Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Neville said:

what could possibly be better than that ... said it all so she has .... and said so well ...................x

November 27th, 2021 05:11

Goldfinch60 said:

So very true Fay, love for each other does not need words.


November 27th, 2021 01:23

Paul Bell said:

This could have been the before, of my poem. Loves young dream. Then the years go by. No, I\'m going to be positive, this young love will blossom.

November 26th, 2021 12:05

Nicholas Browning said:

The way in which you weave the words together with their impactful configurations astounds in this wonderful write. A job well done Fay. Much enjoyed.

November 26th, 2021 12:04

dusk arising said:

Cor you make a very complex thing sound so simple.
It should be simple, but it ain\'t.

Though, escaping from the clouds of my own experience, I\'d have it your way. Hand in hand with that statement comes the old chestnut, and live my life again with that new knowledge.

November 26th, 2021 11:15

L. B. Mek said:

\'but, by silent speaking
a transfer
of twin-flamed feelings\'..
just a beautiful wording
of one of Nature\'s
most intimate, wonder\'s..
thank you! dear Fay
for another lovely read

November 26th, 2021 06:39

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
Oh lol, two \'Like\' buttons have appeared on your poem.
That would give me a chance to \'Like\' my own poems twice, on my ego trip! heehee.

November 26th, 2021 04:46

Doggerel Dave said:

Love as an undefinable feeling? Yes, Fay - I\'d pay that one.
For me, and most likely just me, yours is possibly the only acceptable poetical representation of \"Love\".

November 26th, 2021 04:29

Neville said:

this is so seriously good Fay .. the previously unspoken, unrecorded yet unbelievably well written (if indeed tweaked) there is a familiarity here in the top left hand corner of my mind marked MSFSK for memories stored for safe keeping ................ priceless ma\'am x

November 26th, 2021 04:02

Garth Rakumakoe said:

I think you moved the earth\'s crust with this one here Fay. It is very deep, and very moving. The kind of silence that says everything. Definitely a favorite for me. Thank you so much.

November 26th, 2021 03:54

Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Very lovely poem ๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŒธ

November 26th, 2021 03:51

Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

I understand twin flames โ€ฆ. And theirs so much energy exchange between them .

A nice writing , Fay ๐Ÿ™‚ sometimes connections between people are so strong

November 26th, 2021 03:42

spilleronsheet said:

So beautiful dear Fay
Silence does speak
At first there were no words
But only gazes around
Those eyes spoke as they opened the windows of my soul
At times silence is louder than the speech to scold
So are the words mightier than swords we hold
Well penned dear Fay

November 26th, 2021 03:41

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words Fay, I hope that better shore will be there for all of us.


November 26th, 2021 01:41

spilleronsheet said:

Itโ€™s an epic dear Fay
Such fine words and what an advice they gave
Well said dear poet
Enamoured by the shop of time
Wonder one can reach a better shore on time

November 25th, 2021 15:19

Neville said:

I first read this as I walked along the coast road .. tell a lie, I was sitting on a bench dedicated to an old & previous Harbour Master .. and although I was unable to respond at the time .. those initial feelings of something awesome stayed with me for quite some time after I headed back home .. and then when I visited again, I realised that these words have a timeless quality to them ... N .. x

November 25th, 2021 11:17

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

November 25th, 2021 09:23

L. B. Mek said:

how evergreen-majestic
the sublime Poetry, you pen
dear Fay..
that first stanza, is just
breathtakingly exquisite!
what a privilege, to be treated to your poetic genius, so regularly..
thank you!
\'Because, each
seagull-pecked minute, strangles
an anchored soul
shall, the sands
of desire: close
every harbour and love
sail no more?\'

November 25th, 2021 06:48

Fay Slimm. said:

oh dear - apologies my friend - though pleased to know my poetry stirs you am cofessing to haste when posting today - hence the typo - ha - should have been \" seagull-pecked minutes \" so will quickly edit....... thank you sincerely for your welcome comment.

November 25th, 2021 06:03

dusk arising said:

Hmmm... led to some deep thinking.

Like an old ship of many adventures now preserved in a dry dock, to sail no more upon the sensual waves of adventure has become my outlook. Prserved by self, unfit for any more running aground or poor navigation into murky soundings.

I like it when your poetry digs me in the ribs and spills a confession.... but what on earth are seagul-necked minutes....?

November 25th, 2021 05:18

Neville said:

if this is what you call playing with words, then I would dearly love to see an example of something when you have really gone to town on it ... the word superb is apt but something of an understatement .... x

November 24th, 2021 08:49

dusk arising said:

Admire... I\'m in awe at the dawn\'s unique beauty each day (when I get to see it) and you are right to embroider the event with subtle colourful descriptors for the sun invades and swipes away the dark with a steadfast all powerful wave of warm energy coming to our eyes through whatever the night\'s climate has left us.

Cool calculated drama rides your words today.

November 24th, 2021 08:18

Be To Me
Garth Rakumakoe said:

A timeless write this, dear Fay. Timeless!

November 24th, 2021 05:41

Be To Me
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful positive words Fay.


November 24th, 2021 02:07

Be To Me
Doggerel Dave said:

Fay, I really was pleased to read that you were motivated by the graphic, because yesterday I tried (and failed) to explain how โ€˜Loveโ€™ for me is not something which can be attractively rapped up and presented as a fait accompli in flowery verse, but is dynamic ever changing never final or static. The graphic expresses this โ€“ the pieces have a way to go, perfection is still ahead. Your poem captures that: it is so much more than โ€˜just in first blush of youth.โ€™

November 23rd, 2021 19:33

Be To Me
spilleronsheet said:

Wonderful Dear Fay
For an old schooler like me
Be there as a poetry
Not as a passing moment
Be there for eternity
Not a sudden visit
Loved your words dear Fay

November 23rd, 2021 14:45

Be To Me
Nicholas Browning said:

Lust is quite transient, I agree with that. A subtle yearning for a genuine connection. Lovely :D

November 23rd, 2021 11:57

Be To Me
dusk arising said:

Unsure here whether this is directed to a partner or to the joy of the glory of creation and one\'s faith in such.

For me it was easier to interpret this piece as the latter. For my faith in my beliefs is strong and committed. Each day I find some things to marvel over.

November 23rd, 2021 06:07

Be To Me
L. B. Mek said:


November 23rd, 2021 05:31

Be To Me
Neville said:

this is yet another fine example of why I first fell in love with poetry .. x

November 23rd, 2021 04:32

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