Comments received on poems by Bella Shepard

Penicillium Notatum
Neville said:

although I am not a sufferer myself .. well not in that sense .. my wife used to suffer terribly with an allergy to a particular winter flowering spore .. I dont envy you Bella but I do admire you writing about it .. Neville

August 20th, 2023 00:47

Penicillium Notatum
Doggerel Dave said:

I suffer from the sneezes during pollen season – which owing to the funny weather (trying to avoid the words ‘climate change’!) seems to be all year long…
Mercifully free of mold in my particular unit. Not so for at least two other occupants of our complex, who eventually had their units completely gutted, their furniture either thoroughly sanitized or destroyed and ventilation improved. All this at company expense (independent living aged care).
There’s no easy answer to the devil mold, Bella, but your piece serves as a well documented health warning at the very least.

August 19th, 2023 20:03

Penicillium Notatum
MendedFences27 said:

I suffered with allergies for a long time. Not much anymore. Hope it all ends well for you. I write in spurts like that, Then I eventually combine several pieces into a poem. Thoroughly enjoyed this poem. - Phil A.

August 19th, 2023 15:54

Penicillium Notatum
orchidee said:

Now, lookie here, someone I knew at an Arts & Crafts Show, including yummy cakes, said she is allergic to cream, so she took photos of those that have cream in them. Eh? She is not a show judge, so she won\'t be eating any, cream or not. They go to charities!

August 19th, 2023 11:53

sorenbarrett said:

I loved the format to this poem of great advice. To give is to receive, accepting our imperfections and growing from them is crucial, How we achieve is as important as what, letting go of things is liberating. All so true. Great write dear friend.

August 13th, 2023 18:33

I Dreamt
Teddy.15 said:

One of the best senryu I have ever read dear Bella, I suspect you went to a million beautiful places and you saw those you love. How else could you have come back whole! Stunning, I\'m randomly reading your stuff and I always go to the titles and I\'m never disappointed so glad I didn\'t miss this one of my favourite forms of poetry and this is superb. 💖

August 13th, 2023 15:50

The Library of Time
Teddy.15 said:

Your title drew me here and wow what a poem to read, short with everything that tools us with wisdom dear Bella, ❤️ thank you.

August 12th, 2023 16:02

Neville said:

you have such beautiful and meaningful thoughts ..

I don\'t know why I have not left my stain here before now, for that I sincerely apologise Bella .. I honestly thought that I had ..

These ones are pretty much perfect ... and irrefutably true ..


August 9th, 2023 02:09

orchidee said:

Now a poem by KP:
\'Me, me, me, me,\' - repeat 10,000 times! lol.

August 5th, 2023 02:14

Parisab said:

You first echo some good philosophy and then the beautiful and original single words give us a fresh reminder! Very creative indeed

August 5th, 2023 00:47

Doggerel Dave said:

I do try, Bella - honest!!

Some pure truths in there and certainly worth the trouble.

August 4th, 2023 18:35

orchidee said:

No come on KP, I say - \'Life is NOT all about who YOU are!\' lol.

August 4th, 2023 09:06

Teddy.15 said:

A super life lesson to us all. Everything I truly believe too. An absolutely gorgeous piece of poetry dearest Bella and beautifully expressed. 💖

August 4th, 2023 09:05

Caring dove said:

Great writing like the question at the end of this )) I do think that the letting go can be difficult .. o guess many of us need to heal from things then we can ‘ live ‘ in a better way Maybr

August 4th, 2023 09:00

Pop64 said:

And I toast to that! Wonderfully visual in appearance and words that provide truth and clarity. Terrific write!

August 4th, 2023 08:43

The Red MG
sorenbarrett said:

Change is something unavoidable but so difficult and even more so as we grow older. An empty nest is tough to adjust to and downsizing to another home is difficult as well. The loss of a life long companion is toughest of all and I loved your last line.

August 2nd, 2023 16:26

The Red MG
AuburnScribbler said:

A wonderfully written poetic story here Bella, with a beautiful ballad like rhythm, you\'ve painted a wholesome tale of life, that culminates in an enduring image.

