Comments received on poems by Michael Edwards
Laura🌻 said:
The irises are very beautiful! They remind me of my very young years when I lived with my grandmother for a while! Her garden was full of them! She would let me pick some of them for the vase I kept on her dining room table!
Great couplets...
I guess in our own private kingdom, we can afford to live with our head in the clouds!
June 3rd, 2018 16:50
Laura🌻 said:
The irises are very beautiful! They remind me of my very young years when I lived with my grandmother for a while! Her garden was full of them! She would let me pick some of them for the vase I kept on her dining room table!
Great couplets...
I guess in our own private kingdom, we can afford to live with our head in the clouds!
June 3rd, 2018 16:50
Thanks MIKE ~ Lovely picture ~ My MUM has yellow IRIS in her pond ~ very spectacular ~ like much in life ~ Transient & Beautiful ! Loved the doublets ~ No. 1 is my fave ~ know many people like that ! Yours BRIAN
For Poetry and Dress he chose
A fine DOUBLET and tartan HOSE !
June 3rd, 2018 03:15
Thanks MIKE ~ Lovely picture ~ My MUM has yellow IRIS in her pond ~ very spectacular ~ like much in life ~ Transient & Beautiful ! Loved the doublets ~ No. 1 is my fave ~ know many people like that ! Yours BRIAN
For Poetry and Dress he chose
A fine DOUBLET and tartan HOSE !
June 3rd, 2018 03:15
orchidee said:
a fine write and pic Michael. Was he living in cloud cuckoo land (the second couplet)?! And where is Cloud 9? Why everyone want to live there? Why can\'t some live on Cloud 10, 11, etc?!
June 3rd, 2018 01:25
orchidee said:
a fine write and pic Michael. Was he living in cloud cuckoo land (the second couplet)?! And where is Cloud 9? Why everyone want to live there? Why can\'t some live on Cloud 10, 11, etc?!
June 3rd, 2018 01:25
MendedFences27 said:
I like this one. Michael. The passing of Winter into the nether regions. Only to be lurking among the dark, dank and drear, waiting to blast us once again with frost and snow.
In your picture I see the skeletal bones, floating among vapors purple (dark), green (dank), and white (drear). There are eye sockets and an almost completely missing face. Perhaps Winter is a faceless season? Unrecognizable at times. Liked it a lot. - Phil A.
June 2nd, 2018 15:16
MendedFences27 said:
I like this one. Michael. The passing of Winter into the nether regions. Only to be lurking among the dark, dank and drear, waiting to blast us once again with frost and snow.
In your picture I see the skeletal bones, floating among vapors purple (dark), green (dank), and white (drear). There are eye sockets and an almost completely missing face. Perhaps Winter is a faceless season? Unrecognizable at times. Liked it a lot. - Phil A.
June 2nd, 2018 15:16
THANKS MICHAEL ~ Depends which HEMISPHERE you\'re in ! ANGELA has just woken up (on Sunday) and loves this because 1st JUNE is the first day of Winter in NEW ZEALAND ~ she does not expect any snow in Auckland but hopes to visit Mt Cook (S Island) for some skiing ! Love the poem & the painting ! We have had a talk on OWLS this afternoon at the Bird Sanctuary and your \"abstract\" (L to R as orientated) clearly shows a nest of fledglings (with open beaks) ready to receive a meal from MUM ! Thanks for sharing ~ BRIAN & ANGELA
June 2nd, 2018 12:05
THANKS MICHAEL ~ Depends which HEMISPHERE you\'re in ! ANGELA has just woken up (on Sunday) and loves this because 1st JUNE is the first day of Winter in NEW ZEALAND ~ she does not expect any snow in Auckland but hopes to visit Mt Cook (S Island) for some skiing ! Love the poem & the painting ! We have had a talk on OWLS this afternoon at the Bird Sanctuary and your \"abstract\" (L to R as orientated) clearly shows a nest of fledglings (with open beaks) ready to receive a meal from MUM ! Thanks for sharing ~ BRIAN & ANGELA
June 2nd, 2018 12:05
Laura🌻 said:
What a great painting! Beautiful colors!
It certainly awakens the senses along with your excellent write! Very pleasing!
June 2nd, 2018 07:57
Laura🌻 said:
What a great painting! Beautiful colors!
It certainly awakens the senses along with your excellent write! Very pleasing!
June 2nd, 2018 07:57
orchidee said:
A fine write and pic Michael. You\'re like me. I dunno what season - or what year - it is (no change there then!), with me \'out-of-season\' poems at times!
June 2nd, 2018 01:29
orchidee said:
A fine write and pic Michael. You\'re like me. I dunno what season - or what year - it is (no change there then!), with me \'out-of-season\' poems at times!
