 2021 09:07

Notice of absence
Neville said:

After nine days away with the penguins sir, I\'m surprised you came back at all ..

I really enjoyed this little offering DD

May 20th, 2021 03:26

Notice of absence
Goldfinch60 said:

You may have to go back in silence and maybe they will come out for you.


May 20th, 2021 00:19

Neville said:

.. in truth, one really ought not to mess with bears ...
Very funny nevertheless ... Bbb barely time to draw breath between giggles ..

May 12th, 2021 03:05

Not Here – better elsewhere.
Goldfinch60 said:

Very powerful four lines Dave.


May 11th, 2021 00:15

Not Here – better elsewhere.
Neville said:

Tis true even the most timely of warnings may not be wholly heeded until its too late ...

Yes indeed, very clever & very much enjoyed ...


May 10th, 2021 12:34

Not Here – better elsewhere.
Trenz Pruca said:

Good one.

May 10th, 2021 12:12

Not Here – better elsewhere.
Fay Slimm. said:

Oh Dave this rhyme is CLEVER - - - four lines of warning and so very telling.

May 10th, 2021 11:11

Not Here – better elsewhere.
AuburnScribbler said:

A superb stanza here Doggerel Dave, and I totally agree with your sentiment.

Bravo, and I hope all is well.

May 10th, 2021 10:09

Not Here – better elsewhere.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Nicely done, Dave.

May 10th, 2021 09:03

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