Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

Good Lives For Each Of Us.
L. B. Mek said:

you know what Andy
I learnt a similar lesson the other day
but I heard it from a Welsh: Athro
who I just happened to share a pint with
at some random pub, while toasting
our clear sky\'s of whimsical Spring..
such a light touch you have with your words of warmth, my friend

April 22nd, 2021 02:55

In My Dreams.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

April 22nd, 2021 01:30

Good Lives For Each Of Us.
Fay Slimm. said:

Appreciating life makes all the difference to health my friend - I love the first line and how you introduced a threesome who valued life despite all its challenges.

April 21st, 2021 15:30

Good Lives For Each Of Us.
Jerry Reynolds said:

Good morning read Gold. Sun just popped out street still wet, your poem in mind \"There lives weren\'t so bad.\"

April 21st, 2021 09:31

Good Lives For Each Of Us.
dusk arising said:

Nice words, we are indeed lucky to be middle class white retirees.

April 21st, 2021 08:56

Good Lives For Each Of Us.
John Prophet said:

Good hopeful message. Nice write as always. šŸ˜€

April 21st, 2021 07:12

Good Lives For Each Of Us.
Doggerel Dave said:

The kind of lockdown you have suffered over there must have taken a toll - but not so much that you have given up. The warmth and sociability shines through those stanzas, Andy.

April 21st, 2021 07:00

Good Lives For Each Of Us.
Neville said:

What a brilliant new take on an old classic .. and how very true for most of us ............. stay well mate ..

April 21st, 2021 02:50

Good Lives For Each Of Us.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

April 21st, 2021 01:57

New Light Ahead.
PrEm Ji said:

I find these lines beyond humour... the writer reminds : be optimistic...

April 20th, 2021 07:46

New Light Ahead.
L. B. Mek said:

lol, its the little things that make the big difference
a fun read, thanks Andy

April 20th, 2021 05:39

New Light Ahead.
dusk arising said:

Now for goodness sake get a shave!!!

I\'m lucky, got fed up with thinning hair on top and grey pushing the sides out - I shaved the lot off a few years back. Very cold in winter but i\'m all the more good looking for it (vanity rules).

April 20th, 2021 04:28

New Light Ahead.
Doggerel Dave said:

Wot - You still have hair???

April 20th, 2021 04:08

New Light Ahead.
orchidee said:

Good write Gold. lol.

April 20th, 2021 01:48

New Light Ahead.
Michael Edwards said:

Jeanne cut mine and made a fairly good job of it so don\'t need to go for a while yet. Nice one Andy.

April 20th, 2021 01:39

dusk arising said:

Blimey i remember my brother telling me that story when i was about 14. Thanks for retelling a good fun story here. It brought back a few memories of happier times with my now departed brother Rod.

Life is for the living.

Footnote. I recently bought a native american flute to mess about with. It\'s a very limited instrument and has a lovely haunting tone but only one octave. One day i shall organise my music room (too many other projects on the go at the moment - including being lazy) and make a recording or two to accompany my scribblings on MPS.

April 19th, 2021 06:00

L. B. Mek said:

sorry Andy - but I can\'t find this funny (nor sadly, can I simply scroll-past and ignore)..
general Custer was a war criminal
who butchered helpless woman and children
going - against
what were originally - inhumane orders
to act-out
his zealotry of blinkered cruelty!

April 19th, 2021 05:38

Doggerel Dave said:

Gold star comedy...... shaggy (yes?) dog story,....rhyme. What more could one (or two, or more) ask for?

April 19th, 2021 05:26

Dancing In Her Arms.
L. B. Mek said:

\'The slow beat of the song
Makes me want to dance,
Remembering the dancing
With my lover in my arms
As we sway together\'..
as we sway, you say - in the now of remembered serenity
and may it always, always remain this way
for you and your beloved: too..
wonderful use of repetition Andy

April 19th, 2021 04:18

orchidee said:

Oh lol, good write Gold. Were we there too, us two?!

April 19th, 2021 01:50

Dancing In Her Arms.
Accidental Poet said:

May those memories never leave you Andy. I\'m sure Joyce is smiling with happy tears that you wrote this in memory of her.

April 18th, 2021 09:38

Dancing In Her Arms.
dusk arising said:

To see truly good young singing talent on TV has a similar effect on me Andy. Dunno why, it cuts to memories of my young singing days and total lack of self confidence even though i was fronting a band. I guess theres something just cuts through the bullshit of everyday and connects with an inner longing.

April 18th, 2021 08:39

Dancing In Her Arms.
Caring dove said:

Iā€™m glad you have nice memories šŸ™‚ everyone needs them . Difficult to miss someone you loved . A nice writing tho )

April 18th, 2021 03:01

Dancing In Her Arms.
orchidee said:

A poignant write Gold.
Music pulling at the heart-strings, recalling happy memories.
Happy, except if I sing along to the music. heehee. Hope I don\'t turn up to sing!

April 18th, 2021 01:38

John Prophet said:

Yup, words are a powerful tool. Nice work Andy.

April 17th, 2021 07:56

Accidental Poet said:

Wonderful Andy. Some authors have that ability to hold you hostage within their pages and only release you when they\'re ready to. For me that author is the late Clive Cussler. Read on my friend.

April 17th, 2021 07:43

dusk arising said:

One of my pleasure is to lose myself in a book in surroundings strange to me such as on holiday sat in the sun or shade if very hot. So relaxing, the complete removal of reality and venturing into a mind created environment.... escapism.

April 17th, 2021 04:25

orchidee said:

Good write Gold.
I\'m not a fast reader, but we can fairly soon read a 300 page book. We may think it will take ages. Depends on the size of the pages and word spacing too!
You read that Domesday Book? You found the entries for you and I in it? Is my unfortunate even with Harold in it?!

April 17th, 2021 02:09

Talking With My Brother.
dusk arising said:

Cor! if only the rules of rugby were so similar. Lovely game but i haven\'t a clue whats going on half the time.

Great poem including in a conversation with your brother. You definitely have the art of being able to write about anything.

April 16th, 2021 12:34

Talking With My Brother.
L. B. Mek said:

a write of inked warmth (in my humble opinion)
whenever I imagine what it would be like to have a brother, its always something like this..
thanks Andy

April 16th, 2021 04:53

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