Comments received on poems by Doggerel Dave

Jerry Reynolds said:

Well done, Dave.
You have chosen the right image for your avatar. Dogs are pure pessimists. When you leave they are absolutely sure you have abandoned them. Explains why they are so elated when you return. Write on my friend.

August 25th, 2021 06:53

Jay-Lee Jane said:

really love it!!

August 24th, 2021 18:43

Dove said:

Just be you, don’t let anyone change you! Of course optimism can lead a man into thinking a man the river is half full, when’s it’s half empty, lol! I’d say either way watch out for the stone hidden inside

August 21st, 2021 12:03

Jim Jimminy said:

Like this one, a cheeky little number 😉😉

August 21st, 2021 08:19

Fay Slimm. said:

The pessimist tendency can be hard to the optimist who looks at life with a perpetual smile - my take is to try staying right in the middle and see both side. Good ;piece of advice in the final line here Dave.

August 21st, 2021 06:21

Goldfinch60 said:

I am definitely an optimist in this life and because of that I can see fine lines in your incantations Dave.


August 21st, 2021 00:35

HannahElisabeth said:

You can\'t be a complete a pain in the derrière if this made me giggle, right?

It\'s pretty hard not to be a pessimist anyway. At least you\'re always prepared for the worst! (Wait, was that a bit of optimism on my end?)

August 20th, 2021 19:55

Trenz Pruca said:

Wrong or right who cares. The future in tomorrow. Today it is the poetry of a fine poet. Thank you Dave.

August 20th, 2021 16:20

Coyote said:

Everyone is wrong from time to time but so few learn anything from the experience. Nice write Dave🙂

August 20th, 2021 09:15

Neville said:

I\'m a bit more like old mother Shipton .. maybe a little more optimist .. but then again ........................................

August 20th, 2021 08:17

Lorna said:

I don\'t think you\'re the old curmudgeon you lead us to believe. But that could be me just being optimistic.

August 20th, 2021 07:41

Dove said:

Change indeed! That is the only thing that allows us to grow! Though climate change is not kind

August 16th, 2021 09:45

Coyote said:

Love the poem AND video Dave. Thanks for the intro to Tim Minchin. I hadn\'t heard of him. Good stuff.

August 15th, 2021 12:05

Jon Nakapalau said:

Well done Dave!

August 14th, 2021 14:21

Fay Slimm. said:

Just been introduced to Tim via your link Dave and wow he is so good and very clever with his fantastic rhyming
........ Aussie wit has always been for me a laugh a minute.

August 14th, 2021 05:45

Neville said:

I like the cut of your jib sir .. may you sail through the storm with both your mast n your sails intact ................ N

August 14th, 2021 04:14

Doggerel Dave said:

That is very sad Sax. If you went straight to Utube and put Storm and Tim Minchin there something should come up I\'ll bet.....
But although I\'ve already admitted my poetry ain\'t good - surely it isn\'t so bad that my meaning is obscure....?

August 14th, 2021 01:20

Saxon Crow said:

Tim minchin doesn\'t want to play! So I can\'t tell if you believe this or are being sarcastic Dave

August 14th, 2021 00:44

flyingfish said:

Very brave!

August 11th, 2021 23:49

A Triolet Ahead of The Pack
The elder poet said:

I must agree . The world is a mess today. But we must live in it . Take the good and ignore the bad. It helps when we don\'t watch the news .lol You have a good day.

August 10th, 2021 11:43

The elder poet said:

We all have our own way of looking at love. For me all was great memories. It brightens up my world .I write of it often. Even the poetry of lost loves taught me something . Quite a odd song. lol. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

August 10th, 2021 11:40

My Spell Checker
Neville said:

I quite agree with you my antipodean friend .. it can be so utterly frustrating .. it just had to be said ..................... Z

that is a horizontal N by the way :)

August 6th, 2021 07:07

My Spell Checker
Doggerel Dave said:

Frenia, you are completely selfless aren\'t you? There is commentary awaiting you on your entry \'The Mirror Of Life\' , yet you prefer to spread the love....
Thank you for your spontaneous endorsement - I hope to hear from you again any time you feel so inclined....

August 5th, 2021 04:05

Coyote said:

Love it! Particularly the last few lines. Love must be proactively brought about rather than passively hoped for. Great message here Dave.

August 4th, 2021 23:59

Chris Duffy said:

A playful piece Dave. I enjoyed it. Well penned .

August 3rd, 2021 09:44

That Line
Neville said:

that line has always been there .. some are forever searching for it, while others more inadvertently stumble upon it ... am glad it has finally been given a name ...

a great shout out sir Dave ...


August 3rd, 2021 01:20

That Line
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write, Dave.

August 1st, 2021 15:57

That Line
Doggerel Dave said:

More? -see
Plus Google that same line

August 1st, 2021 06:26

Trees - or Something.
Neville said:

wonderfully whimsical sir
if push came to a shove I think I would rather be a tree :)

July 26th, 2021 06:37

Trees - or Something.
orchidee said:

A fine write Dave.
I felt sorry for a tree on a cold night, so brought it indoors. Not a bonzai mini-tree, but an oak. Not much room in the house now! lol.

July 26th, 2021 01:48

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