Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Goldfinch60 said:

I am sure that your words in 2021 will be even more compelling to read as they have this year.


December 31st, 2020 02:35

Goldfinch60 said:

Nature\'s winds can bring all things to us in so many ways.

It\'s a pity homo sapiens seems to want to destroy the natural world.


December 31st, 2020 01:18

Jerry Reynolds said:

Love the poem Fay. Wind is a fovorite theme for me.

December 30th, 2020 17:05

FredPeyer said:

So well written, Fay! As the brothers Grimm said a long time ago: Der Wind, der Wind, das himmlische Kind!\"

December 30th, 2020 16:56

Neville said:

there is no stopping em ... a law unto nature ... yet so magnificently captured here ...................

December 30th, 2020 11:13

dusk arising said:

Plenty of winds in Cornwall aren\'t there. I\'ve seen the bent trees which suffer those winds.
Autumn winds amuse me when they redistribute golden leaves despite human efforts to \'tidy up\'.

Whilst reading, a shudder of imagined wind-chill reminded me not to step out in a hurry.

Enforcement indeed.

December 30th, 2020 08:35

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

December 30th, 2020 07:13

Goldfinch60 said:

So true Fay, Love is.


December 30th, 2020 01:17

Jerry Reynolds said:

Really nice Fay.

December 29th, 2020 15:02

Neville said:

well, well, well
well conceived, well crafted and very well executed .. well done our Fay.. x

December 29th, 2020 12:07

dusk arising said:

Such true learned words from our favourite poet who radiates the truth she writes today.

The excellence of this piece .... well it\'s outstanding.... and you even made it into a symetrical shape on the screen/page.

A must for my favourites and i must add that, were i to bind my favourites into a book, then this would be the frontispiece.

December 29th, 2020 09:14

orchidee said:

A fine write Fay

December 29th, 2020 08:35

L. B. Mek said:

\'so sings Youth with resentful air
while Age looks on with experienced care\'
words as bitterly soothing as that first sip of Captain Morgan on a lonely Winter\'s night - aside all the heat a household has to yield,
and yet: remaining a statuesque figurine of Arctic skin - to the touch,
wrapped in all the remnants of a life\'s could-(a), would-(a) and most certainly should-(a),
with only that furnace of love\'s memory\'s to fuel, those pulsed anchors to what good life has left offer...
simply beautiful dear Fay, thank you for inspiring my little scribble reply

December 29th, 2020 07:06

Suresh said:


December 29th, 2020 06:33

L. B. Mek said:

once more you\'ve transported me to that shoreline you\'re looking out from, somehow I can imagine the tangible power of nature as it collides between weather and consequence: to be witnessed and distilled by such poetic eyes...
another beautiful write dear Fay,
thank you for sharing! so glad you\'re feeling better

December 29th, 2020 05:39

Old Into New
L. B. Mek said:

you, too dear Fay!
must be one of the most nature-centric New Year\'s wishes ever penned, lol 🥂

December 29th, 2020 04:19

Jerry Reynolds said:

Good write Fay. I have watched the gulls play with the wind. They really know what they are doing.

December 28th, 2020 18:15

dusk arising said:

Well i cant imagine where the albatross goes in a storm but im guessing lesser birds are huddled safely in a nest of sorts someplace rather than try to be airbourne or diving in a force ten.

I certainly was dragged into a maelstrom reading your words today though on re-reading i think i was picturing a larger storm. But it got me thinking.

December 28th, 2020 08:48

Goldfinch60 said:

I was there within your words Fay.


December 28th, 2020 05:48

orchidee said:

Good write Fay.

December 28th, 2020 05:19

Old Into New
Goldfinch60 said:

New life will be with us soon Fay.

May you have a wonderful New Year filled with your wonderful words.


December 28th, 2020 01:29

Old Into New
Michael Edwards said:

And it\'s a happy new year from me too.

December 27th, 2020 16:32

Old Into New
Neville said:

............ And a bloomin Happy New Year to YOU n Yours dear Fay ........

December 27th, 2020 11:26

Old Into New
dusk arising said:

Super words reminding us all that after these dark times will come regeneration as it always does.... (so there\'s hope for life after death after all).

I\'m certainly looking forward to using 2020 as a springboard into a great 2021 and hope many join me in this.

Happy and healthy new year to you too.

December 27th, 2020 11:10

Old Into New
Jerry Reynolds said:

Thanks, Fay same to you.

December 27th, 2020 09:45

Old Into New
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
This makes me think of the Bible stories, not to patch up the old with new - piece of cloth, and wineskins. You got any wineskins there?!

December 27th, 2020 08:52

December Sky
Goldfinch60 said:

May that light be always with you Fay.


December 26th, 2020 01:11

December Sky
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good Fay. Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2020 08:59

December Sky
orchidee said:

Good write Fay.
We\'ll be spending those minutes of light again now - one or two minutes more each day now. It\'ll soon stay light until gone 9pm - in about 5 months time lol.

December 25th, 2020 05:40

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words Fay, may we continue to gasp at the beauty that is around us.

I hope you get better soon and be able to write more of your beautiful words.


December 25th, 2020 01:43

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