Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Just a man in natures plan
Bragee said:

As a man currently living through this scenario I too wish nature had a different plan.
Good write!.....and stay strong!

September 6th, 2019 08:58

Just a man in natures plan
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Bring home the bacon and bring it home on time (Cyndi Lauper)

Did I just quote Cyndi Lauper it must be the hormones

Great write Dan I\'m a big fan of the female prowess like yourself that\'s why we say mother nature I think

September 6th, 2019 07:21

Just a man in natures plan
dusk arising said:

You\'re definitely a bloke Dan, I\'ve seen your picture. Don\'t knock it m8, think of all the stuff you wouldn\'t be able to do if you were a woman. Plus you would have blokes pestering you all the time. Such attractive hair lol.

September 6th, 2019 03:38

My hero
Michael Edwards said:

What a fabulous relationship - you are truly blessed.

September 5th, 2019 14:43

My hero
Clara said:

Such a lovely poem! I hope your son realises how loved he is.... :-)


September 5th, 2019 08:42

My hero
Seek said:

Happy birthday young man. Lucky for you to be able to count on your dad\'s wisdom to help you grow. The big wide world awaits you.

September 5th, 2019 08:27

My hero
Nafis Light said:

When I gazed at that picture, I get this feeling like the air or the getting sucked into the picture.
I\'m not gonna gaze too long.

Happy Birthday and Lots of Happiness to Your Amazing Young Man.

September 5th, 2019 07:53

My hero
FineB said:

Hello Poetic Dan,

What a wonderful loving tribute to your children.

A charming write.

Keep writing FineB

September 5th, 2019 04:19

My hero
orchidee said:

A fine write Dan. The tricky bit is when we have birthday with a zero at the end (of our age!). lol. Tell him some say that 20 is getting old! heehee.

September 5th, 2019 03:04

My hero
dusk arising said:

Happy birthday young \'un. I repeat the words of Goldfinch for there are none finer or more meaningful than those words.

September 5th, 2019 02:28

My hero
Goldfinch60 said:

Happy Birthday young man, the world is your to explore and enjoy - move forward with love.

September 5th, 2019 02:21

37 weeks and I love her to bits
FineB said:

Hello Poetic Dan,

A lovely poem.

One must always look forward in hope and never back in anger.

Keep writing FineB

September 4th, 2019 17:55

Flipping Gods
Neville said:

an interesting concept and who am I to knock it..... . Neville

September 4th, 2019 16:41

Flipping Gods
Clara said:

I like this very much.

The coin representing that we always have a choice...

To remember that sometimes we need to just sit back and have trust that what will be will be. Action before consideration can sometimes lead to the opposite of our true intention.

It also speaks to the earth as a stage. Suggesting that our act, our story, is already scripted if you will... And so sometimes the coin is unnecessary as our path is already laid out before us.



September 4th, 2019 08:41

Flipping Gods
Laura🌻 said:


These words you penned
speak volumes...

‘Heaven or hell is all here now’

I can totally understand because there are many times that I feel I’m in a hell of a situation...
and at other times I feel I’m in a heavenly one!

A word, a phrase, and/or an action can all trigger these hellish/heavenly feelings that I experience from time to time! As a matter of fact, it just happened a few days ago! My problem is that I read into things and let them affect me personally! It’s not easy for me to compartmentalize my feelings!


September 4th, 2019 05:45

Flipping Gods
Goldfinch60 said:

In your life’s renewal you have found that special place where love and joy now abound.

September 4th, 2019 04:47

Flipping Gods
orchidee said:

Well, in one or two places in the Bible, it says \'You are gods\' (you humans).
It can be explained by saying that magistrates, judges, those in authority, etc were thought of as \'gods\'.
Erm, it made it a bit difficult to explain to one who did not believe in the same way as I do though!

September 4th, 2019 02:07

Flipping Gods
dusk arising said:

The light of god is within you. Those who search will find it.

Maybe that which caused us to search was us being given the opportunity to seek out the real truth. Until it was violently stamped out by the orthodox christian churches (to ensure they had power over the masses) there were many christian faiths which believed god was within oneself.

Today we are less fearful of the established churches power base and more able to return to a natural path of spirituality.

September 4th, 2019 01:59

Try your luck and never give up
Goldfinch60 said:

If only the \'spirit of the animal\' could bring their peaceful existence to homo sapiens.

September 4th, 2019 01:32

Try your luck and never give up
FineB said:

Hello Poetic Dan,

What a great poem.

It\'s TRUE we should never give up in life.

Life is to be lived to the full and to enjoy the beauty all around us that it brings us such as the animal kingdom.

Keep writing FineB

September 3rd, 2019 15:46

Try your luck and never give up
Clara said:

Excellent PD,

I take it as there are such differences between ourselves as human beings and animals... And then such differences between the animals themselves. But yet, it is fine to be as we are... Imperfections and all... Embracing all of our differences and just making the most of life!

Wonderful poem as always. I look forward to reading what you post.


September 3rd, 2019 14:01

Try your luck and never give up
Michael Edwards said:

Not quite sure what to make of this which makes it ever more intriguing - and, yes, I did enjoy the read.

September 3rd, 2019 10:41

Try your luck and never give up
Neville said:

an intriguing little poem sir..... N

September 3rd, 2019 10:05

Come to sea
kevin browne said:

Each time I get to read your work it appears to deepen into a philosophical exploration of wonder, growing in personality and character, a thriving environment which is almost like the Alice In Wonderland\" film. You now cherish from the path you put yourself on and I now look back at your work from a year ago and there is no comparison to it as you write today. A gift from above, you\'ll never let us down, a battle you have found, but the battlefield you stand in now you hold the belt around your waist equipped with the tools to win the day. Your soul has grown into a beautiful being with the intentions of reaching out to people and to show your hand is held out because you\'ve turned into a wonderful man and with a gift to express your inner thoughts of how your mind can control the direction in a positive life which indeed you have achieved. Topman in my opinion.

September 3rd, 2019 01:18

Come to sea
Goldfinch60 said:

Good positive write Dan. You know that you are now on your journey to a wonderful future.

September 3rd, 2019 00:18

Come to sea
Clara said:

\'\' To live is to perform the art from our soul, with a spirit that won\'t quit no matter what UNFOLDS \'\'

This... I love this. I may make it my new motto! Excellent. I keep repeating it outloud to myself. Letting it sink in!


September 2nd, 2019 10:38

Septembers first tear
Goldfinch60 said:

Your family is always there for you no matter how far away they appear to be - and you are always there for them.

September 2nd, 2019 01:35

Septembers first tear
Laura🌻 said:


Yes, so true...

‘The most important person to keep your promises to, is yourself’

These words are so powerful and inspirational as are your words...

‘Release and rhyme
One moment at a time’


September 1st, 2019 23:39

Septembers first tear
Clara said:

Reading this, I feel such a sense of belonging and contentment. Family in all of its forms at the very centre. Like a previous comment, the line \'\' in the eyes of my family I\'m all I need to be. \'\' is truly humbling and breathtaking in its honest simplicity.

A great read!


September 1st, 2019 14:45

Septembers first tear
dusk arising said:

\"In the eyes of my family i am all i need to be\" .... wonderful!

What more could a man ask?

September 1st, 2019 11:20

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