Comments received on poems by Classicmister
A Twenty-Four London Bus!
Poetic Licence said:
A clever observation piece, in one small space you can have such a selection of different people all with their own story`s, that you will never know, enjoyed the read.
January 12th, 2025 12:07
Poetic Licence said:
A clever observation piece, in one small space you can have such a selection of different people all with their own story`s, that you will never know, enjoyed the read.
January 12th, 2025 12:07
A Girl\'s Private School
Dunmoaning said:
Interesting thoughts, but perhaps lacking the insight that personal experience would give. I would like to make it scan better but confess that while I feel as if by doing that, I could improve it, I do not feel I am able to create the original.
April 1st, 2023 02:44
Dunmoaning said:
Interesting thoughts, but perhaps lacking the insight that personal experience would give. I would like to make it scan better but confess that while I feel as if by doing that, I could improve it, I do not feel I am able to create the original.
April 1st, 2023 02:44
Boarding School
Dunmoaning said:
Quite touching to one like me who never experienced boarding school but feared i would not enjoy it. I had one experience of being sent off to Scout Camp at age 11 and at first, experiencing being bullied by a guy about a year older than me, was thoroughly miserable. After a couple of days and the offer that I could be sent home by train, from the kindly and sensitive Scoutmaster, I was moved to another tent and, in a more friendly environment, survived the week. If poetry is supposed to generate an emotional response in the reader then this poem is certainly a success with me.
April 1st, 2023 02:33
Dunmoaning said:
Quite touching to one like me who never experienced boarding school but feared i would not enjoy it. I had one experience of being sent off to Scout Camp at age 11 and at first, experiencing being bullied by a guy about a year older than me, was thoroughly miserable. After a couple of days and the offer that I could be sent home by train, from the kindly and sensitive Scoutmaster, I was moved to another tent and, in a more friendly environment, survived the week. If poetry is supposed to generate an emotional response in the reader then this poem is certainly a success with me.
April 1st, 2023 02:33
Boarding School
Doggerel Dave said:
Bought back vivid memories - of the literature available to me as a boy (just before war stories became the go).
The closest I ever got to one and I have no idea how I would have fared (possibly in retrospect, not well).
March 11th, 2023 18:39
Doggerel Dave said:
Bought back vivid memories - of the literature available to me as a boy (just before war stories became the go).
The closest I ever got to one and I have no idea how I would have fared (possibly in retrospect, not well).
March 11th, 2023 18:39
Going Back
Dunmoaning said:
I enjoyed the description and sense of nostalgia but have personal reservations about blank verse- poetry without rhyming or scanning. Burns never wrote it that way!
February 26th, 2023 13:46
Dunmoaning said:
I enjoyed the description and sense of nostalgia but have personal reservations about blank verse- poetry without rhyming or scanning. Burns never wrote it that way!
February 26th, 2023 13:46
Dunmoaning said:
A generous and thoughtful take on the frailties of womankind, from a man of experience!
February 26th, 2023 13:41
Dunmoaning said:
A generous and thoughtful take on the frailties of womankind, from a man of experience!
February 26th, 2023 13:41
I Wish I were a Fish!
Jane Frye said:
Might not be all that great to be a fish,
You could end up on someone\'s dish!
What a fun and clever poem you wrote.
February 21st, 2023 00:25
Jane Frye said:
Might not be all that great to be a fish,
You could end up on someone\'s dish!
What a fun and clever poem you wrote.
February 21st, 2023 00:25
Three Limericks
Doggerel Dave said:
You don\'t know nuttin \'bout spiders in the UK.... 🙂
Serves you right for not being a veggie. 🙂
The whole edifice must be falling apart after \'Spare\'.🙂
January 17th, 2023 06:13
Doggerel Dave said:
You don\'t know nuttin \'bout spiders in the UK.... 🙂
Serves you right for not being a veggie. 🙂
The whole edifice must be falling apart after \'Spare\'.🙂
January 17th, 2023 06:13
Laura - A Limerick
L. B. Mek said:
a fun read, thanks for sharing
\'honeymoon\'s come in all shapes
and decibels...\'
December 5th, 2022 04:26
L. B. Mek said:
a fun read, thanks for sharing
\'honeymoon\'s come in all shapes
and decibels...\'
December 5th, 2022 04:26
Laura - A Limerick
Doggerel Dave said:
Was an excuse this old fellow called Ted
Made for a decision to leave their bed:
The demands she made of him
Felt like a trip to the gym -
No time for sleep he crawled out and fled…
December 4th, 2022 19:36
Doggerel Dave said:
Was an excuse this old fellow called Ted
Made for a decision to leave their bed:
The demands she made of him
Felt like a trip to the gym -
No time for sleep he crawled out and fled…
December 4th, 2022 19:36
Counting Sheep
orchidee said:
Good write C.