June 2nd, 2018 01:29
Fay Slimm. said:
Super write Michael - every word meaningful. Great read.
June 1st, 2018 15:53
Fay Slimm. said:
Super write Michael - every word meaningful. Great read.
June 1st, 2018 15:53
orchidee said:
While I\'m talking rubbish, others are making fine comments on your poems! heehee. How\'s Miss Berles these days?
June 1st, 2018 09:52
orchidee said:
While I\'m talking rubbish, others are making fine comments on your poems! heehee. How\'s Miss Berles these days?
June 1st, 2018 09:52
Goldfinch60 said:
Superb write Michael and another very good abstract.
There really is something about your abstracts that talks to me.
June 1st, 2018 05:12
Goldfinch60 said:
Superb write Michael and another very good abstract.
There really is something about your abstracts that talks to me.
June 1st, 2018 05:12
skyebellasario said:
Wow Micheal I love all the imagery in this, great write!
June 1st, 2018 03:19
skyebellasario said:
Wow Micheal I love all the imagery in this, great write!
June 1st, 2018 03:19
Thanks MIKE another very abstract abstact (The Aspens in the Fall @ Colorado ?) and poetic poem ! Autumn is a great muse stirrer ! Yours BRIAN
June 1st, 2018 02:25
Thanks MIKE another very abstract abstact (The Aspens in the Fall @ Colorado ?) and poetic poem ! Autumn is a great muse stirrer ! Yours BRIAN
June 1st, 2018 02:25
orchidee said:
A fine write and pic Michael. I\'m gonna be gloomy - the nights will be drawing in again in about 3 weeks time! lol.
June 1st, 2018 01:52
orchidee said:
A fine write and pic Michael. I\'m gonna be gloomy - the nights will be drawing in again in about 3 weeks time! lol.
June 1st, 2018 01:52
Laura🌻 said:
You are your own best friend! No need for small need to impress anyone! Your talents speak for themselves!
Thank you for another great cartoon! 😂
I can relate to your fine poem’s message!
May 31st, 2018 18:18
Laura🌻 said:
You are your own best friend! No need for small need to impress anyone! Your talents speak for themselves!
Thank you for another great cartoon! 😂
I can relate to your fine poem’s message!
May 31st, 2018 18:18
orchidee said:
What, or who, am I? Are you Mr Berles, husband of Cilla?!
May 31st, 2018 09:35
orchidee said:
What, or who, am I? Are you Mr Berles, husband of Cilla?!
May 31st, 2018 09:35
Nicholas Browning said:
I can\'t say what you are aside from a seemingly and assuredly talented man with his doubts, as each man has some. I used to ask myself that question quite a bit, gave up after a while though haha. Wonderful little work sir. You indeed have many talents, some we know and some we do not. I\'m sure you\'re worth much more than you believe. Each person is their own worst critic after all.
May 31st, 2018 05:57
Nicholas Browning said:
I can\'t say what you are aside from a seemingly and assuredly talented man with his doubts, as each man has some. I used to ask myself that question quite a bit, gave up after a while though haha. Wonderful little work sir. You indeed have many talents, some we know and some we do not. I\'m sure you\'re worth much more than you believe. Each person is their own worst critic after all.
May 31st, 2018 05:57
Thanks MICHAEL ~ I can SYMPATHISE but not EMPATHISE ! Scoucers (Liverpudlians) as you know are all EXTROVERTS in Bed (1 to 1) and out of Bed ~ in crowd ! Its the IRISH in our JEANS !
Love the BARRINGTON is it by Too-loose Loo Treck ! Please check my Braw Brown Bears ~ Thanks BRIAN
May 31st, 2018 03:21
Thanks MICHAEL ~ I can SYMPATHISE but not EMPATHISE ! Scoucers (Liverpudlians) as you know are all EXTROVERTS in Bed (1 to 1) and out of Bed ~ in crowd ! Its the IRISH in our JEANS !
Love the BARRINGTON is it by Too-loose Loo Treck ! Please check my Braw Brown Bears ~ Thanks BRIAN
May 31st, 2018 03:21
orchidee said:
A fine write Michael. Is it a quiz too? Do we guess what you are?!
May 31st, 2018 01:21
orchidee said:
A fine write Michael. Is it a quiz too? Do we guess what you are?!
May 31st, 2018 01:21
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good write Michael, I can understand this a I am much the same. We are back to our \'masks\'. we where different ones on different occasions and the one we wear to parties is the introverted one.
May 31st, 2018 00:52
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good write Michael, I can understand this a I am much the same. We are back to our \'masks\'. we where different ones on different occasions and the one we wear to parties is the introverted one.
