Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Drowsy Treasure
Andrew Charles Forrest said:

Love this Fay

Love the thought of reality \"hooking\" itself to a dreamstate as it ticks every second round my alarm clock

Thank you Great work today

February 9th, 2021 04:24

Drowsy Treasure
Goldfinch60 said:

Such wonderful words once more Fay, thank you for bring such treasure to me.


February 9th, 2021 01:13

Drowsy Treasure
FredPeyer said:

Fay, if I had to choose between dawn and sunset, I would choose dawn, especially after reading your wonderful poem.

February 8th, 2021 16:02

Drowsy Treasure
Jerry Reynolds said:

Fay I will be thinking about this all day.

February 8th, 2021 09:55

Drowsy Treasure
dusk arising said:

Let the essence and emotion of your words awaken me each morn...... rather that that bloody alarm clock!

To be honest i rarely catch the dawn. Lockdown has broken the hair spring of my body clock and sleep falls to me these days when so ever it feels the need but.....
.... oh to waken to such poetry as you ascribe today..... it seems a dream away...... perhaps upon my next waking..... maybe

February 8th, 2021 07:54

Drowsy Treasure
L. B. Mek said:

\'Dawn hangs
on the trees, light slivers
floorward, slips
into sleep\'s acres, turns shade
to tailgates of force
over which rays, snipe
at quiescence
before sunrise, leaps in
to move bleary dreamers\'...
that first stanza is one of the best I have ever read - anywhere!
what a gift you choose to share dear Fay, thank you!
your choice to use \'quiescence\' is my interpretation of poetic genius!

February 8th, 2021 06:45

Drowsy Treasure
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
We know some adverts are naff though. They wake to mornings that are always sunny; it never rains; it\'s never dark mornings; they go off smiling to work with no coat on, as they have had a good night\'s sleep in a luxury bed.
The ads must have been made in Summer! Doh!

February 8th, 2021 03:00

Flimsy Stunners
Goldfinch60 said:

Wen a white feather appears you know that an angel is there for you.


February 6th, 2021 01:34

Flimsy Stunners
dusk arising said:

A feather. A singular thing of beauty no human hand could construct.

You refresh this cast off feather of creation with the beauty of your insightful verse. Once again you reintroduce us to the fine construct of purpose all around us. A feather once twirled in our childish hand, long forgotten, gains majesty.

The wonders of creation.

February 5th, 2021 10:24

Flimsy Stunners
Jerry Reynolds said:

Beautiful Fay. Cant stop reading it.

February 5th, 2021 09:26

Flimsy Stunners
Doggerel Dave said:

You have just reminded me of the wonder I felt when examining the first feather I ever came across as a kid, Fay. Comprehensive and fine. I note your marvel at raptors is still strong.

February 5th, 2021 06:43

Flimsy Stunners
L. B. Mek said:

\'Extra-smooth tuftedness surrounding dense matter
gives thistledown lightness
of hooked strength to feathermass\'
beautifully worded, one can\'t help but drift between your lines and get a semblance of that feeling you are so eloquently depicting,
a great read dear Fay

February 5th, 2021 06:06

Flimsy Stunners
orchidee said:

A fine feathery write Fay. I\'ve run out of \'F\'s now!

February 5th, 2021 04:51

PrEm Ji said:

Joy is created a birthright so let
out hurts if happiness starts fading inside.... Mahabharata says - Joy is the result of good conduct... Buddha says, without tolerance, its impossible to achieve peace...

February 5th, 2021 01:49

SureshG said:

I can feel the ink from your pen, bringing to life the image.

February 3rd, 2021 13:08

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful Fay, such wonderful words.


February 3rd, 2021 01:11

FredPeyer said:

And I was enraptured by your poem, dear Fay!

February 2nd, 2021 13:05

Jerry Reynolds said:

I agree with the Muse it\'s a fine image to accompany a beautiful poem.

February 2nd, 2021 09:32

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay.
Yep, \'tis what happens when they meet me. I have that effect on people! heehee.

February 2nd, 2021 06:09

L. B. Mek said:

that transcendent element of love, much more than touch of skin, overcoming distance - beyond, even a graveyard\'s barriers,
yet still, that memory infused with a moments majesty, can evoke - years later, time-n-again: that same everlasting experience of wonderous connection, between one human and their chosen partner,
a wonderful depiction you\'ve chosen to share dear Fay, beautifully worded, as ever

February 2nd, 2021 06:04

Michael Edwards said:

A big aaaah - love it Fay.

February 2nd, 2021 04:46

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words as ever Fay, I have some of those \'yellow trumpets\' in my garden already.


February 2nd, 2021 01:39

Jerry Reynolds said:

Beautiful Fay.

February 1st, 2021 17:10

heatherbee said:

Great words taking us into spring.

February 1st, 2021 08:44

L. B. Mek said:

\'Sodden ground tires of trying
to create new movement
while soil ferments in mud pools
and underness struggles to dry\'...
we must strive to remember
that, what we today selfishly/lazily depict as dotage, were part
of a generationally \'vibrant\' ray of hope
titled: \'swinging sixties\',
and as the \'sodden ground tires\'
so have \'some\' of them, maybe a window to understanding the bitterness
that twists \'Some\' of their blinkered actions
and a nod to ourselves
of the future that awaits,
if we don\'t learn
to stop investing so much
of ourselves in those hopeful
\'Spring\'s\' our futures \'must\' yield,
sometimes we just have to endure
our long Winter\'s
and find strength - enough
to still remain grateful
for each sipped breath
of our ephemeral lives...
a wonderful depiction of the gritty practicalities with our cyclical patterns of life dear Fay, forgive my lengthy scribbled reply

February 1st, 2021 07:31

Neville said:

what wonderful words you have left so strategically here .. to pave the way for my favourite season ... that of Spring .. or Prolet as they say in Bulgaria ....

February 1st, 2021 05:59

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

February 1st, 2021 05:16

dusk arising said:

Oooooh Fay, I wondered where you were taking us when 2nd stanza got down and dirty.
Your poetic crocus of delight in harshness of winter encourages a look beyond in anticipation of the realisation of your final line here.

February 1st, 2021 03:46

Suresh said:

As my words could in any way excel those of D.A., I humbly defer to his in appreciation of your post.

January 31st, 2021 09:44

PrEm Ji said:

Dear Fay, a big thanks for inviting me to my poetic side... an the same information is passed on to many poets... Let the right attitude bring harmony across the world...

January 31st, 2021 05:14

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