Comments received on poems by Bella Shepard

To Walk By Moonlight
L. B. Mek said:

once I was privileged to witness the splendour of a cool-blue full moon
and the rise of a flaming-orange dawn
a breath-taking scene I shall never forget
thank you, dear Poet

November 11th, 2022 06:09

To Walk By Moonlight
orchidee said:

Good write Bella.
I fancied a moonlight walk, but it was all cloudy and I fell down a hole! (I made that up. lol).
Could it only happen to me?!

November 11th, 2022 03:19

To Walk By Moonlight
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words Bella. I too enjoy dawn walks, that can be astounding.


November 11th, 2022 02:22

To Walk By Moonlight
arqios said:

Oh, it is quite wonderful having a walking companion! Our thoughts usually accompany us but the shadows that we create also play along in this sublime dreamscape.

November 10th, 2022 23:49

To Walk By Moonlight
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m a late to bed, late to rise kind of person, Bella. Don\'t think I\'ve ever experienced dawn, which after my read here, feels something of a shame. But is it possible to teach an old dog new........?

November 10th, 2022 23:13

To Walk By Moonlight
Fay Slimm. said:

How liberating this read when drawn into the scene of stillness when dawn is breaking - -- your words bring the feeling of thanks to be alive in that place and time my dear Bella - a truly inspiring read.

November 10th, 2022 16:35

To Walk By Moonlight
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lovely writing , Bella 🙂

November 10th, 2022 14:32

sorenbarrett said:

This one goes far deeper than the light hearted initial impression. I believe that it is not only brilliantly said but brilliantly sad.

November 9th, 2022 16:56

The Future
SureshG said:

A few words, with deep meaning.

“All is predestined, yet we alone are creator’s of our destiny”

November 9th, 2022 07:55

The Future
orchidee said:

Now I\'m a confused laddie lol. With past, present, and future - I met myself coming back from the shops, while on my way there. Eh?
I talk some rot. lol.
But I did see a guy walking backwards with shopping. Maybe practising for the Annual Backward Walking Shopping Competition, which I oversee. (do I?).

November 8th, 2022 03:11

The Future
Goldfinch60 said:

\"Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday\"


November 8th, 2022 02:12

The Future
Doggerel Dave said:

Not sure it is waiting, but it will certainly pop up at just the appropriate moment, and yes, be a judgement on what I am doing now...
However, I have not the slightest intention of attempting a haiku here, Bella....Yours is a good \'un.

November 7th, 2022 18:39

The Future
Fay Slimm. said:

Thinking ahead before action is the wisest move Bella - a haiku with much food for thought.

November 7th, 2022 16:26

The Future
sorenbarrett said:

Another great haiku yes we are all trying to catch up with our future.

November 7th, 2022 16:02

The Future
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Makes me think of the law of attraction although I’m not sure I always like the ideas around that ..

Yes think before we act although nobody is perfect .

Nice writing ..

November 7th, 2022 15:01

Each Night
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

A lovely writing )) and sometimes the smallest things are the nicest or the most beautiful .. maybe . Like seeing a bird , a cat I find those things can make me smile sometimes

November 2nd, 2022 13:40

Turtle On A Brick
orchidee said:

Cooee Bella! lol. You online? I just popped in!

November 2nd, 2022 13:36

I Dreamt
sorenbarrett said:

This to me is an ideal haiku, although maybe not by oriental standard, it poses an unanswerable question. Although we do know a great deal about the physiology of sleep. We know so little about sleep and what happens during that state. So few words for so many thoughts.

November 2nd, 2022 13:26

Turtle On A Brick
sorenbarrett said:

Bella I love the way you present this story and dilema. Not only were the rhyme and story compelling but the metaphor of how we all get ourselves into situations that give pause to others as well as ourselves. Loved it.

October 31st, 2022 13:55

Turtle On A Brick
Neville said:

Made me chuckle no end .. Every single verse a little masterpiece building on its predecessor & culminating in the 64-billion-dollar question ... maybe he could hitch a ride on the back of a turtle dove :)

October 31st, 2022 06:27

Turtle On A Brick
L. B. Mek said:

love this!
allegorical at its nucleus core
wonderfully worded and paced;
I just about stopped myself
from trying to poetically reply
and ruin it for everyone
Thanks for this wonderful read, dear Poet

October 31st, 2022 05:39

Turtle On A Brick
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words Bella, left me wondering how he would get down.


October 31st, 2022 02:53

Turtle On A Brick
arqios said:

The rainy day changes the scenario in my head: he may have been thinking to get himself a higher vantage point to survey the distance he yet has to travel after the last drops of rain 🌧 🐢 🤓

October 30th, 2022 22:18

Turtle On A Brick
Doggerel Dave said:

Great little read,. Bella - moves along much faster than your turtle. My ever literal brain would suggest that some rotten lout put him there, and then later another compassionate soul helped him down....

October 30th, 2022 18:17

Turtle On A Brick
Bella Shepard said:

thank you dear friend, I always love your comments. I spied this little guy earlier this summer and couldn\'t believe my eyes. Fortunately he wasn\'t there the next day, so I assume he got down some how.

October 30th, 2022 16:42

Turtle On A Brick
Fay Slimm. said:

Smiling big here Bella at your lightly perceptive poem so beautifully rhymed on a turtle\'s high-climb without knowing why - - and am in love your final stanza -- great fun read.

October 30th, 2022 16:10

Turtle On A Brick
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Lovely writing )) really like how your words in this poem ..🙂

October 30th, 2022 14:51

100 Years Strong
L. B. Mek said:

(Wise sentiments
as in appreciating our elders
we appreciate our past
and those who can\'t grasp a foothold on their past
will ever wonder aimlessly in life...) Hope you all had a great day! Such a lovely read, thank you dear Poet

October 28th, 2022 04:45

Just Because (senryu-maybe)
sorenbarrett said:

I know little about the senryu form but regardless this is an appropriate response. Short and to the point.

October 25th, 2022 18:58

sorenbarrett said:

Bella I have seldom found so few words convey so much emotion and meaning. Having literally set myself afire some months ago I guess it has even more personal meaning to me. There is such determination and resolution in the final line that it rings with conviction and power.

October 24th, 2022 16:07

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