Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Be the \"S\" in front of our word
dusk arising said:

You is what u is. Whether others are aware enough to perceive that is in them not you..... their loss if not.

October 9th, 2019 12:05

Be the \"S\" in front of our word
FredPeyer said:

PD, you are Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious!

October 9th, 2019 12:02

Struggle in happiness
Thoughts In Time said:

You break those conditions and chains and let that heart fly be the man you are meant to be...emotions mould us and expressed they should be not ruined via society...🌹

October 9th, 2019 11:27

Be the \"S\" in front of our word
orchidee said:

I put the \'s\' or rather the \'sh\' in front - or at the end sometimes - of words. Whensh I shpotted thatsh I forgotsh to add shpecial whater to the whisky. Good acting there?!

October 9th, 2019 10:56

Thoughts In Time said:

Beautiful and true...yes words hold such power and you too are still special and’s all in the heart don’t be blinded you know the way....🌹

October 9th, 2019 08:28

Mushroom Hill
Thoughts In Time said:

Oh how wonderful and ohhh how I love..’musical rocking beam’...just amazing words brings the soul to life this poem and yes what a wonderful place to be made out for ...a you and a me....🌹

October 9th, 2019 08:26

Be the \"S\" in front of our word
Thoughts In Time said:

Strength is in the beauty of our thoughts which we action through words...super duper are you and strong minded at that ..original write🌹

October 9th, 2019 08:24

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words Dan, she is so lucky to be able to be with the \'new you\'.

October 8th, 2019 23:38

FredPeyer said:

These are wise words, and she is so lucky to have you, as you are to have her. Love is the greatest feeling and a child is the greatest gift.

October 8th, 2019 11:40

orchidee said:

Now, I was thinking of having a \'Live in love, let go of fear\' tattoo myself (was I? lol), until I saw the tattoo needle approaching!

October 8th, 2019 08:04

Clara said:

Lovely poem and she is beautiful PD. Many blessings to you all.

October 8th, 2019 06:30

dusk arising said:

Yes, no doubt you were that pure innocent child Dan as were we all. You though have been abused but found the painful wherewithall to see the good out there inthe world as well as the bad which hurt you.

Always good to read your positive output, it\'s uplifting.

October 8th, 2019 05:42

Questioned by dog
Goldfinch60 said:

We all have our own foibles which is fine, if we were all the same life would be so boring. Can you give your dog a treat from me please Dan.

October 8th, 2019 00:44

Questioned by dog
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

October 7th, 2019 10:02

Questioned by dog
dusk arising said:

Filthy habit smoking..... you should pack it in!

October 7th, 2019 06:38

Mushroom Hill
dusk arising said:

Life goes on and brings what it brings both welcome and unwelcome to our door.
Now you know you have all the tools any man could ask for to live your life as it will be. For, although we are in a \'love\' community with the world and all about us, we each are upon a singular spiritual path into the great unknown. You now have so much clarity about you Dan.

October 6th, 2019 17:31

Mushroom Hill
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful Dan, love the strongest of emotions can bring us so much joy.

October 6th, 2019 15:10

Mushroom Hill
orchidee said:

Now you got me checking the fresh produce, especially mushrooms, at the Harvest offering!

October 6th, 2019 06:47

Mushroom Hill
kevin browne said:

I see you are still putting yours and our world back together. Your poetry reminds me so much of many thoughts I express onto paper. So many attributes within the same pen and thought. That I\'ll pay homage to indeed...

October 6th, 2019 05:12

Vibrational link
Goldfinch60 said:

Great read Dan, you have moved on so far in your life and will be assured that all will be wonderful in your future.

October 6th, 2019 00:44

Vibrational link
dusk arising said:

It is so much pleasure to read you today having read you for a couple of years now Dan.
You\'ve come through hell and now out into the light the world is your and you are a person of this world world - the kind of person this world needs so many more of.

Walk tall, walk free and confidently let your wisdom shine.

October 5th, 2019 15:45

Vibrational link
orchidee said:

Oh no! Not the mushrooms. Not that sort of new level. Ooh!

October 5th, 2019 10:51

Vibrational link
dusk arising said:

It is so much pleasure to read you today having read you for a couple of years now Dan.
You\'ve come through hell and now out into the light the world is your and you are a person of this world world - the kind of person this world needs so many more of.

Walk tall, walk free and confidently let your wisdom shine.

October 5th, 2019 06:02

Struggle in happiness
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Great words Dan BRAVO! and so say all of us

Love the brain tickler too haven\'t seen that one

October 4th, 2019 04:29

Struggle in happiness
orchidee said:

Now I know a way to break this \'tradition\' - I just sing - makes even grown men cry! heehee.
Just give me call if ya know anyone struggling with that tradition.

October 4th, 2019 02:47

Struggle in happiness
FredPeyer said:

Happiness is there for the taking, PD. You should never struggle to enjoy it. If you are happy, your happiness is contagious, and soon everybody around you will be happy as well. Forget the stupid \"Boys don\'t cry\" image. Case closed.

October 4th, 2019 01:53

Struggle in happiness
dusk arising said:

Yes Dan you most certainly are doing just what you say. I\'m proud to know you and witnessing you being brave enough to be the man you really are and not the crap macho sh\"t we are told men are.

You ain\'t no hide-away shrinking weed type guy neither which is plain to see..... you are a great leading example of what a man can find in life if he looks honestly into himself and is prepared to live it!

Now get off that pedestal i just put u on, cos there\'s a strong wind coming.

October 4th, 2019 01:34

Joyful tear or two, I\'m ready are you?
Goldfinch60 said:

Such wonderful words Dan, you have moved such a long way into the glory of your life and it will continue.

Enjoy every moment a each one is special.

October 4th, 2019 00:25

Rhyme for life
FredPeyer said:

As a fellow rider I can only agree! On a bike you need to have 360 degrees vision.

October 3rd, 2019 22:53

Joyful tear or two, I\'m ready are you?
Clara said:

Wonderful poem PD. I can\'t help but feel incredibly happy for you! Expressed incredibly well and it\'s a joy to read happy poems too. Thank you for sharing!

October 3rd, 2019 09:05

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