I tried counting sheep to get to sleep, then a goat came along and woke me up. Wassat? (what\'s that) I said, and it startled me to awake! lol.
Please excuse me talking rubbish sometimes!
November 13th, 2022 03:08
orchidee said:
Good write C.
I tried counting sheep to get to sleep, then a goat came along and woke me up. Wassat? (what\'s that) I said, and it startled me to awake! lol.
Please excuse me talking rubbish sometimes!
November 13th, 2022 03:08
Classicmister said:
Diana - Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated.
September 16th, 2022 10:06
Classicmister said:
Diana - Thanks for your comment. Much appreciated.
September 16th, 2022 10:06
The Sun
arqios said:
It would take 8 minutes at least for us to notice anything that could be happening to the sun. The implications of this lag is enormous. Thanks for sharing. /Rik.
May 15th, 2022 07:35
arqios said:
It would take 8 minutes at least for us to notice anything that could be happening to the sun. The implications of this lag is enormous. Thanks for sharing. /Rik.
May 15th, 2022 07:35
arqios said:
In days of yore there were pen friends or penpals they were termed. Some of whom became cyberfriends as technologies became commonplace. Makes one wonder when holographic and cyborg-proxying shall begin as a normal day to day thing. In it all, the sharing and the caring are staple exchanges that have been so through out the ages. Thanks for having shared (back in 2017). /Rik.
May 11th, 2022 04:06
arqios said:
In days of yore there were pen friends or penpals they were termed. Some of whom became cyberfriends as technologies became commonplace. Makes one wonder when holographic and cyborg-proxying shall begin as a normal day to day thing. In it all, the sharing and the caring are staple exchanges that have been so through out the ages. Thanks for having shared (back in 2017). /Rik.
May 11th, 2022 04:06
Seven Limericks
Rozina said:
Keep them going, they\'re fun. Here\'s one for you:
His name is one long Classicmister
Whose hand grew a very big blister
He squeezed it so tight
It popped with a MIGHT
Starting a tornado and twister!
The End.
May 11th, 2022 01:32
Rozina said:
Keep them going, they\'re fun. Here\'s one for you:
His name is one long Classicmister
Whose hand grew a very big blister
He squeezed it so tight
It popped with a MIGHT
Starting a tornado and twister!
The End.
May 11th, 2022 01:32
Seven Limericks
dusk arising said:
Theres no point it letting it linger
when a limerick wants to slip from your fingers
even if its not good
just post it, you should
for tomorrow you could write a real stinger
May 10th, 2022 05:35
dusk arising said:
Theres no point it letting it linger
when a limerick wants to slip from your fingers
even if its not good
just post it, you should
for tomorrow you could write a real stinger
May 10th, 2022 05:35
Seven Limericks
Paul Bell said:
There once was a guy called, Paul.
Who read your limericks and all.
He fell of his chair.
Laughing on air.
Now he\'s in traction in care.
May 10th, 2022 04:52
Paul Bell said:
There once was a guy called, Paul.
Who read your limericks and all.
He fell of his chair.
Laughing on air.
Now he\'s in traction in care.
May 10th, 2022 04:52
Sand Castles
arqios said:
Here, here! What a powerful and moving analogy, specially to those of us who are lovers of life and are likewise sandcastle building aficionados! Thanks for sharing. /Rik.
May 10th, 2022 04:33
arqios said:
Here, here! What a powerful and moving analogy, specially to those of us who are lovers of life and are likewise sandcastle building aficionados! Thanks for sharing. /Rik.
May 10th, 2022 04:33
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