Comments received on poems by Bella Shepard

I Dreamt
orchidee said:

Good write Bella.

July 21st, 2022 09:54

Hold My Hand
Paul Bell said:

Not enough hand holding out there.
Great to see the main man getting recognised for just being him.

July 21st, 2022 04:20

Hold My Hand
L. B. Mek said:

a great dedication
marriage as a conduit to BFF\'s
that\'s the dream!
thanks for sharing, dear poet

July 21st, 2022 01:23

Hold My Hand
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful loving write Bella, he will always be there for you.


July 21st, 2022 00:16

Hold My Hand
Tristan Robert Lange said:

Love this! A beautifully crafted poem to your best friend and soul mate!

July 20th, 2022 16:05

Hold My Hand
LexiLou said:

I enjoyed this poem. Very beautiful and touching ❤️

July 20th, 2022 16:00

JudyStella said:

Wise words✨ Very true!

July 19th, 2022 13:05

My Eyes Are Closed
Neville said:

a real treat at the end of a very long day .. very much enjoyed Bell and for tons of reasons too ..... Neville

July 18th, 2022 16:24

sorenbarrett said:

Bella the paradox in this statement still echoes in my mind. And that I\'m certain of, I think.

July 17th, 2022 15:54

To Ignorance
Neville said:

Say it like it is why dont\'cha .. amazingly articulated & I wholeheartedly agree with every word ... so wot about that cult Bella eh\' :)

July 17th, 2022 12:15

Ode to My Brain
Paul Bell said:

I like tongue in cheek, it\'s all a bit like hide and seek, you start searching for god knows what, then you can\'t remember what you sought.

July 17th, 2022 07:18

Paul Bell said:

Just like that girl last night, elusive, out of reach, and probably out of my league.

July 17th, 2022 07:16

Swan Lake
Neville said:

What an outstanding poem you have crafted here Bella .. You have without doubt, done her, yourself and poetry proud .. I saw a clip of the amazing lady in question some time ago and distinctly recall the impact it had on me then .. as does your dedication today ......... Neville

July 17th, 2022 00:35

Goldfinch60 said:

So very true in many ways Bella but occasionally we do know.


July 16th, 2022 00:52

Doggerel Dave said:

You certainly expressed this more succinctly than I ever could, Bella.
But additionally, the point you make re \'diddly-squat\' above is well made. My speech is riddled with such colloquialisms occasionally. Google does (sometimes) provide the answer.

July 15th, 2022 21:46

Neville said:

You seem absolutely sure of yourself .. & who am I to argue .. furthermore, I am convinced that there is a fundamental universal truth squeezed comfortably within those twelve strategically placed words, up there .... Neville

July 15th, 2022 11:53

orchidee said:

Ohhh, we know it all. We\'re know-alls. Some think they are! lol.

July 15th, 2022 10:58

When Trees Go To Sleep
Neville said:

Had my visit been more timely, I would probably not be here right now ..
On reflection though, this is one of those rare occasions, when I am more than happy to be here at all ..

Better late than never eh\' and boy, do I like fall .................... Neville

July 14th, 2022 15:24

sorenbarrett said:

Bella so well said. The economy of words to express the infinity. Well done friend

July 14th, 2022 13:44

The Lone Cyclist
Neville said:

It may have taken me a while to get here, but the journey has been well worth it my friend .. my only excuse is that I spend so much time these days back-peddling ......... elliveN :)

July 14th, 2022 12:20

Ode to My Brain
Neville said:

I think .. no, I am absolutely convinced that you have just nailed our mental muscle here Bella .. and that\'s no mean feat, I can tell ya ..

........................... Neville :)

July 13th, 2022 15:28

Ode to My Brain
sorenbarrett said:

Bella I certainly can identify with this poem. It evokes feelings too and what more is a great poem than one that one identifies with and evokes one\'s feelings?

July 13th, 2022 15:19

Ode to My Brain
orchidee said:

Urgh! I don\'t feel well - gelatinous goo.
What brain? I say to myself - all 3 brain cells of mine are there though! heehee.

July 13th, 2022 01:41

Ode to My Brain
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good words Bella, the brain is the functioning of each of our bodies.


July 13th, 2022 00:33

Ode to My Brain
Doggerel Dave said:

Not so silly, Bella. As a human, existing in this time and place, I often feel my body (including brain) to be very happily functioning without my close input.
I, as driver provide direction have motivations and desires, but the way these are satisfied, the mechanisms involved are not something I am conscious of or have much control over.
Your poem expresses that nicely.

July 12th, 2022 17:49

The Memory Forest
Neville said:

I am mightily impressed and so glad you felt able to come back Bella .. x

July 10th, 2022 04:25

The Memory Forest
Doggerel Dave said:

I must be suffering from a delusion that I have my finger on the pulse at MPS and don\'t miss much.
Seems I\'m wrong; I\'ve missed out on you, Bella up to now - apologies for that.
And not a good poem to start with - your poem here. There is the obvious finality about it.
Also, to romanticise the disposal of one\'s remains runs for me into difficulty as the whole issue is really of garbage disposal alone. If one wants to utilise this material in any way, then give it to a medical school. Beyond that......
I enjoy your poetry and will keep an eye on you in future - so write on....

July 9th, 2022 19:56

Try To Remember
verona said:

love the final lines, had to laugh

June 17th, 2022 13:38

The Memory Forest
sorenbarrett said:

Bella this one hit close to the heart. I found the words and the theme as well as the very thoughts of transforming into a tree most beautiful and moving. Loved it.

June 15th, 2022 12:15

The Memory Forest
Goldfinch60 said:

Fine wishes Bella but please not for a long while.


June 14th, 2022 00:24

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