Comments received on poems by sorenbarrett

Jesus You Know Me
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow. Short and sweet. Good job! 👍

February 8th, 2022 11:58

dusk arising said:

One of the great and beutiful natural wonders of our world and yet, my science teacher told me it was simply caused by two refractions and one reflection of light within a raindrop..... LOL doesn\'t change a thing for me but i shan\'t be looking for a crock of gold at rainbow\'s end.

February 7th, 2022 07:27

Goldfinch60 said:

Very clever haiku sorenbarrett

February 7th, 2022 01:36

sorenbarrett said:

Thank you so much for your review and comment

February 6th, 2022 14:38

Eugene S. said:

Great Haiku!

February 6th, 2022 09:10

Paul Bell said:

Spider webs can really be artistic.
Quire a feat as well.

February 6th, 2022 07:20

To dream perchance to wake
Paul Bell said:

Recycled humans. You just know the bin is going to be the wrong one, or at least that\'s what my bin man keeps lecturing me about.

February 5th, 2022 07:02

Reflection of an illusion
Buzz Bray said:

\"Creation’s transitory spark.... Here then gone\" Perhaps, but unique, beautiful, a reflection of the creative process that sustains the universe. Absolutely wonderful words!

February 4th, 2022 14:23

Reflection of an illusion
sorenbarrett said:

Thank you very much for your comment and review

February 4th, 2022 14:19

Reflection of an illusion
sophin said:

stunning words, beautiful reflection.

February 4th, 2022 11:08

Argumentative Anxiety
Rocky Lagou said:

Love the alliteration!

February 3rd, 2022 11:48

Argumentative Anxiety
sorenbarrett said:

Thank you so much for your review and wise words of comment.

February 3rd, 2022 11:47

Argumentative Anxiety
L. B. Mek said:

worded Rage, is A form of violence
prepare for the bruises and guilt
you\'ll be allowing into your life
whenever you let that dam burst
and lose control..
(a great shorty, thanks for sharing)

February 3rd, 2022 08:45

The time of my life
Goldfinch60 said:

Time certainly does not exist but each moment is special and may there be many good moments in your life soren,


February 2nd, 2022 01:56

The time of my life
L. B. Mek said:

a great shorty! thanks for sharing..
to transmute our wise poetry
into tangible actions
that can impact our world...
it\'s by sharing
and planting, the seeds of ambition
and right action
and hoping, the universe that created us
will find the answers, to sprout
yeah, we just have to continue
and strive
one write, at a time)

February 1st, 2022 07:08

sorenbarrett said:

Thank you for your comment pregnant with imagery and literary knowledge, A far greater poetic response than the poem itself.

January 31st, 2022 13:11

L. B. Mek said:

Grecian myth and Homer, wisdom
alive and well!
brilliantly, reimagined
and succinctly worded
yet, deep with nuanced
on our despairingly mythological, endless
\'age of anxiety\'
and that, escapism via
Hennessey or Valium induced
warped reality
of nihilistically, grim:
progressive modernity
(just a Brilliant execution!
thanks for sharing)

January 31st, 2022 08:07

sorenbarrett said:

Thank you so much for your comment and review

January 31st, 2022 05:53

Goldfinch60 said:

Very good and very true haiku soren.


January 31st, 2022 01:53

Buzz Bray said:

Powerful words about words and how they can hurt even without being meant to. To lose that communication in a relationship is terrible. You convey the feelings very well. Excellent read.

January 29th, 2022 16:48

My Dark Side
Paul Bell said:

It feels like you\'ve just moved over to the dark side, and you\'re going to stay there, hell or high water.

January 29th, 2022 07:17

Buzz Bray said:

I really like this poem. The structure i.e. question - answer, reminds me of a didactic poem I read long ago. \"When does defective become perfect?...When hate becomes love.\" Excellent!

January 27th, 2022 07:57

All Things
sorenbarrett said:

Thank you so much for your review and kind comments

January 26th, 2022 15:38

All Things
Crystal Hope said:

love the metaphor and feelings you expressed yourself.

wonderful write

January 26th, 2022 15:15

A longing for honey
sorenbarrett said:

Thank you for your review and comment. Maybe get out from under the hives thumb

January 25th, 2022 07:22

A longing for honey
Paul Bell said:

I suppose this could be Andrew or Harry. One needs a maid\'s slap, the other needs to get from under the wive\'s thumb.

January 25th, 2022 07:00

The Web
Daydream Believer said:

Beautiful poem
You captured its magical elegance
But also it’s darker side hints in your well woven lines ⭐️

January 22nd, 2022 08:04

A moment in time
dusk arising said:

I think this is among the finest pieces i have read here on mps over the years. Very relateable for me in my grey haired years.

Truly excellent and a must for being placed among my favourites.

Thank you for such a wonderful read.

January 19th, 2022 11:47

A moment in time
sorenbarrett said:

January 19th, 2022 11:14

A moment in time
Travis Kasparov said:

Cool poem. I like the rhyme scheme and theme

January 19th, 2022 10:32

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