Comments received on poems by arqios
forgive not forget
Tristan Robert Lange said:
Leauges deep this poem is, rewarding multiple readings. It presents a complex relationship between memory, pain, and forgiveness...and truthfully, I have never understood \"forgiving and forgetting\". It seems impossible for a human to forget, not matter how hard one tries. Besides, what good would forgetting do? How would one know not to treat others in that specific way if it never happened to them, etc. No, I do not believe forgetting it s a requirement for forgiveness. Perhaps, by forgetting, one means not bringing it up over and over or dwelling on it, but that really is not forgetting, it\'s just choosing to shelve or ignore. Anywho, I digress. Philosophically, what does happen to our forgiveness when we die? The concept of fragmentation really resonates in the physical, emotional, psychological sense. We die and then the remants of those times that forgiveness was needed are in the memories of those still living. Only in from a theological/faith perspective can we begin to conceive of forgiveness going anywhere beyond our physical lives. All of this to say, you\'ve crafted a wonderful poem here, my friend, that has such depth I cannot wait to see what\'s next in the probable trilogy or more. 🖤🐦⬛🙏
March 27th, 2025 07:30
Tristan Robert Lange said:
Leauges deep this poem is, rewarding multiple readings. It presents a complex relationship between memory, pain, and forgiveness...and truthfully, I have never understood \"forgiving and forgetting\". It seems impossible for a human to forget, not matter how hard one tries. Besides, what good would forgetting do? How would one know not to treat others in that specific way if it never happened to them, etc. No, I do not believe forgetting it s a requirement for forgiveness. Perhaps, by forgetting, one means not bringing it up over and over or dwelling on it, but that really is not forgetting, it\'s just choosing to shelve or ignore. Anywho, I digress. Philosophically, what does happen to our forgiveness when we die? The concept of fragmentation really resonates in the physical, emotional, psychological sense. We die and then the remants of those times that forgiveness was needed are in the memories of those still living. Only in from a theological/faith perspective can we begin to conceive of forgiveness going anywhere beyond our physical lives. All of this to say, you\'ve crafted a wonderful poem here, my friend, that has such depth I cannot wait to see what\'s next in the probable trilogy or more. 🖤🐦⬛🙏
March 27th, 2025 07:30
forgive not forget
Friendship said:
Well written,Your poem explores the themes of loss, memory, and the inability to forgive oneself and others. It reflects on the idea that our experiences—especially painful ones—leave lasting imprints on our lives, but ultimately, these memories will fade when we are gone.
March 27th, 2025 07:12
Friendship said:
Well written,Your poem explores the themes of loss, memory, and the inability to forgive oneself and others. It reflects on the idea that our experiences—especially painful ones—leave lasting imprints on our lives, but ultimately, these memories will fade when we are gone.
March 27th, 2025 07:12
forgive not forget
Poetic Licence said:
To forgive is possible sometimes, to forget is a different ball game, enjoyed the read
March 27th, 2025 05:02
Poetic Licence said:
To forgive is possible sometimes, to forget is a different ball game, enjoyed the read
March 27th, 2025 05:02
forgive not forget
David Wakeling said:
This to me sums up Existentialism.There is sadness and despair here.A lack of forgiveness.Strong powerful poem.
March 27th, 2025 05:01
David Wakeling said:
This to me sums up Existentialism.There is sadness and despair here.A lack of forgiveness.Strong powerful poem.
March 27th, 2025 05:01
forgive not forget
sorenbarrett said:
The depths of this poem requires multiple readings and time to digest its meaning. There is a sense of emotive conceptualization that goes with this poem. It is hard to describe but a deja vu, I have been here before feel. Very nicely worded.
March 27th, 2025 04:13
sorenbarrett said:
The depths of this poem requires multiple readings and time to digest its meaning. There is a sense of emotive conceptualization that goes with this poem. It is hard to describe but a deja vu, I have been here before feel. Very nicely worded.
March 27th, 2025 04:13
NafisaSB said:
i agree - verse wins over long winded prose any day
keep composing
March 26th, 2025 23:36
NafisaSB said:
i agree - verse wins over long winded prose any day
keep composing
March 26th, 2025 23:36
Poetic Licence said:
This has a very calming soothing feel to it, nicely written
March 26th, 2025 07:00
Poetic Licence said:
This has a very calming soothing feel to it, nicely written
March 26th, 2025 07:00
Tristan Robert Lange said:
I love a good Nocturne, such as the one you provided a video for by Chopin, and I love a good sunset and evening. This poem, for me, was stunning. Well done, my friend, well done! 🌹👏
March 26th, 2025 05:40
Tristan Robert Lange said:
I love a good Nocturne, such as the one you provided a video for by Chopin, and I love a good sunset and evening. This poem, for me, was stunning. Well done, my friend, well done! 🌹👏
March 26th, 2025 05:40
David Wakeling said:
Wow this is so well written. It left me wanting more.I like the use of adjectives.So important I think.Well done compadre
March 26th, 2025 05:30
David Wakeling said:
Wow this is so well written. It left me wanting more.I like the use of adjectives.So important I think.Well done compadre
March 26th, 2025 05:30
sorenbarrett said:
The flow of the day melts through this poem running downward from morning to night. Delicious
March 26th, 2025 03:56
sorenbarrett said:
The flow of the day melts through this poem running downward from morning to night. Delicious
March 26th, 2025 03:56
Goldfinch60 said:
Chopin\'s nocturnes are sop wonderful arqios as are you words.
March 26th, 2025 03:03
Goldfinch60 said:
Chopin\'s nocturnes are sop wonderful arqios as are you words.
