Comments received on poems by Introverted Sage

Thomas W Case said:


December 24th, 2023 14:07

Ice Chips
Thomas W Case said:

Powerful. Superb work.

December 23rd, 2023 13:49

Thomas W Case said:

Fantastic work.

December 20th, 2023 20:09

peto said:

Most telling line for me was
\"I think I should have continued the lie\"
I get the temptation to escape reality
Your truth shines here in the end

November 26th, 2023 20:13

Hued Release
Thomas W Case said:

Strong work. Great job.

November 23rd, 2023 13:22

Life Bearer
2781 said:

Something not to be taken lightly.

November 23rd, 2023 03:04

Life Bearer
Thomas W Case said:

Powerful and poignant.

November 22nd, 2023 23:19

Perfect, In Time
Thomas W Case said:

Wham! You nailed this one.

November 12th, 2023 15:11

Vita Centrum
Thomas W Case said:

Superb work. No pretense.

November 11th, 2023 06:15

Vita Centrum
LIZ said:

\"It\'s with your Soul - that I\'ll be dealing\"....TRUST!!! So beautiful!

November 11th, 2023 03:27

Vita Centrum
Arastu Goyal said:

Nice work and clever poem, liked it

November 11th, 2023 01:05

ChrisLyn🕊 said:

Good one

November 10th, 2023 01:05

Eye Dance
Bobby O said:

It says many things and that needs to be saluted On my second read I used a personal filter and thought of the times I felt overwhelmed by what I thought was an unfair set of circumstances and chose to place effort to expose these (in my mind) tragic inequities. I think I learned from this piece to admit perhaps those moments were closer to a pity party than a genuine crusade. So, amidst all else the piece offered my main takeaway was to remind “don’t lie to yourself “. Thanks

November 7th, 2023 22:53

Eye Dance
Sunsetmet said:

I love the line teaching to create your own cool nice thanks

November 7th, 2023 07:18

Ma5on said:


I read this through once and thought it rather good. I read it a second time and found it bounced around and wasn\'t as settling the second time around.

One minute I was deep in the mind with my eyes closed, but then I had waves rushing in at me, then fire! Then water! Yikes too much going on now! Suddenly the breeze was in the trees, my heart started pounding!

What makes it work is the essence of how nature can change in a instance, all the emotions hit me at once.

So now I\'m not sure if this poem calmed me or unsettled me?

So that\'s a winner because I\'m unable to decide.



November 6th, 2023 14:44

Eye Dance
orchidee said:

Good write I.S.

November 6th, 2023 02:51

LIZ said:

Isn\'t it beautiful when we can close our eyes, an allow nature to take us with it? 💫

November 5th, 2023 06:45

orchidee said:

Good write I/S.

November 5th, 2023 04:36

Silent Release
LIZ said:

\"Tests weren\'t sent to make you weak.\" Isn\'t that the truth!!!!!! Loved it!!!

November 3rd, 2023 02:44

Bobby O said:

Close enough to attack it’s clearly love that you lack
How cool is that perfect question in the perfect sentiment in the piece

November 3rd, 2023 00:37

rhmn_7 said:

Strong poem!

October 29th, 2023 07:46

Lorenz said:

so many shapes of blue(s) ..

October 29th, 2023 06:28

Thomas W Case said:

Beautiful work. Great poem.

October 29th, 2023 04:52

2781 said:

May His Spirit reveal.

October 29th, 2023 03:31

When I Listen
LIZ said:

WOW!!! UP, down, and everything in between!!!! All the emotions!! YET, \"It’s the silence that bangs out The dopest grooves.\"!!! ABSOLUTELY!!! 💫💫💫💫💫💫

October 28th, 2023 06:18

LIZ said:

Oh how beautiful!!!

October 27th, 2023 23:38

Bobby O said:

Celebrate that happenstance. I congratulate

October 26th, 2023 06:05

peto said:

Go sage
Enjoy every second of it
I was wondering where you had gone
Create the perfect dance
I have a tendency to step on toes
Enjoyed the read

October 26th, 2023 05:36

Deep Feeling
Thomas W Case said:

Beautiful use of language. Great flow and theme that you expound upon.

October 21st, 2023 13:48

Internal Articulation
Pop64 said:

This has the wonderful message of survival or overcoming, something ew all need to do or develop the strength to do. Beautiful!

October 16th, 2023 08:12

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