May 31st, 2018 00:52
Laura🌻 said:
The English language...
What can I say?
Not an easy one!
I enjoyed reading the write 😂
Loved the cartoon!
May 30th, 2018 10:19
Laura🌻 said:
The English language...
What can I say?
Not an easy one!
I enjoyed reading the write 😂
Loved the cartoon!
May 30th, 2018 10:19
Poetic Dan said:
I\'m trying to understand what you have said, as I\'m more than likely one of them.
My grammar with spelling are atrocious, if not for being able to say the word into my phone I\'d never get to use them.
Written language is not as easy as one may think, I have to read very slow and still look up so many words I don\'t know, then to write a reply takes so much effort to check I got it right and still unless someone points it out I don\'t see what\'s wrong.
I hope I\'m making sense ;)
May 30th, 2018 02:52
Poetic Dan said:
I\'m trying to understand what you have said, as I\'m more than likely one of them.
My grammar with spelling are atrocious, if not for being able to say the word into my phone I\'d never get to use them.
Written language is not as easy as one may think, I have to read very slow and still look up so many words I don\'t know, then to write a reply takes so much effort to check I got it right and still unless someone points it out I don\'t see what\'s wrong.
I hope I\'m making sense ;)
May 30th, 2018 02:52
Personally I don\'t like the ABSTRACT \"Hows things\" ! My answer to that could last a YEAR ! Nudge Nudge Elbow ~ say no more ~ people at Cocktail Receptions (when you are with a Girl |~ you want to impress with your clean living) who dig up (want to forget situations) like \"Didn\'t we share a Cell in the Scrubs\" or \"Weren\'t we both intimate with Busty Belinda at Nottingham in 2003 ?\" etc etc ~ thanks for raising the topic ~ Your BRIAN !
May 30th, 2018 02:22
Personally I don\'t like the ABSTRACT \"Hows things\" ! My answer to that could last a YEAR ! Nudge Nudge Elbow ~ say no more ~ people at Cocktail Receptions (when you are with a Girl |~ you want to impress with your clean living) who dig up (want to forget situations) like \"Didn\'t we share a Cell in the Scrubs\" or \"Weren\'t we both intimate with Busty Belinda at Nottingham in 2003 ?\" etc etc ~ thanks for raising the topic ~ Your BRIAN !
May 30th, 2018 02:22
Ta Mike ~ Me old Mucker ~ \'Ave a NICE DAY ~ OK !
There is a FISHY FUSION ~ just waitin\' to be hooked by Uncle Mike ~ Ta B !
The lovely ANGELA has sent a greeting from AUCKLAND ~ please visit ~ TA (for the third time !) A & B !
May 30th, 2018 02:10
Ta Mike ~ Me old Mucker ~ \'Ave a NICE DAY ~ OK !
There is a FISHY FUSION ~ just waitin\' to be hooked by Uncle Mike ~ Ta B !
The lovely ANGELA has sent a greeting from AUCKLAND ~ please visit ~ TA (for the third time !) A & B !
May 30th, 2018 02:10
Goldfinch60 said:
Like I was going to....
I should of done...
Actually I was...
I too (to?) have to (too) grit my teeth sometimes at the use of the English language. It probably comes from the speed that life is lived in these modern times. Emails have a great deal for which to answer as many of them are written in hast with no though of the correct way to express what you wanted to say. There is a Portuguese proverb which says \'If you write a letter in anger walk slowly to the postbox\' This cannot be achieved the emails.
May 30th, 2018 01:34
Goldfinch60 said:
Like I was going to....
I should of done...
Actually I was...
I too (to?) have to (too) grit my teeth sometimes at the use of the English language. It probably comes from the speed that life is lived in these modern times. Emails have a great deal for which to answer as many of them are written in hast with no though of the correct way to express what you wanted to say. There is a Portuguese proverb which says \'If you write a letter in anger walk slowly to the postbox\' This cannot be achieved the emails.
May 30th, 2018 01:34
orchidee said:
\'Erm\', \'basically\' it\'s a fine write, Michael, \'for this moment in time\'. \'Absolutely\' I say,! - see words in quotation marks to add to list!
May 30th, 2018 01:29
orchidee said:
\'Erm\', \'basically\' it\'s a fine write, Michael, \'for this moment in time\'. \'Absolutely\' I say,! - see words in quotation marks to add to list!
May 30th, 2018 01:29
FineB said:
A beautiful poem with a lovely picture to accompany it.
Now I have a different view of Ivy.
Keep writing
May 29th, 2018 09:21
FineB said:
A beautiful poem with a lovely picture to accompany it.
Now I have a different view of Ivy.
Keep writing
May 29th, 2018 09:21
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