March 26th, 2025 03:03
Zara’s Choice
Kevin Hulme said:
Your Poem reads as a \'Dystopian\' Novel of the Past. Was it \'Hal\' in 2001 a Space Odyssey taking over? The fact that a lot of the Technical Jargon you mentioned I didn\'t understand makes me sleep with the Light on tonight: Frightening!
Have \'Love is in the Air\' in my Phone: Great Song.
March 25th, 2025 20:42
Kevin Hulme said:
Your Poem reads as a \'Dystopian\' Novel of the Past. Was it \'Hal\' in 2001 a Space Odyssey taking over? The fact that a lot of the Technical Jargon you mentioned I didn\'t understand makes me sleep with the Light on tonight: Frightening!
Have \'Love is in the Air\' in my Phone: Great Song.
March 25th, 2025 20:42
Zara’s Choice
Friendship said:
Well done.your poem revolves around the ethical responsibilities of coders and the impact of technology on human lives.
March 25th, 2025 08:01
Friendship said:
Well done.your poem revolves around the ethical responsibilities of coders and the impact of technology on human lives.
March 25th, 2025 08:01
Zara’s Choice
Tristan Robert Lange said:
Excellent poem, arqios! Technology has always been both our greatest achievement to our biggest downfall. What I love about this poem is that it shows the people behind the technology. We forget that. Now, are all of those people in it for the best interest of society, or are they in it for profit. That\'s the question, and it\'s not a new one! The average programmer, just doing their job faithfully, no doubt. The systemic institution they work for, with their corporate think and, more than likely, greed???? This poem has lots of teeth because it can be read straight as poem about the humanity behind code, it could be read as a a sort of love story between programmers, and it also provokes thought about these devices that shape our lives and how much control we inevitably allow other people (aka corporations) have over us. This poem gets a major fave from me for all of those reasons and more. Wonderful job, my friend! 🙏🐦⬛🖤
March 25th, 2025 07:51
Tristan Robert Lange said:
Excellent poem, arqios! Technology has always been both our greatest achievement to our biggest downfall. What I love about this poem is that it shows the people behind the technology. We forget that. Now, are all of those people in it for the best interest of society, or are they in it for profit. That\'s the question, and it\'s not a new one! The average programmer, just doing their job faithfully, no doubt. The systemic institution they work for, with their corporate think and, more than likely, greed???? This poem has lots of teeth because it can be read straight as poem about the humanity behind code, it could be read as a a sort of love story between programmers, and it also provokes thought about these devices that shape our lives and how much control we inevitably allow other people (aka corporations) have over us. This poem gets a major fave from me for all of those reasons and more. Wonderful job, my friend! 🙏🐦⬛🖤
March 25th, 2025 07:51
Zara’s Choice
Poetic Licence said:
The greatest battle we will have to fight man against the machine, I have said for many years man is to clever for its own good, now with something man invented we face the real possibility of being surplus to requirements, enjoyed the read
March 25th, 2025 05:28
Poetic Licence said:
The greatest battle we will have to fight man against the machine, I have said for many years man is to clever for its own good, now with something man invented we face the real possibility of being surplus to requirements, enjoyed the read
March 25th, 2025 05:28
Zara’s Choice
David Wakeling said:
This is interesting.John and Zara a love story around computers.I often wonder if computers have improved the world or not. An important poem that made me think.Excellent
March 25th, 2025 05:25
David Wakeling said:
This is interesting.John and Zara a love story around computers.I often wonder if computers have improved the world or not. An important poem that made me think.Excellent
March 25th, 2025 05:25
Zara’s Choice
sorenbarrett said:
A in vivo metaphor in this poem. This is the first time that I have heard this topic presented in this manner. Man vs machine. Nicely worked out in words.
March 25th, 2025 04:08
sorenbarrett said:
A in vivo metaphor in this poem. This is the first time that I have heard this topic presented in this manner. Man vs machine. Nicely worked out in words.
March 25th, 2025 04:08
Zara’s Choice
Goldfinch60 said:
This world is being controlled by computing arqios, that is why I think outside the box.
March 25th, 2025 02:54
Goldfinch60 said:
This world is being controlled by computing arqios, that is why I think outside the box.
March 25th, 2025 02:54
waterfront recital: reprise
Kevin Hulme said:
Some fine Images spring out from your lines . Nice One.
March 24th, 2025 20:42
Kevin Hulme said:
Some fine Images spring out from your lines . Nice One.
March 24th, 2025 20:42
and then us, content creators
Tristan Robert Lange said:
Man, if more people would see their influence, no matter how big or small, no matter if digital or in-person, as genuinely and responsibly as this, we wouldn\'t have such a bad world to live in! Excellent job, my friend! Truth bytes! 🌹👏
March 24th, 2025 06:47
Tristan Robert Lange said:
Man, if more people would see their influence, no matter how big or small, no matter if digital or in-person, as genuinely and responsibly as this, we wouldn\'t have such a bad world to live in! Excellent job, my friend! Truth bytes! 🌹👏
March 24th, 2025 06:47
and then us, content creators
arqios said:
Probably not as catchy as its predecessor
March 24th, 2025 06:18
arqios said:
Probably not as catchy as its predecessor
March 24th, 2025 06:18
and then us, content creators
Poetic Licence said:
The power and influence it has is terrifying really, moulding our future generations without our knowledge or understanding, enjoyed the read
March 24th, 2025 05:35
Poetic Licence said:
The power and influence it has is terrifying really, moulding our future generations without our knowledge or understanding, enjoyed the read
March 24th, 2025 05:35
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