Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

I respect but don\'t trust
Nafis Light said:

To some extent, I could relate this to myself. I mean \"respect but don\'t trust\"?

Personally, I have like a couple of people who had a deep relation with me before...but they betrayed their words and no longer close with them.
I have accepted the fact that I have completely forgiven myself and them and everything that happened between me and them in the past and possibly in the future...but TRUSTING them is a completely different matter.
In a huge way, they have to earn that trust.

Suddenly as I typed this, it suddenly occurred to me that that is what it means that \'Trust Is To Be Earned\'.

September 18th, 2019 06:33

I respect but don\'t trust
dusk arising said:

Wisely in your first words today you dispel a truth which most people simply miss. \"Truth has to be earned\" is not true because it is not as simple as that. Truth is something a person gives! If you cannot give trust, it will never be earned, you will not allow anyone to earn your trust. Thinking of trust this way it becomes quite a different subject. Sometimes you will meet dogs who cannot give trust until a barrier is broken down and then the GIVE their trust to you. If that dog is really damaged you might never have it\'s trust.

So trusting is your own descision. For you Dan i suspect that in your early years the ones you looked to for succour and support were sometimes supportive but also abusive. If that\'s the case then you learned that people are not always nicey nicey, they can turn into devils unexpectedly. Actually we all have some of that inside our make up because we all have our own garbage we carry but mostly people are good, you already know this.
My viewpoint is to trust people for what they are rather than for what they could be. I\'d like people to be perfect but of course they are not so, although i appear to be a very open person, I am only as open as I feel safe to be.
I\'m not perfect, you\'re not perfect, we both know our imperfections. The world and people are not perfect.
But think about how you love your kids. How much you trust them. You trust them to be what they are, young people who will make mistakes, who although you worship them, a part of you knows they will let you down sometimes, but thats what they are.... and you feel safe loving and trusting them for the people you know them to actually be not the perfect beings they (or any of us) will never be.

Sorry m8, this turned into a bit of a rant.

Your revealing, soul searching writing is amazing Dan.

September 18th, 2019 02:11

I respect but don\'t trust
orchidee said:

I don\'t blame ya not trusting my singing. But ya can trust it will sound like two cats fighting! heehee,

September 18th, 2019 01:36

I respect but don\'t trust
Goldfinch60 said:

Trust is so wonderful when it is there but once it is broken it is so hard to get back. You are getting there Dan the times of your doubts are getting fewer, you WILL get to that place where all is good as I know it is within you. Look at the good in your life, it is there - trust me.


September 18th, 2019 00:41

Walk your path well
Alta H Mabin said:

A wonderful encouraging write.

September 17th, 2019 12:05

Walk your path well
dusk arising said:

Your fourth line contains a truth which i truly wish more could see. There is so much within us Dan which we will not find until we begin to look for it. It\'s plain to see for your readers that you have found a great deal of wisdom from within with maybe a little prompting from elsewhere when you uttered \'help\'.

A great and encouraging piece from you today m8.
\"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence\". - Max Ehrmann

September 17th, 2019 02:12

Walk your path well
orchidee said:

I did not walk my path well. The path ended in a cliff. No one heard me call for hheeelllllllllpppppp!!. Impression of me falling off the cliff there! lol.

September 17th, 2019 01:44

Walk your path well
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write, we should each walk our path with respect to others.

September 17th, 2019 01:41

Walk your path well
kevin browne said:

This is encouraging for the readers who don\'t walk their path well. Sometimes when people see you doing well they may just attempt to jump alongside you and sometimes that can be a distraction, however, there is none of this through your enlightenment to heal your self-worth. Nice writes to make people reflect on their lives...

September 17th, 2019 01:37

Walk your path well
Michael Edwards said:

Chose your path well and when you find it walk tall - great write Dan

September 17th, 2019 01:34

Flowing forward while going back
Goldfinch60 said:

Each of those blocked paths in our lives do get opened and as we go through the blockage it adds to our experience and our wisdom increases, as yours is doing all the time Dan.

September 17th, 2019 00:47

Flowing forward while going back
kevin browne said:

Keep your fingertips flowing and dipped in the river of positivity and it will lift you up, lift you down or anywhere else in the world you wan\'t to go. I felt a touching in my heart that I will reflect on intrinsically I have no doubt about that. Your work brings hearts to the masses so keep doing what reflects in your heart to heal, love all and never forget the importance of your life, your poetry and yourself...

September 16th, 2019 15:29

Flowing forward while going back
dusk arising said:

No, we don\'t all have to play the blagging game. Best advice is - when you\'ve nothing to say, say nothing.

Sometimes when theres a hard job to be done our mind enters a turmoil. Funny thing is though, once that job is done our mind returns to where it was before.... with just a little bit more self knowledge onboard.

September 16th, 2019 14:37

Flowing forward while going back
Neville said:

I am quite sure we all get days like this.... tomorrow will be entirely different .. just mark my words.........


September 16th, 2019 12:11

It\'s in the art
Goldfinch60 said:

Art seen by one may not be that seen by others.

September 16th, 2019 00:35

It\'s in the art
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

If Mona Lisa was smiling Dan...
You can call that art
We\'ll give you that

September 15th, 2019 07:32

It\'s in the art
dusk arising said:

That\'s just what the mother-in-law said to me in bed last night!

September 15th, 2019 06:20

She found me in the grass
Goldfinch60 said:

Our life within us is the one we have and your life has become so good that it is a delight that you share it with us all, thank you.

And what is wrong with five o\'clock in the morning, I am often up then, if i am still in bed at six o\'clock (in the morning) I\'ve had a lay in!

September 15th, 2019 01:08

She found me in the grass
dusk arising said:

Open heart poetry from you Dan. Let it all flow.

September 14th, 2019 13:01

She found me in the grass
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

If you will always hide in the long Grass Dan she\'ll always find you there.

Great early morning exploration it fits you well

BRAVO! my friend

September 14th, 2019 03:36

She found me in the grass
Michael Edwards said:

A great outpouring of creativity - super work Dan.

September 14th, 2019 03:05

She found me in the grass
Neville said:

Well I never.... 5.00 am must be your writing window... so creative, free flowing and disclosive.... Prose and a touch of philosophy thrown in for good measure... Neville

September 14th, 2019 02:52

Welcome yourself in
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true Dan, all are welcome at my home.

September 13th, 2019 14:53

Welcome yourself in
kevin browne said:

I see the power of your poems starting to become a more understood man than ther ever was before. Short, sweet and welcome yourself into a world of paradise. A perfevt plave to be...

September 13th, 2019 11:04

Welcome yourself in
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan.

September 13th, 2019 10:21

Welcome yourself in
H.M. Reynolds, hmrwrites said:

This is really lovely, thank you for sharing. :)

September 13th, 2019 08:57

Welcome yourself in
dusk arising said:

My home is a mess but my heart is emotionally tidy.
May your home and heart reside together for life.

September 13th, 2019 06:30

Welcome yourself in
Neville said:

Nicely stated, said and writ... wriggle toes a little bit....

September 13th, 2019 05:55

Wanted and needed are not the same
sylviasearcher said:

Such insight in these lines

September 13th, 2019 03:33

Wanted and needed are not the same
Goldfinch60 said:

Great last stanza Dan, you know where you are going in your life gained from the experiences in your life. Go forward into your new joyful life with happiness and love.

September 13th, 2019 00:57

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