Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Goldfinch60 said:

True love is never ever quenched, it just gets stronger.


October 30th, 2021 03:02

Goldfinch60 said:

The power of Nature is there and it can be dangerous but equally it can be wonderful to see.


October 30th, 2021 00:24

Paul Bell said:

Do you notice when it rains, gets a bit cold, car drivers crash all over the place. It\'s real survival out there. Need to mug a sheep now for a jumper.

October 29th, 2021 12:49

Neville said:

this should carry a warning that clearly states
Best read whilst seated at home in front of a blazing log fire, a warm radiator or the whole family sitting around warming their hands against an extra strong mint .. mug of cocoa handy, maybe a scotch and bowl of home made stew ...

made me shiver so ya did our Fay .. and it looks like tonight may bring further gales .. maybe even worse than them we had last nocte ............ N x

October 29th, 2021 11:07

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
A friend with family moved to Falmouth - oohh, nearer you?!

October 29th, 2021 10:50

L. B. Mek said:

I\'m still a fan of this picture, dear Fay
so menacing, so Nature: so alive!
a good read, thanks for sharing

October 29th, 2021 06:03

dusk arising said:

Oh I\'m so with you onsnug warm at home on blustery c c cc cold days nowadays. Straddling the freezing winds was a thing of my young man days when foolishness was easy and fun. Gimmie a cosy survival any day now....

Brrrr you brought home the chill in your words today Fay, great pic too.

October 29th, 2021 04:07

Making Plain
LaurašŸŒ» said:

My Dear Fay,

I love your poem in its entirety. I especially likeā€¦
ā€˜At last lucid clarity appears and moving above
clouds of doubt release happensā€™


October 28th, 2021 23:43

Making Plain
SureshG said:

Logic, step sibling of emotions, falters and succumbs in the presence of love, as so portrayed by these poetic words.

October 28th, 2021 20:33

Making Plain
Neville said:

By jove, I do think she\'s got it .. How bloomin splendid our Fay .. this is one I dont recall .. absolutely delightful .. x

October 28th, 2021 12:29

Making Plain
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

October 28th, 2021 07:32

Making Plain
dusk arising said:

Cor blimey, so that\'s how the female brain fathoms out love or not is it? I get on better with animals, now i see why.

I am a typical male and...... remain confused.

October 28th, 2021 07:03

Making Plain
Paul Bell said:

The endorphins are going ten to the dozen. I would say you\'re in love.

October 28th, 2021 07:02

Making Plain
L. B. Mek said:

what a captivating first line
as our enticing introduction,
to a wonderful poem, dear Fay

October 28th, 2021 04:12

Making Plain
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

ā€¦ interesting way with words . I like it šŸ™‚

October 28th, 2021 02:49

Making Plain
Goldfinch60 said:

So true Fay.


October 28th, 2021 02:38

Goldfinch60 said:

Very good words Fay, I wonder what memories that garden would have.


October 28th, 2021 00:34

SureshG said:

Reading your poem and your comment immediately reminded me of the book and movie ā€œThe Secret Gardenā€, which I never get tired to viewing. I am awed by deserted places and imagine the beauty they once held, that poets, such as yourself, ignite

October 27th, 2021 13:40

Neville said:

How utterly amazing .. I thought your image resembled that of a well .. although looking at the scale, it would have been one helluva big well ...

You paint a fine picture of what remains of someone\'s previous dedication, love and hard graft ... Nature doesn\'t hang about when it wants to reclaim something neglected does it .. and I imagine in Kernow the pace is somewhat speeded up ................ Neville x

October 27th, 2021 13:26

Jerry Reynolds said:

A fine write, Fay.

October 27th, 2021 09:44

Paul Bell said:

I suppose once upon a time the sea was in the distance, but as we see all around Britain, she\'s reclaiming the land.

October 27th, 2021 04:51

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

October 27th, 2021 04:45

dusk arising said:

Cornwall has so many relics of past activities. Plenty for the poetic mind to dream upon and play with whilst others ride the surf.

Ghosts of yesterdays stir the poets soul.

October 27th, 2021 04:28

Michael Edwards said:

Really love this - into my vaves.

October 27th, 2021 04:20

Goldfinch60 said:

That innocence and glory of childhood is so wonderful Fay, it is a shame we have to grow up.


October 27th, 2021 01:33

dusk arising said:

Oh for those sunshine days of childhood lost.... a longing refreshed in your wonderfully crafted joyride poetry today..... where did the zest and energy go, the excitement of being entertained by fresh adventures each new day.

Thoroughly enjoyed this and want to read many times again, so into my fav\'s it goes... thank you Fay.

October 26th, 2021 13:32

Neville said:

deliriously delightful our Fay .. took me back yonks so ya did .. and all in characteristic Slimm style ... x

October 26th, 2021 10:30

LaurašŸŒ» said:

My Dear Fay,

This gem of a poem reminded me of my beautiful childhood in Italyā€¦especially the years I lived with my nonna(grandmother).
Love the last two linesā€¦they ā€˜speakā€™ the truth.
Thank you for sharing.


October 26th, 2021 10:25

No Regret
Michael Edwards said:

A read much enjoyed dear Fay.

October 25th, 2021 16:08

No Regret
Neville said:

\"A lust full of Karma passed and eagerness lessened\"

Now that, is write up my street dear friend & poet .. as of course is the remainder of what is more than just poetry but a lesson on how to carry oneself throughout the days made available to us ................ x

October 25th, 2021 03:57

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