Comments received on poems by Goldfinch60

The Old Man by the River.
Gary Edward Geraci said:

Your poem conjures up the meaning of our existence: we were created for Love. In the Christian tradition this is most eminently shared through the “flowing waters” of the Holy Spirit, born of the Father, through Christ our Lord. Great piece - I appreciate the reflection your poem invited me to...

May 6th, 2018 21:37

The Old Man by the River.
Laura🌻 said:

A super write! As I was reading your poem, I could sense that it was about you...the ending confirmed it! I enjoyed the video. She has a terrific voice!

I researched her and listened to the video of her performance on the day her husband died where she announced his passing to the audience after she had finished performing!


May 6th, 2018 19:39

The Old Man by the River.
dusk arising said:

Your river, my river, all rivers. Rivers of souls perpetually inspiring, flowing timelessly but soaking up our time in this existence. Time of peace and reflection as can be read in your meaningful piece today. Why are we so drawn to bodies of water to contemplate our existence.

May 6th, 2018 10:46

The Old Man by the River.
Accidental Poet said:

The journey of life is full of smiles if one chooses so. Beautiful write Andy.

May 6th, 2018 09:44

The Old Man by the River.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. We have river named \'old River\' not too far from us. Children were enjoying playing in the Ford - closed to traffic as it\'s too large to cross.
How old are ya exactly then? Millions of years old, like me? Since 1066 anyway. heehee.

May 6th, 2018 07:46

The Old Man by the River.
Michael Edwards said:

Lovely touching piece and I too love Cleo.

May 6th, 2018 03:57

The Old Man by the River.
onepauly said:

you certainly know whats good in poetry.

May 6th, 2018 02:55

Impossible Tamed.
ron parrish aka wordman said:

great thoughts andy

May 5th, 2018 21:56

Impossible Tamed.
dusk arising said:

I can see you like playing with words as much as i do.
Strange how removing a gapbetween two words alters the meaning completely - for unless the gap after the third letter was removed - would you allow a loved one to enter a door with \'Therapist\' written on it?
Bit of an eyeopener.

May 5th, 2018 18:16

Impossible Tamed.

THANKS ANDY ~ I have learned over the last few years ~ that WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE ~ AMEN ~ BRIAN

May 5th, 2018 16:59

Impossible Tamed.
onepauly said:

it must be possible.
ha! ha!

May 5th, 2018 10:05

Impossible Tamed.
Accidental Poet said:

The only thing impossible is to limit the expansion of possibility. Chalk one up for you Andy. Great write.

May 5th, 2018 08:30

Impossible Tamed.
Lorna said:

A clever one Andy! I have often sat in the dark when a problem came up and said \"I can\'t do this, I can\'t do this, I can\'t do this\" and when the light came said \"I can do this\"......... not so impossible........

May 5th, 2018 07:27

Impossible Tamed.
Laura🌻 said:

A great play-on-words!
A fun read!


May 5th, 2018 02:17

Impossible Tamed.
Michael Edwards said:

Great fun write Andy. But don\'t let Orchi sing.

May 5th, 2018 02:13

Impossible Tamed.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold. in that case, I\'m possible to sing after all! heehee.

May 5th, 2018 01:42

Quartet for the End of Time.
dusk arising said:

amazing pieces, the first seems painful and gradually entrances with virtuoso playing, parhaps a mockery of the audience. the second short passage panders to the belligerence of nazi power and domination i feel. thirdy emerges a piece of beauty which i would love to hear produced with todays electronic marvelry.... then emerges a most moving piece which must bring the frailty of human existence and emotion to even the hardest of hearts encompassing love, sadness and joy in its virtuosity. writing as i listen, there is an amazing sombre section,did this reach nazi hearts one wonders?
This uncomfortable listening cannot have been composed to be passe and conveys much emotion which surely tells of an empathy between performer and their audience - strange to relate but i dont think this music could have existed without such a thing. gone are any thoughts of trivial musical entertainment here.
Now a chiming piano discordantly tells how times will change unharmoniously, i wonder at the message conveyed here and the sombre truth acknowledged by nazis. As you can see this music says much to me and not knowing how much longer it lasts i will stop writing here. Needless to say very moving and thought provoking. Amazing - thank you.

May 4th, 2018 19:57

Quartet for the End of Time.
Laura🌻 said:

This is one that my dad would’ve appreciated more than I ever could! Thank you for sharing this great write and video!


May 4th, 2018 11:05

Quartet for the End of Time.
onepauly said:

your soul lets it in.
listening with great interest.

May 4th, 2018 09:59

Quartet for the End of Time.
orchidee said:

A fine write Gold.

May 4th, 2018 09:50

Quartet for the End of Time.
Lorna said:

So interesting Andy..... I tried to like it.... but discordant notes don\'t do it for me..... however here they seem to fit the eerie scene of music in a concentration camp..... off times, off kilter visions of murderous guards softening up for music.....maybe he was trying to tell them something..........

May 4th, 2018 05:03

Quartet for the End of Time.
Michael Edwards said:

Super write about a piece which is new to me - about to sit here and listen to it.

May 4th, 2018 02:01

At One With Nature.
Laura🌻 said:

A beautiful write and musical piece! I just finished listening to it! I enjoyed it very much!
I totally agree with Brian...
“Nothing can ever take these memories from You and Your Lover...”


May 3rd, 2018 10:43

At One With Nature.
FineB said:

Thank you Goldfinch.

Nature and its beauty can be so intoxicating at times.

Yorkshire Dales - I have never been there.

I love the Lake District and the North East - Hadrian\'s Wall country!

Keep writing

May 3rd, 2018 10:08

At One With Nature.
orchidee said:

You walking with that nature? Did you \'get your coat\', and \'get out more\'?!

May 3rd, 2018 10:03

At One With Nature.

Thanks ANDY for a double blessing 47 minutes of JSB solo piano and an excellent Free Verse (27 lines !) Love Poem ~ A walk in the Dales ! I now prefer The Yorkshire & Derbyshire Dales to the Lakes & Snowdonia ~ especially when I am with ANGELA !
Loved the Poem ideal reading for a Sunny Thursday afternoon when all my teaching is done ~ it\'s 4pm here I love the ending ! As our Happiness abounded ~ about us ~ within us ~ We walked in Joy ~ Harmony ~ Love ~ AMEN

Nothing can ever take these memories from You and Your Lover and you will both carry them with you to Eternity ! Thanks for caring & sharing BRIAN

May 3rd, 2018 10:00

At One With Nature.
onepauly said:

you did it again!
a masterpiece!

May 3rd, 2018 07:12

At One With Nature.
Lorna said:

Love in the hills....... couldn\'t be better!

May 3rd, 2018 05:52

At One With Nature.
Michael Edwards said:

A beautiful write - the joy of love.

May 3rd, 2018 02:48

At One With Nature.
orchidee said:

A lovely write Gold. I can\'t say it was the same for me in Clacton! lol.

May 3rd, 2018 01:46

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