Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Joyful tear or two, I\'m ready are you?
dusk arising said:

Your last line contains such an important message to all who are struggling or lost Dan. Because the good is there waiting inside us. It just has to be nudged and then a chink of it\'s light will be seen.
You, as you well know, are living proof of this. You looked within and, for sake of a good phrase, you saw the light of positivity..... and full bloody marks to ya m8.

I see lotta unhappy ppl write here on mps and each time i say my little mantra.. if only you would look and see.

October 3rd, 2019 05:56

Rhyme for life
Poetic Dan said:

Ha I did exactly what you\'ve said and the worst part was on the push bike I assumed the car had seen me and was just pulling away!

It was that real shock of how the **** did I not see it! The road is massive! Just one frame of moment sooner and I he would of got it, strange thing is one of the first thoughts was that would of really spoil my good mood and I\'d only just got the bugger back!

Buddy you could scribble on my page all day, I\'m sure we would just laugh or discuss till the cows come home!
(sorry to go back at ya, must be my meds kicking in)

October 2nd, 2019 15:20

Rhyme for life
dusk arising said:

Near misses can be terrifying but oh so much better to reflect upon and beat ones self up over rather than an actual contact.

I dunno why but your piece made me reflect upon something an old boss of mine said to me when i was a salesman selling to plumbers, builders and the like. \"Always drive home from your work day by a different route, take roads you would normally by-pass because you just might see something you would never see if you dont\" well he was thinking about seeing opportunities to sell but today im thinking slightly differently. You\'ve had to stop and think \"what would it have been like if i hit that person\" and \"what would it be like to have been hit by me\" and \" what would it be like to be a witness to that accident\"...... It occurs to me that in doing these, and indeed visualising many other angles of any subject makes us grow. Brings us wisdom. Exploring many aspects beyond the obvious.

Sorry to go \'off key\' a bit m8 but maybe its just the keemo drugs.

October 2nd, 2019 05:56

Rhyme for life
Clara said:

Certainly heart in your throat kind of moment. Pleased all is well. Also well expressed...

October 2nd, 2019 03:47

Rhyme for life
Goldfinch60 said:

Experience cannot be taught, you have to experience it to move on in life.

October 2nd, 2019 01:37

No spoon!
Goldfinch60 said:

Your god is with in you and within Maarii you are both on a wonderful journey into a glorious future, as are all your family.

October 2nd, 2019 01:33

No spoon!
Christina8 said:

You are a lucky man!! Great picture, what a cutie! A beautiful write.

October 1st, 2019 16:16

No spoon!
Michael Edwards said:

All\'s well with your world - such a warming write.

October 1st, 2019 15:38

No spoon!
dusk arising said:

There\'s a lot of good going on in your life these days mister... ain\'t there (smile ya bugger!).

God is in you, outside you and all around you once you find god innit. But god ain\'t for me that one we were indoctrinated with as kids. The one we were taught to fear (how daft).
Hope you feel similar, i kinda know you do.
Great to see you are all together and enjoying the feelings.

October 1st, 2019 14:36

Riding the wave
Goldfinch60 said:

Your wonderful life is before you Dan, enjoy every moment.

October 1st, 2019 00:36

Riding the wave
dusk arising said:

Look to the future with the love of passed joys and sorrows. For joy is within you and will find tomorrow for you.

September 30th, 2019 14:02

Riding the wave
Michael Edwards said:

To better days Dan, to better days.

September 30th, 2019 03:37

Magnetise and attract
Goldfinch60 said:

That smile is within you Dan it is just hiding today, it will be back tomorrow.

September 30th, 2019 01:08

Magnetise and attract
Laura🌻 said:


Just look at your baby...
Her smile will
‘attract’ and ‘magnetise’...
You will ride ‘the wave’
without a doubt!


September 29th, 2019 08:30

Acorn Valley
FredPeyer said:

\'Stand within the naked forest, letting go of any unwanted luggage\'
I feel like that when standing at the shore looking out over the ocean. I do like your poem PD!

September 28th, 2019 14:50

Acorn Valley
Neville said:

some very nice touches dear poet...

September 28th, 2019 09:55

Acorn Valley
Laura🌻 said:


I love the pic and your words that complement it! A beautiful and serene scene along with your sincere thoughts that you’ve shared with us! Let us know what you found on ‘Mushroom Hill’! 🍄


September 28th, 2019 07:17

Acorn Valley
Goldfinch60 said:

Those walks with nature are so meaningful and relaxing. They give you a chance to relax and feel the goodness that is in life and within yourself.

September 28th, 2019 04:52

Negatives in Paradise
Goldfinch60 said:

A heartfelt write Dan, you are now along the right path and it will get better with every future moment.

September 28th, 2019 04:46

Acorn Valley
Clara said:

Oh this is great... The visuals and the words chosen. I really enjoyed reading this.

\'\'Many doors can be your home but when the mind is lost we always roam\'\'

Excellent and very true. I like the sound of this place. Thanks for sharing!

September 28th, 2019 02:26

Acorn Valley
orchidee said:

Careful with those mushrooms - \'rolling around!\' oohh.

September 28th, 2019 01:45

Negatives in Paradise
Laura🌻 said:


An honest and heartfelt write! You are so right, “Changing what I can, letting go of what I can’t.” That’s the best we can do...and that’s good enough for me...and obviously, good enough for you!

Reading this poem felt like breathing a breath of fresh air! Thank you for sharing!


September 27th, 2019 10:31

Goldfinch60 said:

That love is so pure, keep on dancing Dan, keep on dancing.

September 27th, 2019 00:54

FredPeyer said:

It\'s great to be a father, isn\'t it?
Beautiful baby and the writing ain\'t too shabby either!

September 26th, 2019 16:53

Michael Edwards said:

A real beaut of a write.

September 26th, 2019 15:21

Write on your own wall, I will not fall
dusk arising said:

None of us know where life will take us. I hope one day, when growing-up is done, and a fullfilled existence surrounds your daughter, she will be able to read the \'selected works of Dan who searched and found\'. I think she will be immesely proud and inspired.

September 26th, 2019 04:19

Write on your own wall, I will not fall
Goldfinch60 said:

Your life has changed, a life now full of joy, hope, love and a future. Enjoy every moment.

September 26th, 2019 00:29

Write on your own wall, I will not fall
kevin browne said:

I think you got your message across really well and understood Mr Meistro Poetic Dan...Congratulations on giving life a chance...What a cutie...

September 25th, 2019 17:45

Write on your own wall, I will not fall
Neville said:

Write on Dan...

....................... Neville

September 25th, 2019 16:59

Crystal clear
FredPeyer said:

Love that last line. Well done, P D.

September 24th, 2019 13:04

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