Bravo, and I hope that all is well.

August 2nd, 2023 10:17

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!
shruti14 said:

Wow. It\'s such a different yet positive to hear it out. Thanks for sharing!

August 1st, 2023 12:11

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!
sorenbarrett said:

A beautiful feeling indeed. The song of the south was one of my favorites as a child. O what a beautiful morning was a song I sang many times to lift my spirits. This poem brought it back to mind and I thank you for the lift.

July 31st, 2023 16:12

The Violin Wept
Teddy.15 said:

Dear Bella, ❤️ I\'m thrilled to have found this gem, wow this is profound poetry you have captured the emotions that the violin can bring, mesmerising us. Your last lines quite breathtaking because you end it so perfectly.

July 30th, 2023 14:45

Mozart In The Morning
Caring dove said:

Lovely poem .. beautiful way with words )) love the mention of that bird singing

July 29th, 2023 13:53

Beware Of A.I.
Pop64 said:

and without compassion, there goes the conscience and the understanding of good/bad. Stated with clarity of flow.

July 28th, 2023 13:42

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!
L. B. Mek said:

(oh such abundant gaiety in worded poetry
oh what imagery of nature\'s divine in a rhyme
how in-step with each musical note
fingertips digging deep in that coat)
hey, I get something for trying right?
(but sadly my cherished friend
we have found something we don\'t agree on
\'such a sad day\'
musicals, are just a no no for me
I\'m so sorry, i mean no disrespect
but any time
I see people deep in conversation
and then a second later
they\'re all singing operatic facing the camera
I\'m just cringing, my insides being twisted something violent)
erm.. not that i have strong feelings about it
no, really
you know me, I\'m all easy going foolishness
.. just you know
I still have nightmares
about 2005 Producers and Chicago with richard gere
i still shudder at the mere thought
screeching \'where\'s me salt\')
I\'m half joking..
please, forgive my uncultured ways

July 28th, 2023 03:39

The Red MG
L. B. Mek said:

poem\'s like this, is why I\'m in love with Poetry
those cannon fodders
can keep their refinement elitism
their abstracted far-fetched imagery
all I need, are a few poetic words
of artistic sincerity
breathing life to a memory
a concept, a thought, a life\'s story...
I\'m in love with the elegance of this
decadently unfurling, poetic gem
just !!!Brilliant!!!
(I bow to your superior talent dear cherished Poet)
and it had to be a morgan
the last car manufacturers to use
actual wood in the frame of the cars
gave it that personalised feel
even in an assembly line batch, each car
had its own unique personality
to the days when artisans
put a little of themselves in that they crafted
with love
like you\'ve done with this Poem
my talented friend
(sorry for my overzealous enthusiasm
I genuinely admire works of subtle genius
so rare)
thank you!

July 28th, 2023 03:19

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!
peto said:

Chanting away
Lovely way to start the day

July 28th, 2023 01:15

The Red MG
Neville said:

I seem to have a knack of not being around at the off .. but am delighted to have arrived here now that the dust has settled .. and I am able to take my time and to take the whole thing in ..

This must surely be your flagship Bella at least to date that is ..

beautifully crafted throughout with not a word out of place .. and if it were not a contradiction in terms, I would go as far as to say, it is timeless ..

Full marks indeed from me to thee .. Neville

July 27th, 2023 23:26

The Red MG
Teddy.15 said:

There is a true lifetime in this poem dearest Bella ❤️ another magnificent read from your pen.

July 27th, 2023 12:05

Beware Of A.I.
Teddy.15 said:

I\'m sure it has a good purpose for something\'s dear Bella, but personally I\'m not a fan I find a hand shake and a hug or even just eye contact creates humans to be warmer. 💖 A fascinating subject

July 27th, 2023 12:03

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!
Teddy.15 said:

Oh no, I\'ll be singing all day now. Hugs ❣️🤗

July 27th, 2023 03:28

Oh What A Beautiful Morning!
Neville said:

read with a smile and a warm glow ..
that not even the prospect of the days work ahead is going to rob me of ..
Neville 🙂💜👍x

July 27th, 2023 00:42

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