Comments received on poems by Introverted Sage

What You Are/This Life
L. B. Mek said:

what life-affriming sentiments and poetry
to share with the world, thank you!
\'Real eyes realize what they’re doing is wrong.

Setting all the right traps.
Ensuring humanity’s collapse.
Rituals to entrain you, timing exact.\'

\'Being exactly who you are,
is what makes you a Star.

It doesn’t matter how you style your hair.
Latest styles, brands and fashion you wear.
My only goal is to make you aware.
This lifetime, you were meant to be Rare.\'

April 14th, 2023 03:40

Task c.w.
L. B. Mek said:

so true, dear poet
(yet, it\'s when we prevent people
from affecting us
we really utilise the power within
if we keep aspiring for what
\'We, Want\'
not, what society or those close to us
think, we need
then soon, a natural distance will arise
between those
who are mere burdens in our lives
and those
who encourage and help us progress..)

April 7th, 2023 02:50

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